RTG 2994 Particle physics at colliders in the LHC precision era

Topical Workshop

Using gauge/gravity duality for Composite Higgs models

19.03.25 - Wednesday

 14:00 Prof. Werner Porod - Welcome

 14:05 Dr. Manuel Kunkel - Current collider constraints on composite Higgs models

 15:00 Prof. Giacomo Cacciapaglia - Charting gauge dualities for the Standard Model

 15:30 Discussions

 18:30 Workshop dinner

20.03.25 - Thursday

   10:00 Prof. Nick Evans - Holographic SCGT - Walking, Scale Separation and Composite Higgs

   11:00 Discussions

   12:30 lunch

   14:00 Prof. Francesco Sannino - Physics of the QCD Conformal Window

   15:00 Prof. Gabriele Ferretti - Composite ALPs in Composite Higgs Models

 21.03.25 - Friday

  10:00 Priv. Doz. Suchita Kulkarni - Hidden valleys in CMS muon endcap detector

  11:00 Discussions

  12:30 lunch