English Intern
  • Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik
Theoretische Physik II

frühere Semester

17.10. Prof. Dr.  Alexander Belyaev, University of Southampton
Probing CPT invariance with top quarks

24.10. MSc. Nina Elmer, Universität Heidelberg
The impact of likelihoods on SMEFT global analyses

31.10. Dr. Martin Vollmann, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Indirect detection of TeV-scale electroweakly interacting Dark Matter for particle theorists

07.11. Dr. Christian Tobias Preuss, Universität Wuppertal
A comprehensive overview of parton showers: recent developments in PYTHIA

14.11. Dr. Florian Goertz, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg
Flavour Hierarchies in Fundamental Partial Compositeness

21.11.  Dr. Malin Sjödahl, Lund University
Remodeling Feynman diagrams with chirality flow

28.11. Dr. Franziska Hagelstein, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Proton structure in and out of muonic hydrogen

05.12. Prof. Dr. Stefano Pozzorini, Universität Zürich
Towards the automation of Loop Tree Duality

12.12. Prof. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Higgs boson pair production in the Standard Model and in Effective Field Theories

19.12. Dr. Martin Hirsch, Universitat de València
Neutral triple gauge boson couplings, EFT and LHC

- - - 2025 - - -

09.01. Dr. Jan Heisig, RWTH Aachen
Dark Matter and Baryogenesis via Conversion-driven Freeze-out

16.01. Dr. Rhorry Gauld, Max-Planck-Institut München
Flavour Identification of Reconstructed Hadronic Jets

23.01. Dr. Pawel Caban, University of Lodz
Entanglement and Bell violation in H to ZZ decay with anomalous coupling

30.01. MSc. Yu Chen and MSc. Deepali Singh, JMU
Direct Detection of Boosted Light Dark Matter

06.02. MSc. Christoph Haitz, JMU
Precision predictions for polarised di-boson processes

18.04. Prof. Dr. Céline Degrande, Université catholique de Louvain
Suppressed interference in the SMEFT and related topics

25.04.  MSc. Rosy Caliri, JMU
Electroweak spin-1 resonances in composite Higgs models

02.05. Prof. Dr. Andrea Banfi, University of Sussex
Hadronisation corrections with the ARES method

16.05. Dr. Miguel Crispim Romão, IPPP at Durham University
Machine Learning and the Quest to Isolate Jets Quenched by the Quark Gluon Plasma

23.05. Dr. Ignacio Borsa, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Higher order corrections for jet observables in polarized DIS

06.06. MSc. Niklas Götz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Generative Models for High-Energy-Physics Phase Space Integrals

13.06. Dr. Simone Devoto, Ghent University
Precision QCD for associated top production

20.06. Dr. Christoph Borschensky, KIT
Precise Predictions for Higgs Parameters in the CP-Violating NMSSM

27.06. Dr. Andreas Redelbach, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
The PUNCH4NFDI project: Interdisciplinary developments for F.A.I.R. data

04.07. Prof. Dr. Paolo Torrielli, University of Turin
MC@NLO matching and reduction of negative weights

11.07. Prof. Dr. Anna Kulesza, Universität Münster
Top-quark production, soft emissions and photons at the LHC

18.07. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Suchita Kulkarni, University of Graz
Strongly interacting dark matter: theory, phenomenology and experimental serach aveues

19.10. Dr. Andreas Maier, DESY
Removing negative weights in Monte Carlo event samples

26.10.  MSc. Yang Liu, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Holographic flavor symmetry breaking: from QCD to composite Higgs

02.11. --- c a n c e l l e d --- Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Search for new physics with gravitational waves

09.11. Prof. Dr. Roman Zwicky, The University of Edinburgh
QCD, Dilaton and Infrared Fixed Points

16.11. --- p o s t p o n e d --- Dr. Alan Price, Universität Siegen
An old Resummation for a new Collider

23.11. --- p o s t p o n e d --- MSc.  Deepali Singh, University of Iceland

30.11. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
LHCb anomalies, inclusive penguin modes and refactorization

07.12. --- p o s t p o n e d --- Prof. Dr. Frank Siegert, TU Dresden
Intricacies of vector boson scattering processes in Monte Carlo event generators

14.12. Dr. Silvia Ferrario Ravasio, CERN
Formally accurate parton shower generators

21.12. MSc. Jonathan Karl, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
The AdS/CFT correspondence and holography in discrete spacetime

- - - 2024 - - -

11.01. --- p o s t p o n e d --- Prof. Dr. Céline Degrande, Université catholique de Louvain
Suppressed interference in the SMEFT and related topics

18.01. --- p o s t p o n e d --- Dr. Miguel Crispim Romão, IPPP at Durham University
Machine Learning and the Quest to Isolate Jets Quenched by the Quark Gluon Plasma

25.01. MSc. Aryan Borkar, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Probing strange particle production in ATLAS experiment

01.02. Associate Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Caola, University of Oxford
An infrared-safe definition of flavour for the precision era

08.02. --- p o s t p o n e d --- Dr. Simone Devoto, Ghent University
Precision QCD for associated top production

20.04. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. Géraldine  Servant, Universität Hamburg
Baryogenesis during the electroweak phase transition

27.04. Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger, TU Dresden
Gamma5 in dimensional regularization - progress on non-anticommuting gamma5 and gauge-invariance restoration

04.05. Juniorprof. Dr. Felix Kahlhöfer, KIT
Global fits of dark matter models with GAMBIT

11.05. Prof. Dr. Michael Klasen, Universität Münster
Dark photon constraints and discovery prospects at the LHC and FPF

25.05. Dr. Matthias König, TUM
Automated Functional One-Loop Matching with MATCHETE

01.06. Prof. Dr. Frank Deppisch, University College London
Majorana Neutrinos, Lepton Number Violation and Double Beta Decay

15.06. Dr. Claudius Krause, Universität Heidelberg
Improving HEP Simulation and Analyses with Invertible Neural Networks

22.06. Associate Prof. Dr. Marek Schönherr, Durham University
The role of colour-coherence in NLL accurate parton evolution

29.06. Dr. Alba Soto-Ontoso, CERN
Counting jets within jets at high-precision

06.07. Dr. Giovanni Pelliccioli, Max-Planck-Institut München
Unveiling the polarisation of weak bosons at the LHC: recent developments and future perspectives

13.07. MSc. Manuel Kunkel, JMU
Phenomenology of composite Higgs models 

20.07. Dr. Ricardo Cepedello, JMU
Mapping the SMEFT onto BSM models

20.10. Dr. Marco Bonetti, RWTH
NLO mixed QCD-Electroweak corrections for Higgs production at the LHC

27.10.  Dr. Avik Banerjee, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Exotic LHC signatures for partial compositeness

03.11. Dr. Hjalte Frellesvig, University of Copenhagen
Epsilon Factorized Differential Equations for Elliptic Feynman Integrals

10.11. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Simon Badger, University of Turin
Tackling amplitude complexity with finite fields and neural networks

17.11. Prof. Lorenzo Tancredi, TUM
New developments for loop calculations

24.11. MSc. Colomba Brancaccio, RWTH
ttH production at the LHC and the top-to-Higgs fragmentation function

01.12. MSc. Lukas Simon, RWTH
Higgs-Strahlung: A Gate to New Physics

08.12. MSc. Santiago Lopez Portillo Chavez, University of Tübingen
Hadronic production of ttZ in the POWHEG BOX framework

15.12. MSc. Jannis Lang, KIT
Effective field theory descriptions of Higgs boson pair production at NLO QCD

- - - 2023 - - -

12.01. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Stefano Frixione, CERN
Collinear factorisation for e+e- collisions

19.01. Dr. Rene Poncelet, University of Cambridge
Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

26.01. Dr. Simon Plätzer, University of Graz
Colour and electroweak evolution and a new paradigm for event generators

02.02. Dr. Alexander Mück, RWTH Aachen
Machine Learning for Discovering Unexpected New Physics

09.02. Prof. Guy D. Moore, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Sphaleron rate in hot QCD

28.04. Dr. Alexander Huss, CERN
Precision phenomenology at the LHC and the dawn of differential N3LO predictions

05.05. Dr. Matthias Kerner, KIT
Top-quark mass effects in Higgs production processes

12.05. Dr. Christopher Schwan, JMU
Fitting proton PDFs with EW corrections in NNPDF

19.05. Prof. Dr. Christoph Lehner, Universität Regensburg
The state of the muon g-2

02.06. Dr. William J. Torres Bobadilla, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft München
Causal representation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes within the loop-tree duality

09.06. MSc. Ryan Moodie, Durham University
Optimising hadron collider simulations using amplitude neural networks

23.06. Dr. Johann Usovitsch, CERN
The multiloop-techniques emerging through the quest to compute high precision physics

30.06. --- c a n c e l l e d --- Dr. Simon Plätzer, University of Graz
Colour and electroweak evolution and a new paradigm for event generators

07.07. --- o n l i n e --- Dr.  Djuna Croon, Durham University
Rethinking false vacuum decay

14.07. MSc. Marten Berger, Universität Hamburg
Constraining BSM models using high precision observables

21.07. Dr.  Brian Quinn Henning, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Nonperturbative scattering amplitudes from Hamiltonian truncation

28.07. Prof. Dr. Gavin Salam, University of Oxford
Cuts for two-body decays at colliders

21.10. Dr. Valentin Hirschi, CERN
Local Unitarity: let infrared divergences cancel by themselvesLocal Unitarity: let infrared divergences cancel by themselves

28.10. Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger, TU Dresden
Muon g-2: SM value and beyond-the-SM interpretations of the new Fermilab result

04.11. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. Andreas von Manteuffel, Michigan State University
Mixed EW-QCD two-loop amplitudes for Drell-Yan dilepton production

11.11. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Stefan Hoeche, Fermilab USA
Towards efficient event generators for the HL-LHC and future experiments

18.11. Dr. Chiara Signorile-Signorile, KIT Karlsruhe
Mixed QCDxEW corrections to Drell-Yan process

25.11. --- no seminar ---

02.12. MSc. Pia Mareen Bredt, DESY Hamburg
Automatizing NLO EW corrections in a Monte Carlo event generator

09.12. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Daniele Lombardi, Max Planck Institute Munich
NNLO QCD for dibosons matched to parton shower with MiNNLOPS

16.12. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Alessandro Gavardi, University of Milano-Bicocca
The GENEVA NNLO Monte Carlo event generator

- - - 2022 - - -

13.01. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert, University of Mainz
Resummation of Super-Leading Logarithms

20.01. MSc. Robert Franken, JMU Würzburg
NLO corrections to off-shell W+ W- scattering

27.01. MSc. Yang Liu, JMU Würzburg
Applying AdS/QCD methods to Composite Higgs Models

03.02. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Mathieu Pellen, University of Freiburg
New physics opportunities in W+j at the LHC

10.02. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Manuel Kunkel, JMU Würzburg
Phenomenology of unusual top partners in Composite Higgs models

25.03. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Christoph Haitz, ETH Zurich
Regularising divergences in higher order corretions to collider physics perdictions

15.04. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Garbrecht, TUM
Gradient effects on false vacuum decay (in gauge theory)

22.04. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Vladyslav Shtabovenko, KIT
Energy-energy correlation in hadronic Higgs decays: a novel observable for the future lepton colliders

29.04. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tilman Plehn, Heidelberg University
Invertible and Generative Networks for LHC Theory

06.05. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Tao Han, University of Pittsburgh
EW physics at very high energies: A multi-TeV muon collider as a case study

20.05. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Max Zoller, University of Zurich
Two-Loop Rational Terms

27.05. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Aneesh Manohar, UC San Diego
The Renormalization-Group Improved Effective Potential

10.06. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Björn Herrmann, Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Dark matter phenomenology in scotogenic models

24.06. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Benjamin Fuks, Sorbonne Université Paris
Probing heavy neutrinos and the Weinberg operator in double-beta processes at the LHC

01.07. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Timo Schmidt, JMU Würzburg
Full NLO predictions for ZZ scattering and its irreducible background at the LHC

08.07. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Alexander Lenz, Universität Siegen
D-mixing revisited

05.11. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Lindner, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
The XENON1T excess, theoretical interpretations and implications

12.11. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Enrico Bothmann, Universität Göttingen
Making Monte-Carlo event generators fit for the HL-LHC era

19.11. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Matteo Fael, KIT Karlsruhe
The MUonE Project

26.11. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Martin Gabelmann, KIT Karlsruhe
Precision Higgs boson mass predictions in the (split) N/MSSM

03.12. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Christian T. Preuss, Monash University Melbourne, Australia
Towards Efficient Matching and Merging with the Vincia Sector Shower

10.12. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Maximilian Delto, KIT Karlsruhe
Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to on-shell vector boson production within the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme

17.12. --- o n l i n e --- MSc. Duarte Fontes, University of Lisbon
Renormalization of the complex 2HDM with FeynMaster 2

- - - 2021 - - -

21.01. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. Dr. Andreas Crivellin, PSI and University of Zurich
Renormalization of the complex 2HDM with FeynMaster 2

14.01. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Marek Schönherr, Durham University, UK
Electroweak Corrections for LHC physics

28.01. --- o n l i n e --- Prof. George Zoupanos, LMU München/NTU Athens
Reduction of Couplings in Finite Unified Theories and a version of MSSM

04.02. --- o n l i n e --- Dr. Tiziano Peraro, University of Bologna
Multi-loop scattering amplitudes and finite-field arithmetic

23.04.   ---  1:15 pm online ---   Dr. Thomas Flacke, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, Korea:
Underlying models with a composite Higgs and their many collider signatures
pdf announcement

21.05. -- ASCENSION DAY --

28.05. --- o n l i n e ---   Dr. Kodai Sakurai, KIT Karlsruhe:
Radiative corrections to Higgs decays in various Higgs sectors
pdf announcement

11.06. -- CORPUS CHRISTI --

18.06. --- o n l i n e ---   Dr. Peter Stangl, LAPTH Annecy:
Flavor Anomalies, quark-lepton unification, and a composite Higgs
pdf announcement

02.07.  --- o n l i n e ---   Rafael Aoude, Universität Mainz:
SMEFT and its massive on-shell amplitudes
pdf announcement

24.10. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Massimiliano Procura, Universität Wien, Austria
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and its hadronic contributions

31.10. Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogt, University of Liverpool, Great Britain
Recent four- and five-loop results in QCD

05.11. --- Tuesday 4:15 pm  --- Dr. Jayita Lahiri, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
Exploration of boosted Top quark Polarization at LHC

07.11. Dr. Florian Goertz, MPI Heidelberg
Softened Symmetry Breaking in Composite Higgs Models

21.11. Dr. Leonardo Vernazza, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Netherlands / INFN Turin, Italy
Resummation of next-to-leading power logarithms for scattering processes near threshold

28.11. Dr. Tim Koslowski, Nanoplus GmbH / Universität Würzburg
Exploring continuum limits of random tesnor models for quantum gravity with the functional renormalization group equation

05.12. Benjamin Summ, RWTH Aachen
Automation of one-loop matching through the Universal One-Loop Effective Action

12.12. Fabian Lange, RWTH Aachen
The Perturbative Gradient Flow and its Applications

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09.01. Dr. Juri Fiaschi, Universität Münster
Resummation effects in weak SUSY processes

16.01. Prof. Dr. Sandro Uccirati, Università degli studi di Torino, Italy:
Local analytic sector subtraction in the making

23.01. Dr. Ilaria Brivio, Universität Heidelberg
Recent development in the SM-EFT program

06.02. Prof. Ben Gripaios, University of Cambridge, The Cavendish Laboratory, UK
Anomalies in Z prime models

25.04. Alexander Kniss, Universität Mainz
Tree-level scattering forms of Yang-Mills theory

09.05. Marcel Krause, KIT Karlsruhe
Higher-Order Corrections to 2HDM Higgs Decays with 2HDECAY

16.05. Dr. Andreas Martin Maier, DESY Zeuthen
Top mass effects in Higgs boson production

23.05. Dr. Julia Harz, TU München
Higgs enhancement and bound state formation in coannihilation scenarios of dark matter

06.06. Dr. Davide Pagani, TU München
Precise predictions for the LHC: the importance of electroweak corrections

13.06. Dr. Stephan Huber, University of Sussex, Great Britain
Gravitational waves produced by first order phase transitions

27.06. Dr. Jonas Lindert, University of Durham, Great Britain
Precision Higgs physics as a gateway to new physics

04.07. Dr. Giacomo  Cacciapaglia, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), France
Composite Higgs and Dark matter on a safe road to the Planck scale

11.07. Gernot Knippen, Universität Freiburg
NLO QCD and EW corrections to triple-W production with leptonic decays in proton-proton collisions

25.07. Dr. Mario Prausa, Universität Freiburg
Three-loop O(nl)-contributions to the gg->H form factor

18.10. Dr. Tanmoy Mondal, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, Indien
Probing non-thermal dark matter models at LHC

25.10. Dr. Maximilian Löschner, Universität Wien
Lepton masses and the Multi-Higgs model

08.11. Prof. Dr. Ulf-G. Meißner, Universität Bonn / Forschungszentrum Jülich
Towards a new paradigm in hadron spectroscopy

15.11. Prof. Dr. Antonio Vairo, Technische Universität München
Quark masses from heavy-light mesons

22.11. Prof. Roman Pasechnik, Lund University, Sweden
Theory of Grand-Unified Quartification: a progress report

29.11. Giovanni Pelliccioli, Università Degli Studi Di Torino, Italy
Two topics in the Standard Model: polarizations in VBS and subtraction of IR singularities beyond NLO

06.12. Felix Hekhorn, Universität Tübingen/
NLO Heavy Quark Production in DIS

13.12. Kay Schönwald, DESY Zeuthen
Two-Mass Effects in Heavy Flavor Deep Inelastic Scattering

20.12. Simon Braß, Universität Siegen
Parallel Adaptive Multi-Channel Integration And First Application For VBS@LHC

- - - 2019 - - -

10.01. --- no seminar ---

17.01. Prof. Dr. Robert Harlander, RWTH Aachen
The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider

24.01. Dr. Wouter Waalewijn, University of Amsterdam, NL
Electroweak logarithms in inclusive cross sections

31.01. Dr. Jan Heisig, RWTH Aachen
Probing dark matter within and beyond the WIMP paradigm

07.02. Dr. Roman Kogler, Universität Hamburg
The LHC's impact on the electroweak fit

12.04. PD Dr. Andreas Van Hameren, The Henryk Niewodniczan´nski Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków
Hadron scattering with transverse-momentum dependent partons

26.04. Dr. Christopher Schwan, Universität Freiburg
Some aspects of Vector-boson scattering at the LHC

03.05. Dr. Raoul Röntsch, KIT Karlsruhe
WH production and H->bb decay at NNLO QCD

17.05. Prof. Dr. Georg Weiglein, DESY / Universität Hamburg
Higgs phenomenology and the treatment of unstable particles in quantum field theories

24.05. Dr. Enrico Lunghi, Indiana University Bloomington
A Higgs Portal to Vectorlike Fermions

07.06. Dr. Thomas Hahn, Max-Planck-Institute for Physic Münche:
Computing with FeynArts & Co.

14.06. Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Mavromatos, King's College London, UK
CPT Violation: from matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Early Universe to entangled quantum states

21.06. Prof. Michael Spannowsky, University of Durham, UK
The Higgsploding Universe

28.06. Dr. Francesco Riva, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland
Standard Model Precision Tests in the LHC era

12.07. Dr. Timo Schmidt, Universität Freiburg
Threshold Resummation in Higgs Boson Production via Gluon Fusion

19.10.  Prof. Dr. Francesco Sannino, CERN / CP3 Origins,  Odense, DK
Safe Extensions of the Standard Model

02.11.  Prof. Dr. Andreas Ringwald, DESY Hamburg
Unifying Inflation with the Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and the Seesaw Mechanism

09.11. Prof. Dr. Heidi Rzehak, CP3 Origins, Odense, DK
Looking through the Higgs window for new physics

16.11. Dr. Tobias Huber, Universität Siegen
The Sudakov form factor to four loops in N=4 SYM theory

23.11. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Westhoff, Universität Heidelberg
Fermion dark matter at the LHC

30.11. MSc. René Poncelet, RWTH Aachen
Improvements on the Sector-improved Residue Subtraction Scheme

07.12. Dr. Enrico Bothmann, Higgs Centre Edinburgh, UK
Precision Monte-Carlo simulations for the LHC: A somewhat subjective account on recent developments

14.12. --- 10:15 Uhr ---  MSc. Henning Bahl, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München
Precise MSSM Higgs mass prediction combining diagrammatic and EFT calculations

21.12. MSc. Seraina Glaus, PSI Villigen, CH
NLO QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion

- - - 2018 - - -

25.01.  Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Grazzini, Universität Zürich
Azimuthal asymmetries in hard scattering processes

01.02. Dr. Jose Miguel No, King's College London, UK
Dark matter searches @LHC: Making a case for the pseudoscalar portal

08.02. Dr. Philipp Maierhöfer, Universität Freiburg
The future of NLO matrix element generation with OpenLoops

27.04. Dr. Gavin Salam, CERN, Genf
Proton structure: the last light parton

04.05. Prof. Dr. Kimmo Kainulainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Is electroweak baryogenesis dead?

11.05. Dr. Karol Kampf, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague, CZ
New methods of scattering amplitudes in classification of effective field theories

18.05. Prof. Dr. Abdelhak Djouadi, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d'Orsay / CERN
A deeper probe of the Higgs sector at the LHC

01.06. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Buchalla, LMU München
New Physics in the Higgs Sector - An Effective Theory Approach

08.06. Prof. Dr. Philipp Mertsch, RWTH Aachen
Making sense of cosmic ray anisotropies

22.06. Thomas Faber, Universität Würzburg
Constraining BSM-scenarios at the LHC

29.06. Dr. Jose Miguel No, King's College London, UK
Dark matter searches @LHC: Making a case for the pseudoscalar portal

06.07. Prof. Dr. Eric Laenen, NIKHEF Amsterdam, NL
New developments for the eikonal approximation

13.07. Prof. Dr. Andre Hoang, Universität Wien
Comments on the Top Quark Mass

20.07. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Theory Department
Pushing the precision frontier in Collider Physics

20.10. Prof. Dr. Hubert Spiesberger, Universität Mainz
Theory challenges for a precision measurement of the weak mixing angle at MESA

27.10. Dr. Christian Schwinn, RWTH Aachen
Precise predictions for squark and gluino production at the LHC

03.11. Prof. Dr. Sven Moch, Universität Hamburg
Precise parton distributions and the strong coupling constant

10.11. Dr. Mathias Garny, TU München
Quantum fields out of equilibrium: the initial value problem in QFT

17.11. --- 4:30 pm --- Prof. Dr. Christophe Grojean, DESY Hamburg
Beyond inclusive Higgs analyses

24.11. Prof. Dr. Gilberto Colangelo, Universität Bern
Determination of the quark mass ratio Q from eta -> 3 pi

01.12. MSc. Jonas Fischer, MPI Heidelberg
UV Physics in the Gravity-Higgs Sector

15.12. Dr. Martin Hirsch, IFIC Valencia
Lepton number violation: Majorana neutrinos, double beta decay and LHC

12.01. --- 2:15 pm, SE 22.02.008 --- MSc. Stefan Zitz, Universität Graz
N=4 super Yang-Mills within Dyson Schwinger equations

             --- 5:15 pm --- Dr. Tania Robens, TU Dresden
Constraining extended Higgs sectors at the LHC and beyond

- - - 2017 - - -

19.01. Dr. Habil. Karl Jansen, DESY Zeuthen
Towards solving the sign problem: The tensor network approach to lattice gauge theory

26.01. Prof. Dr. Stefano Forte, INFN Milano
Problems in PDF determination

02.02. Dr. Markus Schulze, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Constraining electroweak top quark interactions in ttbar+Z/gamma/H final states

09.02. Prof. Dr. Martti Raidal, Estonian Academy of Sciences, NICPB Tallinn
Dark matter as a spin-off of gravity

14.04. Dr. Florian Staub, CERN
Automatisation of two-loop Higgs mass calculations for BSM models

21.04. Dr. Lorenzo Tancredi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dispersion relations and differential equations for Feynman Integrals

28.04. Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Cornering WIMP Dark Matter

12.05. Prof. Dr. Werner Bernreuther, RWTH Aachen
Production of heavy Higgs bosons and decay into top quarks at the LHC

19.05. Jean-Nicolas Lang, Universität Würzburg
Automating predictions for BSM models in Recola

02.06. Prof. Dr. Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab / TU München
Phenomenology of semileptonic B-meson decays with form factors from lattice QCD

09.06. Prof. Dr. Steffen Schumann, Universität Göttingen
Precision tools for LHC phenomenology

16.06. Dr. Lars Hofer, Institute of Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona
The b --> s l l anomalies and their implications for new physics

23.06. --- 2:15 pm --- Prof. Dr. Charalampos Anastasiou, ETH Zürich
A precise determination of the inclusive Higgs cross-section

30.06. Prof. Dr. Gudrun Hiller, TU Dortmund
Rare decays as probes of BSM physics

07.07. Thomas Garratt, Universität Würzburg
Nonequilibrium dynamics and thermalisation of inhomogeneous quantum fields

14.07. Dr. Mauro Chiesa, INFN Pavia
Isolated photon production in the POWHEG+MiNLO framework: the W gamma

15.10. Prof. Dr. Andreas Goudelis, HEPHW Wien
Neutralino dark matter and electroweak naturalness beyond the MSSM

22.10. Prof. Dr. Matteo Cacciari, LPTHE & Université Paris Diderot
Jet physics in the LHC era

29.10. Prof. Dr. Johannes Henn, Universität Mainz
Analytic results for two-loop five-particle scattering amplitudes

05.11. Prof. Dr. Géraldine Servant , DESY Hamburg
Cosmological Higgs-Axion Interplay for a Naturally Small Electroweak Scale

12.11. Prof. Dr. Thomas Gehrmann , Universität Zürich
NNLO corrections to jet observables at the LHC

19.11. Prof. Dr. Jamie Tattersall, RWTH Aachen
Checkmating new physics at the LHC

26.11. Prof. Dr. Sandro Uccirati , Università degli Studi di Torino
Effective field theory and Higgs physics

03.12. Manfred Kraus, RWTH Aachen
Matching the Nagy-Soper parton shower at next-to-leading order

10.12. Thomas Rauh, TU München
Heavy quark pair production near threshold in e^+e^- collisions

21.12. Hanna Ziesche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_t \alpha_s)$ corrections to the trilinear Higgs couplings in the complex NMSSM

- - - 2016 - - -

07.01. Robbert Rietkerk, NIKHEF Amsterdam
New techniques for higher order QCD corrections

14.01. --- 4:15 pm --- Prof. Dr. Martin Beneke, TU München
Relic density of TeV scale WIMPs and the electroweak Sommerfeld effect

21.01. Prof. Dr. Peter Uwer, HU Berlin
Extending the matrix element method to next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD

28.01. Dr. Rikkert Frederix, TU München
Jets at hadron colliders: NLO predictions for various multiplicities

04.02. Prof. Dr. Fernando Febres Cordero, Universität Freiburg
NLO QCD Correction to Jetty Processes at the LHC

16.04. Prof. Dr. Robert Harlander, Universität Wuppertal
The Higgs boson as a probe for new physics

23.04. Prof. Andrzej Czarnecki, University of Alberta, Canada
How blinding in an atom changes properties of electrons and muons

30.04. GK-Get-Together

07.05. Prof. Michal Malinsky, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic40 years on a rollercoaster: status and prospects of the Grand unification paradigm

14.05. Christi Himmelfahrt

21.05. Prof. Dr. Stefan Weinzierl, Universität Mainz
Functions associated to Feynman integrals and elliptic curves

02.07. Prof. Dr. Björn Garbrecht , Technische Universität München
Radiative Corrections to the Decay Rate of a Metastable Vacuum

09.07. --- 4:15 pm --- Dr. David Lopez-Val, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Glimpses on BSM Higgs physics

09.10. Prof. Pierpaolo Mastrolia, MPI München
New Perspectives on Multi-loop Scattering Amplitudes

16.10. Jennifer Thompson, University of Durham, UK
Implementation of EW Sudakovs in SHERPA

23.10. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kilian, Universität Siegen
Unitarity Issues in High-Energy Electroweak Interactions

06.11. Prof. Dr. Tilman Plehn, Universität Heidelberg
Top Tagging

13.11. Dr. Pedro Schwaller,CERN
Emerging Jets From a Dark Sector

20.11. Prof. Dr. Barbara Jäger, Universität Tübingen
Gauge boson pair production at the LHC

27.11. GK-Get-Together          

04.12.  MSc. Thomas Garratt, Universität Würzburg
Cosmological Constraints on Long-Lived, Heavy d-Quarks

11.12. Dirk Rathlev, Universität Zürich
Diboson production in NNLO QCD

18.12. Elina Fuchs, DESY Hamburg
Interference effects in MSSM Higgs searches

- - - 2015 - - -  

08.01. Marco Sekulla, Universität Siegen
Vector Boson Scattering and Effective Field Theory

15.01. Prof. Dr. Dietrich Bödeker, Universität Bielefeld
Leptogenesis and quantum field theory

22.01. Dr. Stefan Gieseke, KIT Karlsruhe
Higher order corrections in Herwig++

29.01. Mathieu Pellen, RWTH Aachen
NLO accuracy for supersymmetric processes at the LHC                    

10.04. Prof. Dr. Fred Jegerlehner, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The hierarchy problem of the electroweak Standard Model revisited

17.04. Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger, TU Dresden
Vacuum expectation values and their renormalization properties in gauge theories

24.04. GK-Get-Together

08.05. Dr. Zoltan Nagy, DESY Hamburg
Designing Parton Shower Algorithms

22.05. GK-Get-Together

05.06. Prof. Dr. Adrian Signer, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
Effective-theory approach to top pair production at hadron colliders

26.06. --- 4:00 pm --- Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier, Universität Freiburg
Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Drell-Yan processes in the resonance region

03.07. --- 2:15 pm --- MSc. Bijan Chokoufé, DESY Hamburg
Numerical Calculations of Multi-Jet Cross Sections

            --- 4:15 pm --- Laura Jenniches, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Finite width effects in cascade decays with intermediate heavy particles near resonance

10.07. Prof. Dr. Frank Krauss, Durham University
Full event simulation at higher orders

17.10. Prof. Dr. Joachim Kopp, MPI Heidelberg
Sterile neutrinos in the laboratory and in cosmology

24.10. Jean-Nicolas Lang, Universität Würzburg
The Complex Mass Scheme, Gauge Dependence and Unitarity

31.10. GK-Get-Together

07.11. Prof. Dr. Stefan Hollands, Universität Leipzig
Quantum field theory on De Sitter spacetime

21.11. Prof. Dr. Michal Czakon, RWTH Aachen
Recent progress in the theoretical description of top-quark pair-production at hadron colliders

28.11. GK-Get-Together

05.12. Ramona Gröber, KIT Karlsruhe
Higgs bosons in the Standard Model and beyond

12.12. Paul Fiedler, RWTH Aachen
Various aspects of top-quark pair-production at NNLO

19.12. Tom Zirke, Universität Wuppertal
Higgs Strahlung at the LHC: Standard Model and beyond

- - - 2014 - - -

16.01. Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinhauser, KIT Karlsruhe
Quark masses

23.01. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig, Universität Mainz
Hadron Phenomenology from Lattice QCD

30.01. GK-Get-Together

06.02. Dr. Simon Friederich, Universität Göttingen
The notion of an ad hoc-hypothesis and particle physics - fällt aus -

18.04. Alexei Yuryevich Smirnov, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
Neutrinos: race for the mass hierarchy

25.04. GK-Get-Together

02.05. Debottam Das, Universität Würzburg
Next to minimal supersymmetric standard Model:Few interesting possibilities

09.05. Feiertag (Christi Himmelfahrt, no seminar)

16.05. Jörg Jaeckel, Universität Heidelberg
Probing the hidden sector in low energy experiments

23.05. GK-Get-Together

06.06. Margarete Mühlleitner, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT
Higgs physics at the LHC

13.06. Thomas Mannel, Universität Siegen
Flavour as a Window to the Physics beyond the Standard Model

20.06. Jan Louis, DESY Hamburg
String theory -- Status and perspectives

27.06. Claude Duhr, ETH Zürich
Towards inclusive Higgs boson production at N3LO

04.07. Harald Ita, Universität Freiburg
On-shell methods for the computation of V-boson + jets cross sections

11.07. Sommerfest der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie ab 16:00 Uhr

18.07. --- 16:00 --- Lars Hofer, Universität Würzburg
The NLO generator RECOLA and its application to Z+dijet production at the LHC

18.10. --- 4:15 pm --- Michael Klasen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Factorization Breaking in Diffractive Jet Production

25.10. GK-Get-Together

08.11. Oscar Eboli, Universidade de Sao Paulo / Saclay
Constraining anomalous Higgs interactions

15.11. Manuel Krauß, Universität Würzburg
LHC phenomenology of a Z' decaying into supersymmetric particles

22.11. Kevin Kröninger, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Search for a Higgs boson in association with a top-quark pair using the ATLAS experiment

29.11. GK-Get-Together

06.12. Thomas Becher, Universität Bern
Resummation for Higgs Production with a Jet Veto

13.12. Diogo Franzosi, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgien
Strong Dynamics and Unstable Particles

20.12. GK-Get-Together

- - - 2013 - - -

17.01. Monika Blanke, CERN
The flavor of naturalness

24.01. Ben O'Leary, Universität Würzburg
Minimizing Multi-Scalar Potentials, and How Difficult It Can Be To Maintain Symmetries

31.01. GK-Get-Together

07.02. Werner Rodejohann, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
Neutrinoless double Beta Decay and Particle Physics

19.04. GK-Get-Together

26.04. Michal Malinsky, IFIC Valencia, Spanien
Grand unification approaching forty

03.05. Stefano Pozzorini, Universität Zürich
Scattering Amplitudes with Open Loops

10.05. Stefan Theisen, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam
From Trace Anomaly Matching to the a-Theorem

24.05. Evgeny Akhmedov, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg
Sterile neutrinos and oscillation coherence for neutrinos produced in decays

31.05. GK-Get-Together

14.06. Kirill Melnikov, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA /KIT Karlsruhe
On the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to muon g-2

21.06. Michael Krämer, RWTH Aachen
Desperately seeking supersymmetry

28.06. Cristiano Germani, LMU München
Slow-roll inflation and gravitationally enhanced friction

05.07. Christof Weiss, Universität Würzburg
Lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric seesaw III models

12.07. Michael Klasen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Factorization Breaking in Diffractive Jet Production

19.07. Sommerfest der Physik

20.10. Dr. Alexander Mück, RWTH Aachen
Electroweak precision for the LHC

27.10. GK-Get-Together

3.11. Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert, Universität Mainz
Precision collider physics using soft-collinear effective theory
10.11. Dr. Florian Bonnet, Universität Würzburg
Anomalous Higgs Couplings and their Theoretical Interpretation
17.11. Dr. Andreas Scharf, Universität Würzburg
Associated top quark pair production at NLO QCD: Two examples

24.11. GK-Get-Together

1.12. Dr. Frank Steffen, MPI München
Supersymmetric scenarios with long-lived scalar taus - Cosmological implications and prospects for colliders

8.12. Kein Seminar wg. 5th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale" in Bonn

15.12. Dr. Christian Sturm, MPI München
Loop calculations for the improvement of fundamental input parameters of QCD
22.12. Christian Reuschle, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Numerical NLO Calculations of Collider Observables: Extending the Subtraction Method to the Virtual Part

- - - 2012 - - -

12.1. PD Dr. Johanna Erdmenger, MPI München
Applied gauge/gravity duality

19.1. Dr. John Conley, Universität Bonn
Using rates to measure mirage mediation at the LHC

26.1. GK-Get-Together

2.2. Christian Pasold, Universität Würzburg
Constraints on split-UED from Electroweak Precision Tests

05.05. Prof. Dr. Arthur Hebecker, Universität Heidelberg
Inflationary correlation functions without infrared divergences

12.05. Dipl.-Phys. Laslo Reichert, IFIC Valencia
Supersymmetric mass spectra and the seesaw scale

19.05. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Päs, TU Dortmund
Neutrinos at the Terascale - a tale of 3.5 frontiers

26.05. GK get together

09.06. Prof. Dr. Stefan Antusch, Universität Basel
Particle physics models of inflation in supergravity: New developments

16.06. Dr. Andreas Weiler, CERN Theory Group
Natural non-standard Higgs boson decays or how to bury and unbury the Higgs

30.06. Daniel Gerstenlauer, Universität Würzburg
Flavor Physics in Universal Extra Dimension Models with Brane Kinetic Localized Terms

07.07. Prof. Dr. Sven Heinemeyer, IFCA Santander, Spanien
SUSY in the Light of LHC Searches

14.07. Prof. Dr. Daniel Maitre, IPPP Durham, UK
NLO predictions for vector boson+jets processes

21.07. Sommerfest der Physik

28.07. Lukas Mitzka, Universität Würzburg
Search for NMSSM Higgs bosons at the LHC

21.10. Dr. Sandro Uccirati, Universität Würzburg
Electroweak corrections to Higgs-boson production and decay at LHC

28.10. GK-Get-Together

04.11. Dr. Stefano Morisi, Universität Valencia
Neutrino mass models and phenomenology

11.11. Dr. Thomas Reiter,  NIKHEF Amsterdam
Modern Feynman Diagrammatic One-Loop Calculations with Golem and Samurai

18.11. Dr. Jochen Zahn, Universität Göttingen
Noncommutative Quantum Electrodynamics in the Yang-Feldmann formalism

25.11. GK-Get-Together

02.12. Florian Goertz, Universität Mainz
Precision tests and Higgs physics in Randall-Sundrum models

09.12. Prof. Howard Haber, University of California at Santa Cruz
A smoking gun for supersymmetry

16.12. GK-Get-Together

- - - 2011 - - -

13.01.  Dr. Thorsten Pfoh, Universität Mainz
Top-Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Randall-Sundrum Models

20.01. Frank Thomas, Universität Würzburg
Determining R-parity breaking parameters in the MSSM with bilinear broken R-parity

27.01. GK-Get-Together

03.02. Prof. Dr. Jochum van der Bij, Universität Freiburg
Cosmic topology and fundamental forces

10.02. Klaus Klopfer, TU Darmstadt
Analytical and numerical calculation of top-antitop-photon and top-antitop-Z-boson cross-sections with anomalous couplings

 22.04. Dr. Dominika Konikowska, Universität Würzburg
Dilaton gravity theories in higher-dimensional space-time

29.04. GK-Get-Together

06.05. Dr. Thomas Underwood, DESY Hamburg
SUSY Now or Never: Perturbativity and Gauge Unification Constraints on Non-Minimal New Physics Models

20.05. Prof. Dr. Michael Ratz, Technische Universität München
Local grand unification

27.05. GK-Get-Together

10.06. Dr. Ritesh K. Singh, JMU
on Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo method of "Data fitting"

17.06. Prof. Dr. Johann Kühn, Universität Karlsruhe
Radiative Return at High Luminosity Electron Positron Colliders

23.06. Sonderseminar im HS 5: Dr. Carlos Yaguna, UAM/CSIC Madrid
Three-body final states in dark matter annihilations and decays

24.06. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Buchalla, LMU München
Precision flavour physics with B -> K nu-bar nu and B -> K l+ l-

01.07. Dr. Marco Stratmann, Universität Würzburg
The story behind a half

08.07. Prof. C. A. Dominguez, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Determination of light quark masses in QCD

15.07. Sommerfest der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

16.07. --- Friday, 1:15 pm --- Prof. Krzysztof Turzynski, University of Warsaw
Gravity in gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking

 22.10. Dr. Jamie Tattersall, IPPP Durham, UK
Probing CP Violation in the MSSM with and without momentum reconstruction at the LHC

29.10. GK get-together

05.11. --- 2:30 pm at HS5 --- Prof. Chris Quigg, Fermilab, Batavia, US
Gedanken worlds without Higgs fields

19.11. Dr. Tobias Hurth, CERN
Low energy precision and high energy collisions

26.11. GK get-together

03.12. Dr. Andrea Ferroglia, Universität Mainz
Two-Loop Corrections to Top-Quark Pair Production

10.12. Dr. Björn Garbrecht, RWTH Aachen
The diffusion process in electroweak baryogenesis

17.12. GK get-together and X-Mas celebration at 5:00 pm

- - - 2010 - - -

14.01. Dr. Joern Kersten, DESY
Flavor Symmetries and the SUSY Flavor Problem

21.01. The lecture by Dr. Marco Stratmann has been postponed to the 2010 summer semester.

28.01. GK get-together

04.02. Prof. Uli Nierste, Universität Karlsruhe
The flavour of SUSY: MFV and what else?

11.02. Dr. Benjamin Fuks, Universität Strasbourg
Non-minimal flavour violation in supersymmetric models

12.02. --- 1:00 pm --- Jonathan Debove, LPSC Grenoble
QCD resummations for gaugino-pair hadroproduction

24.02. --- 2:00 pm --- Ben O'Leary, RWTZ Aachen
Applying NLO cross-sections to supersymmetric Lagrangian parameter detection at the LHC

23.04. Prof. Dr. Martin Beneke, RWTH Aachen
Flavour and CP violation at B factories: The Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism and what else?

30.04. GK get-together (HS P)

07.05. Dr. Oleg Lebedev, DESY Hamburg
Higgs dependent Yukawa couplings

14.05. Florian Plentinger, Universität Würzburg
Systematic Model Building with Flavor Symmetries

28.05. GK get-together (HS P)

18.06. Karoline Köpp
A supersymmetric higgsless model of electroweak symmetry breaking

25.06. GK get-together (HS P)

02.07. Prof. Dr. Harald Fritzsch, LMU München
Flavor mixing and neutrino oscillations

09.07. Alexander Knochel
Supersymmetric Cold Dark Matter and Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

16.07. Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger, TU Dresden
Muon magnetic moment (g-2): A hint for supersymmetry?

23.07. Sommerfest der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

16.10. Stefan Liebler, JMU
Neutrino physics and collider observables in a model with broken R-parity

23.10. Dr. Bohdan Grzadkowski, JMU
Unparticle physics

30.10. Dr. Paramita Dey, Harish-Chandra Research Institute Allahabad, India
Two-loop Neutrino Masses with Large R-parity Violating Interactions in Supersymmetry

06.11. Jochen Mayer, JMU
Niederenergieobservable in einem supersymmetrischen Modell mit spontan gebrochener R-Parität

13.11. Prof. Dr. Harald Grosse, Universität Wien
Renormierbare nichtkommutative Quantenfeldtheorie

20.11. Peter Bärnreuther, JMU
Top Quark Paar Produktion am LHC

27.22. Dr. Michal Czakon, JMU
Soft gluon enhancements and other miracles

04.12. Laslo Reichert, JMU
Phänomenologie higgsloser Modelle bei LHC

11.12. Weihnachtsfeier der Theorie im Seminarraum 1

18.12. Nadine Schütz, JMU
Strahlungskorrekturen zu Higgsbosonmassen im NMSSM

- - - 2009 - - -

08.01. Prof. Georg Weiglein, University of Durham
Higgs and SUSY: getting ready for the LHC

15.01. Dr. Björn Herrmann, JMU
Calculation of the dark matter relic density in supersymmetric models including SUSY-QCD corrections

22.01. Svenja Hümmer, JMU
Entangled maximal mixings in U_PMNS=U_l^dagger U_nu

29.01. Dr. Barbara Jäger, JMU
Gauge boson scattering at the LHC

05.02. Dr. Enrique Fernandez-Martinez, MPI München
Unitarity and non standard neutrino interactions