Deutsch Intern
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Online Exam Registration

Online Exam Registration for Exams/Modules

General information

The procedure is used for all subjects (Physik, Quantentechnologie, Mathematische Physik, physics international and quantum technology)
and for all courses/courses (bachelor's, master's, teaching post). You can find out directly in WueStudy whether a module or an exam is available 
for registration in the respective semester.
The modules of the theses (term paper, bachelor's thesis and master's thesis) must be registered in writing with the examination office.
The dates for the oral module examinations are to be agreed with the examiner. An additional online exam registration is required!

Registration und Cancellation Period

You can find the registration and cancellation periods for the respective semester updated in the WueStudy system of the University of Würzburg.

All modules of the faculty (unless explicitly mentioned below)
Y2 - 01.03. – 31.03. (SS 1) - Deadline for the second examinations of the compulsory modules from the WS
Y8 - 01.06. – 30.06. (SS 2) - Deadline for the first examinations of the modules from the SS 
B2 - 01.09. – 30.09. (WS 1) - Deadline for the second examinations of the compulsory modules from the SS
B8 - 01.12. – 31.12. (WS 2) - Deadline for the first examinations of the modules from the WS

Important Note: Re-Examinations for elective modules are not second examinations;
the registration deadline for the first examination of the semester in which the module takes place applies!

Practical Courses (Advanced Laboratory Course Master, )
und Master Project Modules (Professional Specialization, Scientific Methods and Project Management)

and Oral Module Examinations (OAV, T-SE, etc.)
Z9 - 01.04. – 30.09. (SS) -  Summer Semester continuous
C9 - 01.10. – 31.03. (WS) - Winter Semester continuous

Two-Semester Modules (M-MR Mathematical Methods of Physics, N-EIN Introduction to Quantum Technology,
L-PD Physics Didactics, P-LLL-DP2 Practical Training in Student Lab / Demonstration Laboratory Course)

Online registration for the exam in the 2nd semester or later

Thesis (term paper, Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis)
NO online registration for theses (Application for registration of a thesis via examination board to Examination Office)

Credit Module
NO online registration for credit modul (e.g. 11-FPA Visiting Research) (credit application with evidence via examination board Examination Office)

Joker Module
NO online registration for joker modul (e.g. "Current Topics in Experimental Physics", 11-EXE5-Int)

Minor Pratical Courses (Biology, chemistry, mathematics, functional materials, medicine, dentistry....)
ZR12 - 01.03. – third Sunday in the lecture period of the summer semester
CR13 - 01.09. – third Sunday in the lecture period of the winter semester

After the registration and  cancellation deadline, registration or cancellation is no longer possible. It is not possible to take the exam without registering for it. If you take an examination without registering for it in advance, this does not cure the failure to register for the examination. The examination is then deemed not to have been taken.

How do I do it ? Registration for exams

On the University of Würzburg website

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If you have any questions or problems regarding exam registration, please contact the Service Center in person or send an e-mail to Prüfung