Deutsch Intern
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie



PhD registration

Employment and admission to PhD are two different administrative processes. Accordingly, you must also submit an application for admission to PhD to the PhD office with an employment. Please refer to the respective checklist for guidance.

Please contact the desired new main supervisor directly. A corresponding informal application must be signed by you as well as the old and new main supervisor in original.

As soon as you have submitted the final application in paper form with all original signatures personally or via (internal) mail (attn. PhD-Office) or the mailbox Service Center, we will prepare your admission to the PhD program and send it to you via (internal) mail.

If you have graduated from the University of Würzburg, you can download this via Wue-Study "Bescheinigung über bestandenene Prüfungen". On the issued document, the heading will then read "Bescheinigung über bestandenene Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen".

If you have graduated at a other German university, you’ll have to contact this university and ask, if they could send you a “Studienverlaufsbescheinigung” (= study progress certificate).
Unfortunately, this document is being called a little bit different at every university. However, it is important that this certificate lists an overview of all passed study an examination achievements.”

Here, the decisive factor is when you submit your application for approval and receive the approval.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time.

Enrollment for the PhD program

The form for this can be found at Please make sure that your main supervisor signs the original and affixes a stamp of the chair - do not forget to record the planned end of the doctorate.
Afterwards, please send the application to the PhD-Office.

After successful review and approval by the doctoral committee chair, we will send the document back to you so that you can submit it to the Office of Student Affairs.

As soon as you have submitted all documents for admission to the doctoral program, you will receive a letter of admission to the doctoral program. You must show this letter at the Office of Student Affairs. You can then use Wue-Study to have the certificate of enrollment issued. You are welcome to send it to the PhD-Office in digital form via e-mail.
It is important that the first semester of your doctoral studies is recognizable on it.

Registration for the doctoral examination / Submission of the dissertation

No, your registration will remain in effect.

No. You must also submit an "Application for admission to the doctoral examination" with all relevant documents. Please refer to the checklist that applies to you - depending on the regulations for PhDs.

In the interest of environmental protection, we offer a digital review in advance to check your application. For this purpose, you are welcome to send us the documents by e-mail.

The final application must be printed out and submitted with all original signatures to the PhD-Office.

You can include a list of publications in the appendix at the end of your dissertation. It must be the same as the one you submitted with your "Application for admission to the doctoral examination".

No. Please follow the template of the doctoral regulations that apply to you when designing the title page.

In this case, a request for approval of an external reviewer must be submitted by e-mail. Please provide a short justification here and give the corresponding internet presence of the expert.

As soon as the admission to the doctoral examination has been prepared, the dissertation will be forwarded to the appropriate reviewers. Once the doctoral office has received all the reviews, you will be notified of the circulation.
After the circulation has been completed, the defense can be scheduled.

As soon as you have submitted the final application in paper form with all original signatures at the PhD-Office, we will prepare your admission to the doctoral examination and send it to you via (internal) mail.

You need a certificate of good conduct for presentation to an authority according to §30 Abs. 5 BZRG "Belegart O".
The certificate of good conduct must not be older than three months and must be sent directly from the issuing authority to the following address:

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
At the Hubland
97074 Würzburg

Please keep in mind that depending on the authorities it may take some time until we receive them.


If the dissertation has been reviewed, the circulation procedure will be started. For this you will receive a separate e-mail with all further information. However, you can of course also think about the following points beforehand.


Unfortunately, this is not possible.
Only when you have agreed on a fixed date with your examiners and have sent us all the necessary information (you will receive this with your circulation e-mail), the PhD-Office can start planning the defense.

Please note that you cannot schedule your defense on following session dates.

To do this, coordinate with the examiners.

  • Only one defense may be held per day. On our website you can find all defenses that are planned so far.
  • between the start of circulation and the date for the defense, a planning time of 4-6 weeks can be expected.

  • Please note that you cannot schedule your defense on following session dates.

The PhD-Office must plan and organize individually for each defense.
Therefore, between the start of circulation and the date for the defense, a planning time of 4-6 weeks can be expected.

Completion of the PhD

We do not offer this service. You must contact a certified translator privately.

On the page of the University Library you can find everything about the question: "How can I publish my thesis?"

Termination of the PhD

If you wish to terminate your doctorate without a degree, you must inform us of this in writing in paper form. We will then send you a corresponding document confirming the withdrawal of the doctorate.

application for withdrawal of doctorate (sample)

More questions?

If you have any further questions regarding the PhD, please contact us by email at.

You can reach this page via the following direct link: