
Edna-Carter Professorship
We are inviting applications for a junior professorship (level W1) with tenure track on
an associate professorship of (level W2) for
Condensed Matter Physics as part of an Open Topic Search
at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Julius Maximilians University Würzburg, to be filled as soon as possible.
We are looking for candidates who are expected to complement the internationally recognized research activities of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy in the field of physics of modern quantum materials by their expertise and innovative ideas. The research activities of the SFB 1170 "ToCoTronics" and the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2147 "ct.qmat" can serve as orientation.
The physics and methodical focus can cover one of the following areas, for example:
- Electronic, magnetic or optical properties of complex and topological quantum materials
- Epitaxial thin-film synthesis
- Quantum transport
- Spectroscopy (optical, X-ray, electron, etc.)
- Electron microscopy
- Scanning probe methods
- Ultra-fast measurement methods
The Faculty offers an excellent cooperative research environment with central core facilities for materials preparation, nanostructuring and characterization.
The appointee is expected to lead, support and develop education and training in the entire curriculum of physics, engaging with both undergraduate and graduate students. The same holds for the supervision of theses of students and doctoral candidates.
The University of Würzburg is an equal opportunities and family-friendly employer. In order to increase the number of women in leading positions, we particularly encourage women to apply.
The Edna-Carter Professorship is to be filled on a temporary basis as a civil servant for an initial period of three years (junior professorship). The temporary civil service relationship is to be extended on probation for a total duration of up to six years. The tenure and appointment as an associate professor of level W2 in a permanent civil servant relationship will be granted if the junior professor proves their skills in accordance with the University of Würzburg’s internal quality assurance concept.
Requirements for employment are a university degree in physics or a related discipline, pedagogical skills and a special qualification for scientific work, which is usually proven by a doctoral degree of excellent quality (cf. Art. 63 BayHIG). Applicants for a tenure track position should be at an early stage of the way to a professorship and should have changed places after completing their doctorate. If the doctoral degree was received by the University of Würzburg, they should have worked scientifically at least two years at another place.
No more than four years should have passed between the doctorate and the end of the application period. The date of the doctoral certificate is decisive (cf. Art. 63 BayHIG).
An appointment as a civil servant can be made in accordance with Art. 65 Para. 1 Sentence 3 BayHIG in conjunction with Art. 23 Para. 1 BayB. Art. 23 Para. 1 BayBG only up to the age of 45. Exceptions are possible in special cases.
Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if they are otherwise equally qualified.
Applications should be submitted with the usual documents (CV, certificates, diplomas, list of publications, list of third-party funding, list of courses, evaluation results) by 31.05.2024, preferably by email to physik-berufungen@uni-wuerzburg.de. If you have any research questions, please contact the Dean, Prof. Björn Trauzettel (bjoern.trauzettel@uni-wuerzburg.de; +49 931 31-83638). If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Dr. Daniela Spanheimer (daniela.spanheimer@uni-wuerzburg.de; +49 931 31-83076).
For the exact application procedure, please refer to our application instructions (see below).
The application includes the consent of the applicants to the electronic recording of the application documents, the creation of copies, the storage and possible forwarding of the application documents to the reviewers and the return of the application documents only after completion of the procedure.