Health and Disabilities Representative
Contact at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy for students and employees with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Dr. Norbert Steinmetz
Institute of Physics
Building and security
Raum B015
Am Hubland, Campus Süd
D - 97074 Würzburg
Consultation hours: n.V.
Phone: 0931 31-88741
Email to the Disabilities Officer
Further information and contact points at the university
Health and Disabilities Office at the University Würzburg
Representative for people with disabilities at the University of Würzburg
KIS - Contact and information center for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Accessibility of buildings of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy and at the University of Würzburg
Institute of Physics, Building P1 (Hubland Campus South)
Physics and Astronomy, Building 31 East and 22 West (Hubland Campus North)
further buildings of the University of Würzburg (sorted alphabetically)