Feldtheoretische Aspekte der Festkörperphysik
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Hier finden Sie die Aufgaben des Tutoriums als PDF:
I. Introduction
II. Quantum Field Theory Concepts
a) Quantization of Free Fields
b) Path Integral
c) Interactions
d) Examples: phi^4 theory, fermions, gauge fields
e) Renormalization
f) Renormalization group
g) Ward Identities
h) Quantum Anomalies
III. Applications I
a) Axial anomaly in 2, 4 and 3 dimensions
b) Dirac and Weyl semimetals
c) Berry phase
d) Topological insulators
IV. Applications II
a) Hydrodynamics
b) Hydrodynamics for electrons in solids
V. Strongly correlated systems
a) Introduction to AdS/CFT
b) Quantum critical systems
c) Strange metals
VI. Defects and Kondo models
a) Kondo's original approach
b) CFT analysis
c) Holographic models
1. M. Peskin and D. Schroeder: An introduction to Quantum Field Theory. CRC Press.
2. A. Zee: Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell. Princeton University Press.
3. A Tsvelik: Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics. Second edition. Cambridge University Press.
4. A. Altland and B. Simons: Condensed matter field theory. Second edition. Cambridge University Press.
5. E. Fradkin, Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics, Cambridge University Press.hl