English Intern
Theoretische Physik III


  • Fracton Gauge Theories in Curved Spacetimes
    Evangelos Afxonidis (Universidad de Oviedo), Alessio Caddeo, Carlos Hoyos (Universidad de Oviedo), Daniele Musso (Universidad de Oviedo)
  • Holographic confining theories on space-times with constant positive curvature
    Jani Kastikainen, Elias Kiritsis (Universite de Paris), Francesco Nitti (Universite de Paris)
  • Signatures of Bulk Black Hole Merger from Semi-classical 2d CFT
    Souvik Banerjee, Gideon Vos (Central European Inst. for Cosmology)

  • Spread complexity for the planar limit of holography
    Rathindra Nath Das, Saskia Demulder (Ben-Gurion University), Johanna Erdmenger, Christian Northe (Prague, Inst. Phys.)
  • Real-Time Scattering in Ising Field Theory using Matrix Product States
    Raghav G. Jha (Jefferson Lab), Ashley Milsted (AWS Center Pasadena), Dominik Neuenfeld, John Preskill (Caltech), Pedro Vieira (Perimeter institute)
  • Non-Locality induces Isometry and Factorisation in Holography
    Souvik Banerjee, Johanna Erdmenger, Jonathan Karl
  • Blackish Holes
    Souvik Banerjee, Suman Das (U. of the Witwatersrand), Arnab Kundu (Saha Inst. of Nuclear Physics), Michael Sittinger
  • A Krylov space approach to Singular Value Decomposition in non-Hermitian systems
    Pratik Nandy (Kyoto U.), (Tanay Pathak Kyoto U.), Zhuo-Yu Xian (FU Berlin), Johanna Erdmenger
  • Wormhole-induced effective coupling in SYK chains
    Pablo Basteiro, Giuseppe Di Giulio (Stockholm U.), Johanna Erdmenger, René Meyer, Zhuo-Yu Xian (FU Berlin)
  • Towards complexity of primary-deformed Virasoro circuits
    Johanna Erdmenger, Jani Kastikainen, Tim Schuhmann (Ghent U.)
  • The chiral torsional anomaly and the Nieh-Yan invariant with and without boundaries
    Johanna Erdmenger, Ioannis Matthaiakakis (Southampton U.), René Meyer, Dmitri Vassilevich (Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André)
  • Krylov Complexity as a Probe for Chaos
    Mohsen Alishahiha (IPM Teheran), Souvik Banerjee, Mohammad Javad Vasli (IPM Teheran)
  • Krylov complexity of purification
    Rathindra Nath Das, Takato Mori (Perimeter Institute)
  • Chaos and integrability in triangular billiards
    Vijay Balasubramanian (University of Pennsylvania), Rathindra Nath Das, Johanna Erdmenger, Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Discrete JT gravity as an Ising model
    Johanna Erdmenger, Jonathan Karl, Yanick Thurn, Matthias Vojta (TU Dresden), Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Opening the Black Box: predicting the trainability of deep neural networks with reconstruction entropy
    Yanick Thurn, Ro Jefferson (Utrecht U.), Johanna Erdmenger
  • Spread complexity and localization in PT-symmetric systems
    Aranya Bhattacharya (Jagiellonian U.), Rathindra Nath Das, Bidyut Dey (Università della Calabria), Johanna Erdmenger
  • Holography for Sp(2Nc) Gauge Dynamics: from Composite Higgs to Technicolour
    Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans (Southampton U.), Yang Liu, Werner Porod
  • Liouville gravity at the end of the world: Deformed defects in AdS/BCFT
    Dominik Neuenfeld, Andrew Svesko (King’s College London), Watse Sybesma (Cambridge U.)
  • Simulating Holographic Conformal Field Theories on Hyperbolic Lattices
    Santanu Dey (Alberta U.), Anffany Chen (Alberta U.), Pablo Basteiro, Alexander Fritzsche, Martin Greiter, Matthias Kaminski (Alabama U.), Patrick M. Lenggenhager (ETH Zurich), René Meyer, Riccardo Sorbello, Alexander Stegmaier, Ronny Thomale, Johanna Erdmenger, Igor Boettcher (Alberta U.)
  • Operator size growth in Lindbladian SYK
    Jiasheng Liu (LMU Munich), René Meyer, Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Flavors of entanglement
    Niko Jokela (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.), Jani Kastikainen, José Manuel Penín (INFN Florenz), Helime Ruotsalainen (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.)
  • Entanglement in interacting Majorana chains and transitions of von Neumann algebras
    Pablo Basteiro, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Johanna Erdmenger, Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Entanglement inside a black hole before the Page time
    Yuxuan Li (Changsha U.), Shao-Kai Jian (Tulane U. New Orleans), Yi Ling (Inst. of High Energy Phys. Beijing U.), Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Brickwall, Normal Modes and Emerging Thermality
    Souvik Banerjee, Suman Das (Saha Inst. of Nucl. Phys.), Moritz Dorband, Arnab Kundu (Saha Inst. of Nucl. Phys.)
  • Behind-the-horizon excitations from a single 2d CFT
    Souvik Banerjee, Gideon Vos (Central European Inst. for Cosmology)

  • Cornering gravitational entropy
    Jani Kastikainen, Andrew Svesko (King's College London)
  • Spread complexity for measurement-induced non-unitary dynamics and Zeno effect
    Aranya Bhattacharya (Jagiellonian U.), Rathindra Nath Das, Bidyut Dey (Indian Inst. of Technology), Johanna Erdmenger
  • Entanglement of defect subregions in double holography
    Yuxuan Li (Changsha U. and KITS Beijing U.), Qian Chen (School of Physical Sciences Beijing U.), Yi Ling(Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing U.), Cheng Peng (KITS Beijing U.), Yu Tian (Institute of Theoretical Physics Beijing U.), Zhuo-Yu Xian
  • Gravitational Rényi entropy from corner terms
    Jani Kastikainen, Andrew Svesko (King's College London)
  • The dark bubbleography
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Maximilian Zemsch
  • Hypertiling -- a high performance Python library for the generation and visualization of hyperbolic lattices
    Manuel Schrauth (Würzburg U. and Frauenhofer Institute Erlangen), Yanick Thurn, Florian Goth (Würzburg U.), Jefferson S. E. Portela (Würzburg U.), Dietmar Herdt, Felix Dusel (Würzburg U. and UBC Vancouver)
  • Renormalized equations of motions for scalars and fermions in the 2PI formalism
    Amitayus Banik (Würzburg U.), Haye Hinrichsen, Werner Porod (Würzburg U.)
  • On the Causality Paradox and the Karch-Randall Braneworld as an EFT
    Dominik Neuenfeld, Manu Srivastava (Center for Theoretical Physics MIT)
    JHEP 10 (2023) 164   arXiv:2307.10392
  • Eigenmodes of the Laplacian on Hyperbolic Lattices
    Eric Petermann, Haye Hinrichsen
  • Geometric Phases Characterise Operator Algebras and Missing Information
    Souvik Banerjee, Moritz Dorband, Johanna Erdmenger, Anna-Lena Weigel
    JHEP 10 (2023) 026   arXiv:2306.00055
  • Parity anomaly with impurities and the Pauli-Villars subtraction
    Ozório Holanda (Universidade Federal do ABC), René Meyer, Dmitri Vassilevich (Universidade Federal do ABC)
    Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 10, 105001   arXiv:2305.11972
  • Geometric Quantum Discord Signals Non-Factorization
    Souvik Banerjee, Pablo Basteiro, Rathindra Nath Das, Moritz Dorband
    JHEP 08 (2023) 104   arXiv:2305.04952
  • Symmetry-resolved modular correlation functions in free fermionic theories
    Giuseppe Di Giulio, Johanna Erdmenger
    JHEP 07 (2023) 058   arXiv:2305.02343
  • Detecting the critical point through entanglement in Schwinger model
    Kazuki Ikeda (Stony Brook U.), Dmitri E. Kharzeev (Stony Brook U. and Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), René Meyer, Shuzhe Shi (Stony Brook U. and Tsinghua U.)
    Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 9, L091501   arXiv:2305.00996
  • Electric conductivity in non-Hermitian holography
    Zhuo-Yu Xian, David Rodríguez Fernández (Leiden U. and Inst. de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC and U. Autónoma de Madrid), Zhaohui Chen, Yang Liu (Würzburg U.), René Meyer
  • Holographic Non-Abelian Flavour Symmetry Breaking
    Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans (Southampton U.), Yang Liu (Würzburg U.), Werner Porod (Würzburg U.)
    Universe 9 (2023) 6, 289   arXiv:2304.09190
  • Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary terms and the generalized geometrical trinity of gravity
    Johanna Erdmenger, Bastian Heß, Ioannis Matthaiakakis (JMU Würzburg and Genova University), René Meyer
  • Universal chaotic dynamics from Krylov space
    Johanna Erdmenger, Shao-Kai Jian (Tulane U.), Zhuo-Yu Xian
    JHEP 08 (2023) 176   arXiv:2303.12151
  • Probing RG flows, symmetry resolution and quench dynamics through the capacity of entanglement
    Raúl Arias (Inst. de Física de La Plata, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Giuseppe Di Giulio, Esko Keski-Vakkuri (Helsinki U., Helsinki Inst. of Phys. and Finnish Quantum Institute), Erik Tonni (SISSA and INFN Trieste)
    JHEP 03 (2023) 175   arXiv:2301.02117
  • Sequences of resource monotones from modular Hamiltonian polynomials
    Raúl Arias (Inst. de Física de La Plata, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Jan de Boer (Inst for Theor. Phys. and Delta Inst. for Theor. Phys. Amsterdam U.), Giuseppe Di Giulio, Esko Keski-Vakkuri (Helsinki U., Helsinki Inst. of Phys. and Finnish Quantum Institute), Erik Tonni (SISSA and INFN Trieste)
    Phys. Rev. Res. 5 (2023) 4, 043082   arXiv:2301.01053

  • Dark Bubble: FAQs. Misconceptions, and why it is not Randall-Sundrum
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Suvendu Giri (Milan Bicocca U. and INFN Milan Bicocca)
  • Aperiodic spin chains at the boundary of hyperbolic tilings
    Pablo Basteiro, Rathindra Nath Das, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Johanna Erdmenger
    SciPost Phys. 15 (2023) 218   arXiv:2212.11292
  • A universal approach to Krylov State and Operator complexities
    Mohsen Alishahiha (IPM Tehran), Souvik Banerjee
    SciPost Phys. 15 (2023) 080   arXiv:2212.10583
  • On the Boundary Conformal Field Theory Approach to Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement
    Giuseppe Di Giulio, René Meyer, Christian Northe (JMU Würzburg and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Henri Scheppach, Suting Zhao
    SciPost Phys. Core 6 (2023) 049   arXiv:2212.09767
  • From Complexity Geometry to Holographic Spacetime
    Johanna Erdmenger, Marius Gerbershagen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Michal P. Heller (Ghent University), Anna-Lena Weigel
    Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 10, 106020   arXiv:2212.00043
  • Universal Gibbons-Hawking-York term for theories with curvature, torsion and non-metricity
    Johanna Erdmenger, Bastian Heß, Ioannis Matthaiakakis (JMU Würzburg and Genova University), René Meyer
    SciPost Phys. 14 (2023) 099   arXiv:2211.02064
  • Quantum chaos, scrambling and operator growth in TT deformed SYK models
    Song He (Center for Theor. Phys., Jilin University and Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Pak Hang Chris Lau (Nat. Center for Theor. Sciences, Nat. Tsing-Hua University and Kobe University), Zhuo-Yu Xian, Long Zhao (Center for Theor. Phys., Jilin University and Inst. for Theor. Phys., Chinese Academy of Science)
    JHEP 12 (2022) 070   arXiv:2209.14936
  • On the saturation of late-time growth of complexity in supersymmetric JT gravity
    Mohsen Alishahiha (IPM Tehran), Souvik Banerjee
    JHEP 01 (2023) 134   arXiv:2209.02441
  • Hall viscosity and hydrodynamic inverse Nernst effect in graphene
    Zhuo-Yu Xian, Sven Danz (JMU Würzburg, Peter Grünberg Institute and Saarland University), David Rodríguez Fernández (JMU Würzburg and Leiden University), Ioannis Matthaiakakis (JMU Würzburg and Genova University), Christian Tutschku (JMU Würzburg and Frauenhofer Institute Stuttgart), Raffael L. Klees (JMU Würzburg), Johanna Erdmenger, René Meyer, Ewelina M. Hankiewicz (JMU Würzburg)
    Phys. Rev. B 107 (2023) 20, L201403   arXiv:2207.10528
  • Multi-charged moments of two intervals in conformal field theory
    Filiberto Ares (SISSA and INFN Trieste), Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA, INFN and ICTP Trieste), Giuseppe Di Giulio, Sara Murciano (SISSA and INFN Trieste)
    JHEP 09 (2022) 051   arXiv:2206.01534
  • Black holes Entangled by Radiation
    Yuxuan Liu (Kavli Inst. of Theor. Phys.), Zhuo-Yu Xian, Cheng Peng (Kavli Inst. of Theor. Phys.), Yi Ling (Inst. of HEP Beijing and School of Physics Beijing)
    JHEP 11 (2022) 042   arXiv:2205.14596
  • Towards Explicit Discrete Holography: Aperiodic Spin Chains from Hyperbolic Tilings
    Pablo Basteiro, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Johanna Erdmenger, Jonathan Karl, René Meyer, Zhuo-Yu Xian
    SciPost Phys. 13 (2022) 5, 103   arXiv:2205.05693
  • Breitenlohner-Freedman bound on hyperbolic tilings
    Pablo Basteiro, Felix Dusel, Johanna Erdmenger, Dietmar Herdt, Haye Hinrichsen, René Meyer, Manuel Schrauth
    Phys. Rev. Letters 130, 091604    arXiv:2205.05081
  • Complexity via Replica Trick
    Mohsen Alishahiha (IPM Tehran), Souvik Banerjee, Joshua Kames-King (Bethe Center for Theor. Phys.)
    JHEP 08 (2022) 181   arXiv:2205.01150
  • Disorder in AdS3/CFT2
    Moritz Dorband, Daniel Grumiller (TU Wien), René Meyer, Suting Zhao
    SciPost Phys. 16 (2024) 017   arXiv:2204.00596
  • Berry phases, wormholes and factorization in AdS/CFT
    Souvik Banerjee, Moritz Dorband, Johanna Erdmenger, René Meyer, Anna-Lena Weigel
    JHEP 08 (2022) 162   arXiv:2202.11717
  • Charged Moments in W3 Higher Spin Holography
    Suting Zhao, Christian Northe (Würzburg U.), Konstantin Weisenberger, René Meyer
    JHEP 05 (2022) 166   arXiv:2202.11111
  • Generalizing the Ryu-Takayanagi formula to probe entanglement shadows of BTZ black holes
    Marius Gerbershagen
    Proc. of Science EPS-HEP2021 (2022), p. 734   DOI:10.22323/1.398.0734
  • Fractional Klein-Gordon Equation on AdS2+1
    Pablo Basteiro, Janine Elfert, Johanna Erdmenger, Haye Hinrichsen
    J. Phys. A 55 (2022) 36, 364002   arXiv:2201.10870

  • Exact Gravity Duals for Simple Quantum Circuits
    Johanna Erdmenger, Mario Flory (IFT Madrid), Marius Gerbershagen, Michal P. Heller (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Anna-Lena Weigel
    SciPost Phys. 13 (2022) 3, 061  arXiv:2112.12158
  • Reflected entropy in double holography
    Yi Ling (Inst. of HEP Beijing and School of Physics Beijing), Peng Liu (Jinan U.), Yuxuan Liu (Kavli Inst. of Theor. Phys. and Inst. of HEP Beijing and School of Physics Beijing), Zhuo-Yu Xian, Cheng-Yong Zhang (Jinan U.)
    JHEP 2022, 037 (2022)   arXiv:2109.09243
  • Geometric phases distinguish entangled states in wormhole quantum mechanics
    Flavio S. Nogueira (IFW Dresden), Souvik Banerjee, Moritz Dorband, René Meyer, Jeroen van den Brink (TU Dresden and IFW Dresden), Johanna Erdmenger
    Phys. Rev. D 105, L081903 (2022)   arXiv:2109.06190
  • Quantum Complexity as Hydrodynamics
    Pablo Basteiro, Johanna Erdmenger, Pascal Fries, Florian Goth, Ioannis Matthaiakakis, René Meyer
    Phys. Rev. D 106, 065016 (2022)   arXiv:2109.01152
  • Symmetry-resolved entanglement for excited states and two entangling intervals in AdS3/CFT2
    Konstantin Weisenberger, Suting Zhao, Christian Northe (Würzburg U.), René Meyer
    JHEP 2021, 104 (2021)   arXiv:2108.09210
  • Towards quantifying information flows: relative entropy in deep neural networks and the renormalization group
    Johanna Erdmenger, Kevin T. Grosvenor (MPI-PKS, Dresden and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat), Ro Jefferson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm U.)
    SciPost Phys. 12, 041 (2022)   arXiv:2107.06898
  • Complexity as a holographic probe of strong cosmic censorship
    Mohsen Alishahiha (IPM Tehran), Souvik Banerjee, Joshua Kames-King (Bethe Center for Theor. Phys. and Kavli Inst. for Theor. Phys.), Emma Loos
    Phys. Rev. D 105, 026001 (2022)   arXiv:2106.14578
  • Gaussian Continuous-Variable Isotropic State
    Maria Poxleitner, Haye Hinrichsen
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 032423 (2021)   arXiv:2105.03141
  • Illuminating entanglement shadows of BTZ black holes by a generalized entanglement measure
    Marius Gerbershagen
    JHEP 2021, 187 (2021)   arXiv:2105.01097
  • Curing with hemlock: escaping the swampland using instabilities from string theory
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Suvendu Giri (Milan Bicocca U. and INFN Milan Bicocca)
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 30 (2021)   arXiv:2103.17121
  • Non-equilibrium steady state formation in 3+1 dimensions
    Christian Ecker (Frankfurt, Goethe U.), Johanna Erdmenger, Wilke van der Schee (CERN)
    SciPost Phys. 11, 047 (2021)   arXiv:2103.10435
  • Dark bubbles and black holes
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Suvendu Giri (Milan Bicocca U. and INFN Milan Bicocca)
    JHEP 2021, 158 (2021)   arXiv:2102.02164
  • Monodromy methods for torus conformal blocks and entanglement entropy at large central charge
    Marius Gerbershagen
    JHEP 2021, 143 (2021)   arXiv:2101.11642

  • Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement in AdS3/CFT2 coupled to U(1) Chern-Simons Theory
    Suting Zhao, Christian Northe (Würzburg U.), René Meyer
    JHEP 2021, 30 (2021)   arXiv:2012.11274

  • Gauge/gravity dynamics for the strongly coupled sector of composite Higgs models
    Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans (Southampton U.), Werner Porod (Würzburg U.), Konstantinos S. Rigatos (Southampton U.)
    JHEP 2021, 58 (2021)   arXiv:2010.10279

  • Gauge/gravity dynamics for composite Higgs models and the top mass
    Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans (Southampton U.), Werner Porod (Würzburg U.), Konstantinos S. Rigatos (Southampton U.)
    Phys. Rev. Letters 126, 071602 (2021)   arXiv:2009.10737

  • Bubble needs strings
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Suvendu Giri (Uppsala U.)
    JHEP 2021, 250 (2021)   arXiv:2009.01597

  • Resolving modular flow: a toolkit for free fermions
    Johanna Erdmenger, Pascal Fries, Ignacio A. Reyes (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Christian P. Simon
    JHEP 2020, 126 (2020)   arXiv:2008.07532

  • Complexity measures from geometric actions on Virasoro and Kac-Moody orbits
    Johanna Erdmenger, Marius Gerbershagen, Anna-Lena Weigel
    JHEP 2020, 3 (2020)   arXiv:2004.03619

  • Momentum-Dependent Mass and AC Hall Conductivity of Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators and Their Relation to the Parity Anomaly
    Christian Tutschku (Würzburg U.), Jan Böttcher, René Meyer, E. M. Hankiewicz (Würzburg U.)
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033193 (2020)   arXiv:2003.03146

  • Dark bubbles: decorating the wall
    Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.), Suvendu Giri (Uppsala U.)
    JHEP 2020, 85 (2020)   arXiv:2001.07433

  • Holographic RG Flows for Kondo-like Impurities
    Johanna Erdmenger, Charles M. Melby-Thompson, Christian Northe (Würzburg U.)
    JHEP 2020, 75 (2020)   arXiv:2001.04991

  • Information geometry in quantum field theory: lessons from simple examples
    Johanna Erdmenger, Kevin T. Grosvenor, Ro Jefferson (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
    SciPost Phys. 8, 073 (2020)   arXiv:2001.02683

  • Turbulent hydrodynamics in strongly correlated Kagome metals
    Domenico Di Sante (Würzburg U.), Johanna Erdmenger, Martin Greiter (Würzburg U.), Ioannis Matthaiakakis, Rene Meyer, David Rodriguez Fernandez, Ronny Thomale (Würzburg U.), Erik van Loon (Bremen U.), Tim Wehling (Bremen U.)
    Nat Commun 11, 3997 (2020)   arXiv:1911.06810

  • Holographic Superfluid Solitons with Backreaction
    Zhongshan Xu (Beijing, GUCAS), Yiqiang Du, Johanna Erdmenger, René Meyer, Yu Tian (Beijing, GUCAS & MIT, Cambridge, CTP & Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.), Zhuo-Yu Xian (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.)
    Phys. Rev. D 101, 086011   arXiv:1910.09253

  • Entwinement as a possible alternative to complexity
    Johanna Erdmenger, Marius Gerbershagen
    JHEP 2020, 82 (2020)   arXiv:1910.05352

  • Universality of continuous phase transitions on random Voronoi graphs
    Manuel Schrauth and Jefferson S. E. Portela
    Physical Review E 100, 062118 (2019) arXiv:1907.12494

  • Light composite fermions from holography
    Raimond Abt, Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans (Southampton U.), Konstantinos S. Rigatos (Southampton U.)
    JHEP 1911 (2019) 160, arXiv:1907.09489

  • Fast algorithm for topologically disordered lattices with constant coordination number
    Manuel Schrauth and Jefferson S. E. Portela
    Physical Review Research 1, 033061 (2019) arXiv:1907.05040

  • Relevance of topological disorder on the directed percolation phase transition
    Manuel Schrauth, Jefferson S. E. Portela, and Florian Goth 

  • The entanglement and relative entropy of a chiral fermion on the torus 
    Pascal Fries, Ignacio A. Reyes (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
    Phys. Rev. D 100, 105015 (2019), arXiv:1906.02207

  • The entanglement spectrum of chiral fermions on the torus 
    Pascal Fries, Ignacio A. Reyes (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 211603 (2019), arXiv:1905.05768

  • Functional dependence of the Hall viscosity-induced transverse voltage in two-dimensional Fermi liquids
    Ioannis Matthaiakakis, David Rodríguez Fernández, Christian Tutschku, Ewelina M. Hankiewicz, Johanna Erdmenger, René Meyer
    Phys.Rev. B101 (2020) no.4, 045423, arXiv:1905.03269

  • Higher-Order Corrections to Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Subregion Complexity in the AdS Black Hole Background 
    Aranya Bhattacharya (Saha Inst. & HBNI, Mumbai), Kevin T. Grosvenor, Shibaji Roy (Saha Inst. & HBNI, Mumbai)
    Phys. Rev. D 100, 126004 (2019), arXiv:1905.02220

  • Synchronization of delayed fluctuating complex networks
    Javier Rodrı́guez-Laguna, Otti D’Huys , Manuel Jiménez-Martı́n, Elka Korutcheva and Wolfgang Kinzel
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 020005 (2019)

  • Understanding the enhanced synchronization of delay-coupled networks with fluctuating topology
    Otti D'Huys, Javier Rodriguez-Laguna, Manuel Jiménez, Elka Korutcheva and Wolfgang Kinzel

    Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 1129 1150 (2018)

  • Renormalization of lattice field theories with infinite-range wavelets
    Pascal Fries, Ignacio Reyes, Johanna Erdmenger, Haye Hinrichsen
    J.Stat.Mech. 1906 (2019) no.6, 064001, arxiv.org/abs/1811.05388
  • Boundary and Defect CFT: Open Problems and Applications
    Natan Andrei (Rutgers U., Piscataway), Agnese Bissi (Uppsala U.), Matthew Buican (Queen Mary, U. of London), John Cardy (UC, Berkeley & Merton Coll., Oxford), Patrick Dorey (Durham U.), Nadav Drukker (King's Coll. London, Dept. Math), Johanna Erdmenger (Wurzburg U.), Daniel Friedan (Rutgers U., Piscataway & Iceland U.), Dmitri Fursaev (Moscow State U.), Anatoly Konechny (Heriot-Watt U. & Maxwell Inst. Math. Sci., Edinburgh) et al.


  • Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality
    Johanna Erdmenger (Wurzburg U.)

    PoS TASI2017 (2018) 001 ( arxiv.org/abs/1807.09872 )

  • Chirality Josephson current due to a novel quantum anomaly in inversion-asymmetric Weyl semimetals
    Song-Bo Zhang, Johanna Erdmenger, Bjoern Trauzettel (Wurzburg U.)

    [cond-mat.supr-con], accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters ( arxiv.org/abs/1806.08111 )

  • Properties of Modular Hamiltonians on Entanglement Plateaux
    Raimond Abt, Johanna Erdmenger

    JHEP 11 (2018) 002 ( arXiv: 1809.03516)

  • Complexity change under conformal transformations in AdS3 / CFT2
    Mario Flory, Nina Miekley
    arXiv: 1806.08376
  • A violation of the Harris-Barghathi-Vojta criterion
    Manuel Schrauth, Jefferson Stafusa E. Portela, and Florian Goth
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 100601 (arxiv.org/abs/1803.08753 )
  • Effective Hopping in Holographic Bose and Fermi Hubbard Models
    Mitsutoshi Fujita, Rene Meyer, Sumiran Pujari, Masaki Tezuka
  • Holographic Subregion Complexity from Kinematic Space
    Raimond Abt, Johanna Erdmenger, Marius Gerbershagen, Charles M. Melby-Thompson, Christian Northe


  • Revisiting Lorentz violation in Horava gravity
    Andrew Coates, Charles Melby-Thompson, Shinji Mukohyama


  • Diffusion and first-passage characteristics on a dynamically evolving support
    Manuel Schrauth and Maximilan Schneider


  • Two-dimensional Ising model on random lattices with constant coordination number
    Manuel Schrauth, Julian Richter, and Jefferson Stafusa E. Portela

    Phys. Rev. E 97, 022144 (2018) ( arxiv.org/abs/1711.07981 )

  • Giant Photocurrent in asymmetric Weyl semimetals from the helical magnetic effect
    Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Yuta Kikuchi, René Meyer, Yuya Tanizaki


  • Holographic Kondo and Fano Resonances
    J. Erdmenger, C. Hoyos, Andy O'Bannon, Iannis Papadimitriou, Jonas Probst, Jackson M. S. Wu
  • A holographic perspective on phonons and pseudo-phononos
    A. Amoretti, D. Arean, R. Argurio, D. Musso, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas
  • Phases of higher spin black holes: Hawking-Page, transitions between black holes and a critical point
    M. Banados, G. Düring, A. Faraggi, I. Reyes
  • On the interplay of noise and delay in coupled oscillators
    O. D'Huys, T. Jüngling and W. Kinzel
    In: Control of self-organizing nonlinear systems, Chapter 7,ed. by E. Schöll, S. Klapp and P Hövel, Springer Complexity (2016)
  • Chaos synchronization by resonance of multiple delay times
    M. Jimenez, O. D`Huys, L. Lauerbach, E. Korutcheva, and W. Kinzel
    Phys. Rev. E 93, 022206 (2016)

  • Support vectors and statistical mechanics
    R. Dietrich, M.Opper, and H. Sompolinsky, in A. J. Smola, P. Bartlett, B. Schölkopf, and D. Schuurmans, editors, Advances in Large Margin Classifiers. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1999)
  • Evaporation and step edge diffusion in MBE
    S. Schinzer, M. Sokolowski, M. Biehl, and W. Kinzel, in "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (1998), J. of Crystal Growth" (201-202) pp. 85-87 (1999)
  • Quantum Mechanics Simulation
    von J. R. Hiller, I. D. Johnston u. D. F. Styer. Wiley, Chichester 1995, W. Kinzel, Buchbesprechung in Phys. Bl. 52, 1030 (1996)
  • Perceptron learning: The largest version space
    M. Biehl and M. Opper; invited contribution to the Workshop: Theory of Neural Networks: The Statistical Mechanics Perspective (Pohang, Korea 1995), ed. by J.-H. Oh, Ch. Kwon, S. Cho, World Scientific (Singapore) 1995
  • Physik lernender Netzwerke
    W. Kinzel in Physik und Informatik, Eds. D. König und M. Lang, Informatik Fachberichte 306, S. 90, Springer Verlag (1991)
  • Query by committee
    H. S. Seung, M. Opper and H. Sompolinksy (1992), in: Proc. Vth Annual ACM Workshop on Comp. Learning Theory, Assoc. for Computing Machinery, New York (1992)
  • Dynamics of Learning
    W. Kinzel and M. Opper, in: Physics of Neural Networks eds. E. Domany, J. L. v. Hemmen, K. Schulten, Springer-Verlag (Models of Neural Networks) p. 149 (1991)