Prof. Dr. Stefano Pozzorini
Universität Zürich
T a l k: 5. December 2024
Towards the automation of Loop Tree Duality
The calculation of scattering amplitudes is a key ingredient of theoretical predictions for high-energy colliders. Nowadays such calculations are entirely automated up to Next-to-Leading Order (NLO) in perturbation theory, while the automation of high-precision calculations beyond NLO calls for major methodological improvements. This talk deals with ongoing work towards the automation of the Loop Tree Duality (LTD) method. In this approach, loop integrals are calculated in a similar way as real corrections, i.e. through numerical integration in momentum space. This allows for a local cancellation of virtual and real infrared singularities, while loop integrals involve UV and threshold singularities that can be removed via local subtraction terms. I will discuss a first automated implementation of LTD together with preliminary results at NLO.