English Intern
  • Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik
Theoretische Physik II

Jun. Prof. Anke Biekötter

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

T a l k : 24. April 2025

Renormalisation group evolution effects on global SMEFT fits


Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is a powerful framework to describe the low-energy effects of theories with particles so heavy that we cannot produce them directly. In the absence of a new physics discovery, we can use the SMEFT as a bottom-up approach to combine the results of different datasets. In this talk, we will discuss how global SMEFT analyses allow us to efficiently disentangle different directions in new physics parameter space. We will focus specifically on the role of the renormalisation group evolution of the Wilson coefficients for constraints on the SMEFT Wilson coefficients.