Theoretische Physik II

"Ultra-high energy neutrino events at IceCube and the Glashow resonance"


Sonderseminar: Atri Bhattacharya (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad)



The Glashow resonance is a peak of enhanced cross-section for an electron-anti-neutrino of 6.3 PeV energy interacting with an electron and producing a resonant W boson, which further decays into electrons and hadrons producing cascades in a large volume (Km3) neutrino detector such as the IceCube. We will explore the significance of this narrow bin of energy in view of the two recently observed neutrino events at the PeV energies at the IceCube and will show that the observation of (or lack of) events at 6.3 PeV energies in the future will allow us to understand several facets of the Ultra-high energy neutrino flux coming, possibly, from extra-galactic sources.

Time: 16:15 pm, Tue 27/11/2012
Room: Seminar room 22.02.008, Campus North

Von W. Winter
