MSc. Robert Franken @ Particle Theory Seminar
17.01.2022Seminar Title: NLO corrections to off-shell W+ W- scattering, Thursday - 20 January 2022, 5:15 pm, Room: Physik West - SE 22.00.017
MSc. Robert Franken
Title: NLO corrections to off-shell W+ W- scattering
In this talk I present NLO predictions for off-shell vector-boson scattering into a pair of off-shell opposite-sign W bosons and its irreducible background. At LO, the process consists of the EW signal and background as EW contribution, an interference and the QCD background, which can be seperated by the order of the strong coupling constant. At NLO, different processes within the same order of the strong coupling constant cannot be separated in a gauge-invariant fashion anymore and have to be taken into account simultaneously. With EW and QCD corrections to the EW contribution and EW corrections to the interference we computed two of four NLO contributions and especially the corrections to the signal process. The EW corrections of -12.0% and -6.7% in two different experimental setups were smaller than those of other VBS processes. We could trace back this effect to the presence of the Higgs boson resonance in our fiducial phace space region. The QCD corrections amount to -5.3% and -22.5%, where the large negative correction in our second setup arise from a strict fiducial phase space region for our final-state jets.
Thursday, 20 January 2022
Time: 5:15 pm
Room: Physik West - SE 22.00.017