Sonderseminar: Atri Bhattacharya (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad)
Aktuelle Meldungen
"Higgs physics after the discovery"
29.10.2012Special guest in our Physics Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Georg Weiglein (DESY Hamburg)
MehrPromotionskolloquium von Dipl.-Phys. Urs Ganse
Mehr"Neutrinos at the South Pole"
27.09.2012Special Seminar by Dr. Jason Koskinen (The Pennsylvania State University, University Park)
Mehr"LHC phenomenology of a Z' decaying into supersymmetric particles"
Mehr"Model Independent Spin Determination at Hadron Colliders"
Mehr"Variable Emission Aktiver Galaxienkerne"
Mehr"Complete Michel Parameter Analysis of the Inclusive Semileptonic b->c Transition"
Mehr"Indirect Search for Dark Matter in the Universe - the Multiwavelength and Multiobject Approach"
Mehr"LHC phenomenology and higher order electroweak corrections in supersymmetric models with and without R-parity"
MehrPreisregen in der Physik
05.12.2011aus einBLICK
MehrPromotionskolloquium von MSc. Jian Tang am Mo. 19.12.2011 um 12:00 Uhr im Seminarraum 22.00.017
27.11.2011"Phenomenology of neutrino oscillations at the Neutrino Factory"
MehrDie Weltmaschine feiert Geburtstag
27.11.2011aus einBLICK
Mehr"Noncommutative Gravity and Quantum Field Theory on Noncommutative Curved Spacetimes"
MehrGRK-Tage in Samerberg
31.07.2011Workshop der GK-Mitglieder und eingeladener Gäste
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