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  • Digital StillCamera
  • Schmuckbild vom Hubland-Campus. (Foto: Gunnar Bartsch)
Technische Physik

Open positions

Gottfried-Landwehr Laboratory for Nanotechnologies (GLLN)

The Chair for Applied Physics and the Gottfried Landwehr Laboratory for Nanotechnologies (GLLN) have developed into one of the leading research facilities in the field of quantum optics, polaritonics, and nanostructure optoelectronic devices. The chair conducts research based on III-V semiconductors, organic materials, and transition metal dichalcogenides. The GLLN is a 550 m² clean room facility equipped with a complete semiconductor technology line, including epitaxial growth as well as nanostructure fabrication and characterization.

We are constantly recruiting PhD students for research in multinational teams and we offer various topics for Bachelor and Master theses. For more information, please get in touch with our group leaders or check the current openings.