    Technische Physik

    JMU Mobility Fellowship awarded to Yorick Reum


    First-year Ph.D. student Yorick Reum was awarded a JMU Mobility Fellowship by JMU president Prof. Dr. Paul Pauli.

    The JMU Fellowship provides Yorick with funding for a research stay at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland, U.S. Yorick plans on spending three months at the beginning of 2025 at the renowned research institute in the group of Dr. Marcelo Davanco to investigate the precise optical positioning of quantum emitters.

    The planned research follows up on a recent publication from the group on this topic [Craig R. Copeland, et al., Optica Quantum 2, 72-84 (2024)], employing an experimental and analytical characterization of the optical aberrations inherent to optical setup. The joint project can take advantage of the specialized knowledge and facilities at JMU and NIST.

    The JMU Mobility Fellowship is organized by the Research Advancement Centre of the University of Würzburg. The fellowship covers 50 % of the costs; the remaining 50 % is provided by our chair.
