English Intern
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie


General information

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F-Praktikum is offered twice a year. Each session is 7 weeks long, starting 7 weeks before each semesters lecture start ("Vorlesungszeiten"). Registration is done through WueStudy, with the registration period for the Sprin sessios in from December 1st to 20th, and for the Fall session, from June 1st to 20th.

The schedule of experiments within each session is typically available about 6 weeks before the start of the session. F-pratikum is a mandatory part of your Masters, and until the schedule is released, participating students are expected to keep the entire period available. Because of time and other practical constraints, special requests for scheduling can in general not be considered (except for medical reasons or similar.)

Additionally, there is a mandatory introduction and safety briefing for first time participants. It is held near the end of the previous lecture period, typically in its final week (with the exact date/time/place being communicated by e-mail to F-praktikum participants).


Important details.

F-praktikum is a mandatory part of your Masters studies.

Students who have completed their Bachelors (all 180 ECTS points) before the start of the session (not necessarily before the registration) are able to praticipat, even if they are still waiting for some grades and/or for some things to be credited into WueStudy. Students in the transition period from Bachelor to Masters, who will have almost 180 ECTS points, but not have completed all tasks required for their Bachelors, may be allowed to participated, but only after consulation with the responsible for the F-praktikum. 

F-praktikum is devided into modules. Each module consist of two experiments, and is worth 3 ECTS points. The mandatory (pflicht) part of your program requires that you do 3 modules of F-praktikum. A 4th module is optional (Wahlpflicht) in the program. Passing a module requires succesfully completing the two experiments. Failing either of the two results in a failed module.

Officially, students may sign up for 1, 2, or 3 modules during any individual session. Experience has however shown that because of the workload and the thightness of the schedule, attempting 3 modules in one session is simply a bad idea. It is therefore strongly reccomended that students restrict themselves to either 1 or 2 modules per session.

Each experiment is conducted as a collaboration between two students. Students are allowed to sign-up as a pair (this is organized by e-mail after the registration period, since Wuestudy does not allow for this to be done directly), or as individuals. Individual sign-ups will be teamed into pairs at random.



