About us

Particle physics is entering an exiting phase with the recent start of the Run 3 data taking at the LHC experiments. In this phase precision measurements will test the Standard Model of particle physics even further. Of particular interest are measurements related to the Higgs boson and the vector bosons as these are highly sensitive to new physics. This is of special importance as on the one hand the Standard Model is valid up to energies higher than had been expected. On the other hand it leaves several fundamental questions open, puzzling the community for quite some time now:

  • What causes the flavour structure of the Standard Model fermions?
  • Is there a unification of the fundamental forces as indicated by the underlying mathematical structure?
  • What is the nature of the observed dark matter relic density?
  • What causes the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe?
  • Is only one Higgs field driving electroweak symmetry breaking? Does its potential have the simple form assumed in the Standard Model? What is the dynamical origin of its form and is it linked to the flavour problem raised in the first question?

A coordinated and combined effort of theory and experiment is required to answer these questions. We will tackle them by focusing on: precision tests of the Standard Model at the LHC and prospective future colliders, the search for physics beyond the Standard Model at present and future colliders, and the development of field-theoretical methods and tools.

It is the aim of the research training group to train a new generation of doctoral researchers with a focus on the connection between theory and experiment and equipping them with modern methods and techniques.

This research training group is run jointly by the chairs TP2, TP3 & Physik und ihre Didaktik.


Inauguration workshop RTG 2994

Topical Workshop - Using gauge/gravity duality for Composite Higgs models

RTG Seminar by MSc. Yu Chen and MSc. Deepali Singh