15.01. Maarten de Jong (National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam)
22.01. Pierre Binétruy (PCCP - Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics)
16.01. Nicolao Fornengo (Universita do Torino)
23.01. Wolfgang Hillebrandt (Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching)
06.02. Marcus Brueggen (Sternwarte Hamburg)
17.04. Eiichiro Komatsu (Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching)
15.05. Wilfried Buchmüller (DESY Hamburg)
02.06. Volker Springel (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies)
12.06. Ruth Durrer (Université de Genève)
22.06.-05.07. Ritesh Singh (IISER Kolkata, India)
26.06. James Braatz (National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
06.-31.10. Gabriella Puppo (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, VARESE, Italy)
22.10. Agnieszka Swierczewska-Gwiazda (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw)
26.10.-01.11. Thomas Gajdosik (Universität Vilnius)
26.10.-01.11 und 23.11.-06.12. Vytautas Dudenas (Universität Vilnius)
23.-29.11. Darius Jurciukonis (Universität Vilnius)
08.12. Wolfram Schmidt (Universität Göttingen)
13.11. Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (Universität Hamburg)
04.12. André Schöning (Universität Heidelberg)
12.12. Venky Krishnan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India)
17.01. Benoît Famaey (Université de Strasbourg)
21.-25.01. Stefan Liebler (Universität Wuppertal)
28.01.-01.02. Christophe Berthon (Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Nantes)
27.-31.01. Mark Goodsell (CERN)
28.-30.01. Florian Staub (Universität Bonn)
07.02. Martin Spinrath (SISSA Trieste)
10.-24.02. Amit Shukla (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India)
02.05. David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)
23.05. Alexander Merle (University of Southampton)
06.06. Hans-Thomas Janka (Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik Garching)
20.06. Reinhard Meinel (Universität Jena)
11.07. Eduardo Ros (University of Valencia)
18.07. Claus Beisbart (Universität Bern)
10.-12.09. D.P. Roy (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India)
9.-11.10. Philipp Kant (HU Berlin)
24.10. Alain Coc (CSNSM Orsay)
21.11. René Reifarth (Universität Frankfurt am Main)
2.-8.12. &
10.-17.12. Keith Ellis (Fermilab, Batavia)
8.-13.12. Gabriella Puppo (Politecnico di Torino)
9.-13.12. Christian Iliadis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
19.01. Anne Christine Davis (DAMTP Cambridge)
31.01. Aoife Bharucha (DESY Hamburg)
09.02. Ilja Dorsner (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
02.02. Florian Staub (Universität Bonn)
03.05. Michael Kachelriess (University of Trondheim, Norway)
17.06. Knut Waagan (University of Washington, USA)
21.06. Julia Becker (Universität Bochum)
28.06. Ando Shin-ichiro (University of Amsterdam, GRAPPA)
09.07. Martin Hirsch (IFIC Valencia)
12.07. Josef Mohr (LMU München)
15.11. Felix Brümmer (DESY Hamburg)
22.11. Kerstin Tackmann (DESY Hamburg)
13.12. Michael Gustafsson (Université Libre de Bruxelles
12.01. Maria Dainotti (University of Lodz)
20.01. Michael Schmidt (Universität Heidelberg)
02.02. Christoph Stephan (University of Potsdam)
09.02. Werner Collmar (MPE Garching)
11.02. Enrico Nardi (INFN Frascati, Italy / UAM Madrid, Spain)
03.-09.04. Leonardo Castellani (Alessandria University, Italy)
12.05. Subir Sarkar (Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK)
12.05. Philipp Mertsch (Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK)
19.05. Stephen West (University of London/Rutherford Appleton Lagoratory, UK)
06.-08.06. Sergio Pastor (IFIC Valencia)
16.06. Gennaro Miele (INFN Napoli)
07.07. Francesco Sannino (IFK & IMADA, University of Southern Denmark)
14.07. Heiko Lacker (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
14.-15., 21.-22.07. Gottfried Kanbach (MPE Garching)
21.07. Matthias Schott (CERN Genf)
28.07. Knut Waagan (University of Maryland in College Park, USA)
02.-05.08. Martin Hirsch (IFIC Valencia)
02.-05.08. Georg Robbers (MPI für Astrophysik Garching)
04.-07.10. Ad AN Ridder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
04.-07.10. Marlene Doert (TU Dortmund)
04.-07.10. Tim Ruhe (TU Dortmund)
03.11. Matthias Neubert (Universität Mainz)
01.12. Stefano Moretti (University of Southampton)
15.12. Jürgen Reuter (Universität Freiburg & DESY Hamburg)
7.01. Luciano Rezzolla (Albert-Einstein-Institut Golm): On the solution of the two-body problem in general relativity
12.-15.01. Knut Waagan (Universität Oslo): Second order positive schemes for MHD
14.01. Denis Gialis (Grenoble, Frankreich): On cosmic ray acceleration in gamma ray bursts
04.02. Andreas Müller (TU München): How to detect a black hole
11.02. Niels Obers (Niels Bohr Inst. Kopenhagen): Higher dimensional black holes
23.02. Anders Pinzke (University of Stockholm): Gamma-ray emission from clusters of galaxies - a competition between cosmic rays and dark matter
09.-25.03. R. Keith Ellis (Fermilab, USA): Vorlesungsreihe Modern tools for collider predictions in QCD
01.-29.04. Yulia Kartavykh (Ioffe-Institut, St Petersburg): Forschungsaufenthalt
28.06. David J. Thompson (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in Greenbelt, Md, USA)
28.06.-02.07. Claudio Dappiaggi (DESY Hamburg): Blockvorlesung
21.-25.07. Knut Waagan (Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling, University of Maryland in College Park)
27.-29.09. Stefan Gieseke (KIT Karlsruhe): Blockvorlesung im Miniworkshop MC techniques and generators
28.09. Pablo Araya Melo (Jacobs University Bremen)
13.-14.10. Tobias Hurth (CERN)
13.-17.10. Joel Jones (INFN Frascati)
15.-.16.10. High-Energy Universe Workshop
- Peter Biermann (MPI Bon): The Nature of Dark Matter
- Laura Covi (DESY Hamburg): Supergravity at the LHC
- Manfred Lindner (MPI Heidelberg) Neutrinos and dark matter as probes of new physics
- Malcom Longair (University of Cambridge) Public Lecture: The High Energy Universe
- Aldo Morselli (INFN Roma Tor Vergata): Search for Dark Matter in the sky in the Fermi era
- Olaf Reimer (Universität Innsbruck): Observing Signatures of Cosmic Rays using High-Energy Gamma-Ray Telescope
- Christian Spiering (DESY Zeuthen): Neutrino Astrophysics
- Thomas Hebbeker (RWTH Aachen): First results from LHC
- Peter Jenni (CERN): LHC and the Road Map for Discoveries at the Hadron Colliders
- Will Percival (University of Portsmouth): Cosmology from Galaxy Redshift Surveys
- Licia Verde (Universitat de Barcelona): Connecting Cosmology to Fundamental Physics: some Examples
- Dieter Zeppenfeld (KIT Karlsruhe), Higgs Physics at the LHC
9.-14.11. Dr. Alexander Dolgov (INFN Ferrara): Condensation of charged bosons in plasma physics and cosmology
18.11. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg): Dark matter in plasma physics and cosmology
14.12. Prof. Geoffrey Bicknell (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australia): AGN Feedback on star formation
08.01. Benjamin Jurke (München): String Theory - A general overview and current hottopics
15.01. Athina Meli (Erlangen-Nürnberg): Cosmic rays and schock acceleration in astrophysical sources
03.02. - 06.02. Dr. Karl Hohenwarter-Sodek (Wien): Forschungsaufenthalt
05.02. Dr. Patrick Hennebelle (Paris): Studying star formation via numerical simulations
27.04. - 30.04. Dr. Markus Böttcher (Ohio University): Forschungsaufenthalt
27.04. - 30.04. Dr. Anita Reimer (Universität Innsbruck): Forschungsaufenthalt
27.04. - 29.04. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schlickeiser (RU Bochum): Forschungsaufenthalt
16.04. Dr. Fawzi Boudjema (Annecy): Dark matter
18.06. Dr. Sven Lustig (Ulm): On CMB anomalies and/or topology of the universe
Juli Dr. Julia Kartavykh (St Petersburg): Forschungsaufenthalt
02.07. Dr. Horst Fichtner (Bochum): Cosmic rays and climate
09.07. Dr. Torsten Ensslin (München): CMB with Planck
28.07. Dr. Georg Raffelt (München): Collective phenomena with neutrinos
28.07. Dr. Rami Vainio (Helsinki): Particle transport in the heliosphere
12.-13.10. Dr. Karol Kovarik (Grenoble): Nuclear Parton Distribution functions
15.10. Prof. Tom Gaisser (Bartol Research Center, University of Delaware): Latest results from ICECUBE
19.-31.10. Prof. Paolo Aschieri, Facolta di Scienze M.F.N., Alessandria, Italy: magnetic monopoles and geometrical aspects of gauge theories
02.11. Prof. Dr. Max Camenzind (Röntgen-Gastprofessor im WS2009/2010): Astrophysical Black Holes
05.11. Prof. Chris Quigg (Fermilab, Batavia, USA): Gedanken worlds without Higgs fields
12.11. Prof. Mauri Valtonen (University of Turku, Finnland): Binary black holes
03.12. Prof. Bernd Brügmann (Universität Jena): Black holes in numerical general relativity
10.12. Leonardo Modesto (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada): Quantum space-time and black holes
17.12. Dr. Ulrich Langenfeld (Humboldt-Universität Berlin): Constraints on SUSY - Particles from Collider Physics and Cosmology
10.01. Prof. Dr. R. Engel (Karlsruhe): Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
18.01. R. Horsky (Aachen): Search for Neutralinos in Squark Decays at the LHC
24.01. Prof. Dr. M. Drees (Bonn): Learning from WIMPs
05.02. Dr. R. Shanidze (Erlangen): Neutrino Astronomy wiht ANTARES and KM3NeT
26.03. - 29.03. Prof. Dr. E. Ma (Riverside): Utility of a special second scalar doublet
19.06. - 20.06. PD. Dr. J. Erdmenger (München): Blockvorlesung: Lectures on mesons in gauge/gravity duality
26.06, Dr. K. Giesel (Golm): An introduction to loop quantum gravity
09.07. Prof. Dr. A. Konopelko (Purdue): Imaging the Universe in VHE Gamma-Rays
15.07. - 22.07. Prof. Dr. W. H. Kinney (Buffalo), Blockvorlesung: Inflation
17.07. - 23.07. M.G. Dainotti (Rome), Forschungsaufenthalt
17.07. Dr. C. Gorjean (CERN): From Higgsless to composite Higgs models
23.07. - 26.07. Dr. S. Kraml (Grenoble), Blockvorlesung: SUSY Dark Matter
22.09. - 29.09. Dr. C. Boehm (CERN / Annecy), Forschungsaufenthalt
06.11. Prof. Dr. P. Schupp (Bremen): Non-commutative gravity
20.11. Dr. A. Serenelli (Garching): On the Standard Solar Model
04.12. Dr. B. Sandhöfer (Köln): On quantum cosmology
10.12. - 12.12. Dr. A. Trotta (London), Blockvorlesung: Data analysis and interpretation in cosmology
18.01. Dr. A. Ringwald (DESY): Millicharged Particles from Gauge Kinetic Mixing in String Compactifications: A possible Solution to the PVLAS Puzzle
01.02. Dr. T. Enssin (Garching): Energetic Particles and Magnetic Fields in Large Scala Structure
08.02. Dr. P. Huber (Wisconsin): Detecting Axions using the Earth’s Magnetic Field
21.03. H. Wen (Giessen): Brane Model Dark Energy
22.03. M. G. Hartl (Freiburg): Embedding of local inhomogeneities into a cosmological universe
26.04. Dr. T. Ohlsson (Stockholm): Neutrinos from WIMP Annohilations
10.05. Dr. T. Schwetz-Mangold (CERN): It is possible to reconcile global neutrino data, LSND and recent MiniBoo-NE results?
21.05. - 25.05. Dr. T. Hahn (München): Blockvorlesung: FeynArts und FormCalc
24.05. Dr. S. Agarwakka (Allhabad): The India-based Neutrino Observatory
14.06. Prof. Dr. M.-M. Mac Low (New York / Heidelberg): Control of Star Formation in Galaxies by Gravitational Instability and Supersonic Turbulence
21.06. Dr. S. Hossenfelder (Waterloo): Phenomenological Quantum Gravity
28.06. Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Rhode (Dortmund): Ice Cube
09.07. Dr. C. Stephan (Annecy)
05.07. Prof. Dr. C. Stegmann (Erlangen-Nürnberg): Ground-bases Gamma Astrophysics
08.07. - 18.07. Prof. Dr. H. Murayama (Berkeley): Forschungsaufenthalt, Blockvorlesung: Supersymmetry
12.07. Dr. F. Miniati (Zürich): Comsic-ray Acceleration and Nonthermal Emission in the Large Scale Structure of the Universe
19.07. A. Rakic (Bielefeld): Yet a perfect standard model? Anomalies in the Comsic Mircowave Background
02.08 - 04.08. Prof. Dr. S. Nandi (Oklahoma): New Signals of Extra Dimensions and Higgs at the LHC
03.09. - 08.09. Prof. Dr. A. Kempf (Waterloo): Forschungsaufenthalt
03.09. - 08.09. Prof. Dr. R. Parentani (Paris): Forschungsaufenthalt
05.09. - 07.09. Prof. Dr. A. Linde: Forschungsaufenthalt
20.09. - 02.10. Prof. Dr. D. Hartmann (Clemson): Forschungsaufenthalt
23.11. Dr. M. Plümacher (München): Neutrinos and the Origin of Matter in the Universe
06.12. Dr. M. Hauschild (CERN): Particle Detectors
20.12. Prof. Dr. G. Sigl (DESY): Physics and Astrophysics with Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
03.01. Dr. T. Binoth (Edinburgh): Arbeitstreffen
13.01. Dr. W. Rodejohann (München): Neutrino Physics
20.01. Prof. Dr. R. Harlander (Wuppertal): Higgs Production
27.01. Dr. M. Krause (Cambridge): Interactions of Extragalatic Jets with their Environment
03.02. Dr. U. Ziegler (Potsdam): Numerical Adaptive-Mesh Gravito-Magneto Hydrodynamics
04.05. F. Plentinger (München): Discrete Flavor Symmetries
01.06. Prof. Dr. M. Krämer (Aachen): Production of SUSY Particles at LHC
08.06. Prof. Dr. H.A. Baer (Florida): Prospects of SUSY at LHC in Light of Dark Matter
10.07. - 14.07. Dr. M. Böttcher (Ohio): Forschungsaufenthalt, Blockvorlesung: Introduction to High-Energy Astrophysics, Vortrag: Modeling the high-energy emission of the microquasar LS I +61° 303
20.07. Prof. Dr. P. Di Bari (München): Leptogenesis
27.07. Dr. L. Stawarz: Radiative Processes in Extragalatic Jets
12.09. - 29.09. Dr. S. Hofmann (Perimeter-Institut), Forschungsaufenthalt, Vortrag: The missing link between WIMP microphysics and structure Formation
02.11. D. Schwarz (Bielefeld): Large angle anomalies of the CMB: WMAP 3yr analysis
08.11. - 14.11. Prof. Dr. R. Parentani (Paris), Forschungsaufenthalt, Vortrag: Quantum properties of inflationary spectra and violations of Bell inequalities
16.11. Dr. D. Meloni (Rom): Testing new physics at neutrino telescopes
23.11. Dr. F. Bauer (DESY): Leptonic Dark Energy and Baryogenesis
28.11.-30.11. Prof. Dr. S. Petcov (Trieste), Forschungsaufenthalt, Vortrag: Neutrino Physics: Prospects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
07.12. Prof. Dr. M. Brüggen (Bremen): The answer is blowing in the wind: How black holes reguöate structure formation
14.12. C. Weniger (Bonn): Time-dependent Current through a Quantum Dot with Ferromagnetic Leads
21.12. Dr. A. Hebecker (CERN): Flux Compactification and the String Landscape
21.10. Dr. B. Eberle (Wuppertal): Relic Neutrino Absorption Spectroscopy
02.12. PD Dr. W. Kilian (DESY): Split SUSY
16.12. Prof. Dr. E. Akhmedov (München/Moskau): Neutrino Physics
16.12. Dr. J. Ellis (CERN): Particle Cosmology
16.12. Prof. Dr. K. Jakobs (Freiburg): Physics at the LHC
16.12. Prof. Dr. A. Masiero (Padua): GSM Physics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy
16.12. Prof. Dr. G. Ross (Oxford): GUT & Planck Scale Physics
17.12. Prof. Dr. P.L. Biermann (Bonn): Origins of Cosmic Rays
17.12. Prof. Dr. M. Teshima (München): Recents Results Obtained with the MAGIC Telescope
17.12. Prof. Dr. R. Schlickeiser (Bochum): Towards a Quantitative Analytical Theory of Particle Accelartion at Relativistic Collsionless Shock Waves
17.12. Prof. Dr. M. Camenzind (Heidelberg): Numerical Magnetohydrodynamics in Astrophysics
17.12. Prof. Dr. S. White (Garching): The Millenium Simulation: our Universe in a box
17.12. Prof. Dr. R. Parentani (Orsay): Quantum Aspects of Inflation
17.12. Prof. Dr. A. Kempf (Waterloo): Planck Scale Physics and Inflation
17.12. Dr. D. Campo (Waterloo): The Classical and Quantum Properties of the Inflationary Spectra
Date | Guest | Institution
14.06.-28.06.2009 | Dr. Julia Kartavykh | Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
27.04.-30.04.2009 | Dr. Markus Böttcher | Ohio University
27.04.-30.04.2009 | Dr. Anita Reimer | Universität Innsbruck
27.04.-29.04.2009 | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schlickeiser | RU Bochum
03.02.-06.02.2009 | Dr. Karl Hohenwarter-Sodek | Universität Wien
10.12.-12.12.2008 | Dr. Roberto Trotta | Imperial College London
30.09.-02.10.2008 | Prof. Dr. Matthias Bartelmann | Universität Heidelberg
22.09.-27.09.2008 | Dr. Céline Boehm | LAPTH Annecy
23.07.-26.07.2008 | Dr. S. Kraml | CNRS, Grenoble
17.07.-23.07.2008 | Maria Giovanni Dainotti | La Sapienza Rome
14.07.-26.07.2008 | Ass. Prof. Dr. William H. Kinney | University of Buffalo
19.06.-20.06.2008 | PD Dr. Johanna Erdmenger | MPI München
26.03.-29.03.2008 | Prof. Dr. Ernest Ma | UC Riverside
20.09.-02.10.2007 | Prof. Dr. Dieter Hartmann | Clemson University
05.09.-07.09.2007 | Prof. Dr. A. Linde
03.09.-08.09.2007 | Prof. Dr. Achim Kempf | University of Waterloo
03.09.-08.09.2007 | Prof. Dr. Renaud Parentani | Université Parix XI
02.08.-04.08.2007 | Prof. Dr. S. Nandi | University of Oklahoma
08.07.-18.07.2007 | Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Murayama | UC Berkeley
21.05.-25.05.2007 | Dr. Thomas Hahn | MPI München
28.11.-30.11.2006 | Prof. Dr. S. Petcov | SISSA, Trieste
08.11.-14.11.2006 | Prof. Dr. Renaud Parentani | Université Paris XI
12.09.-29.09.2006 | Dr. Stefan Hofmann | Perimeter-Institute
10.07.-14.07.2006 | Dr. Markus Böttcher | Ohio University