Oral presentations
Proceedings - Oral presentations
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2023[ to top ]
Pulsed rotational drift spectroscopy sequences for magnetorelaxometry. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #645, Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303084. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303084)
Realtime iMPI-guided PTA with a lightweight human-sized MPI scanner. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #629, Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303024. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303024)
MPI-guided endovascular therapy of 3D printed human aneurysms. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #633, Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303065. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303065)
Fast detection of Sars-CoV2 Antibodies by the use of critical off-set magnetic particle spectroscopy (COMPASS). . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #647, Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303063. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303063)
Insight COMPASS - the physics behind. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #630, Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303089. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303089)
2022[ to top ]
iMPI – Strahlenfreie Echtzeitbildgebung für Intervention am menschlichen Bein. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 327f. (V120), Aachen, Germany. 2022.
ACS, MPS, RDS & Co – Dynamic MNP spectroscopy for highly sensitive bioassays. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 365 (FS042), Aachen, Germany. 2022.
Dynamic bolus phantoms for the evaluation of the spatio-temporal resolution of MPI scanners. . In Proc. BMT, of Proc. BMT, p. KFS5 #1, Innsbruck, Austria. 2022.also in: Biomed. Tech. (2022). 67(s1) 47. (doi: 10.1515/bmt-2022-2001)
Human-Sized Lightweight Head-Scanner Design. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T33, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203064. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203064)
Magnetic Particle Imaging using Toroidal and Poloidal Vortex Rotation of Halbach Rings. . In Proc. BMT, of Proc. BMT, p. KFS2 #3, Innsbruck, Austria. 2022.also in: Biomed. Tech. (2022). 67(s1) 57. (doi: 10.1515/bmt-2022-2001)
A dynamic bolus phantom for the evaluation of the spatio-temporal resolution of MPI scanners. . In Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), of Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), p. p. 21 (Talk #15), London, U.K. 2022.
iMPI – Lightweight MPI scanner for human-sized intervention. . In Proc. BMT, of Proc. BMT, p. KFS2 #2, Innsbruck, Austria. 2022.also in: Biomed. Tech. (2022). 67(s1) 50. (doi: 10.1515/bmt-2022-2001)
Traveling Wave MPI utilizing a Field-Free Line. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T14, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203027. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203027)
Die Herz-Vogel Kappe – ein tragbarer Hirnperfusionsscanner auf Grundlage von Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 176f. (V072), Aachen, Germany. 2022.
iMPI – interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T12, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203025. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203025)
2021[ to top ]
Magnetic Particle Imaging goes Human-sized. . In Proc. DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DS-ISMRM, p. S41 (V5), Zürich, Switzerland. 2021.
iMPI – Human-sized interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner. . In Proc. EMIM, of Proc. EMIM, pp. PS21–03, Göttingen, Germany. 2021.
Magnetic Particle Imaging-Guided Stenting. . In Proc. ESVB, of Proc. ESVB, p. Day 1, Strasbourg, France. 2021.
iMPI – initial results with a human-sized interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging scanner. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 65 (V33), virtual event. 2021.
iMPI – Human-sized interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. WMIC, of Proc. WMIC, pp. Thu-Sci2-Ch1, virtual event. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)-geführte Application eines gecoverten Stents in einem humanen Modell-Aneurysma. . In Proc. RöKo, of Proc. RöKo, p. WISS 1, virtual event. 2020.also in: RoFo-Fortschr. Rontg. (2020). 192(S 01) S09-S10. (doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1703129)
Evaluation of spatio-temporal resolution of MPI scanners with a dynamic bolus phantom. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T41, virtual event. 2020.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2020). 6(2s1) 2009011. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2020.2009011)
2019[ to top ]
Dynamic 2D Imaging with an MPI Scanner Featuring a Mechanically Rotated FFL. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 5f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
MPI meets CT: first hybrid MPI-CT scanner. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 9f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) geführte Stent-Applikation. . In Proc. RöKo, of Proc. RöKo, p. WISS 304.2, Leipzig, Germany. 2019.
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA): MPI vs. X-ray guidance. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 161f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
Halbach-Based Field-Free Line MPI Scanner. . In Proc. EMBC, of Proc. EMBC, p. ThA03.2, Berlin, Germany. 2019.
synomag(R): The New High-Performance Tracer for Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 219f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
Magnetic Particle Imaging using Toroidal Vortex Rotation of Halbach Rings. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. p. 54, Paris, France. 2019.
Kardiovaskuläre Intervention mit Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DS-ISMRM, p. V4, Kiel, Germany. 2019.
MPI trifft CT – erste simultane Bilder aus zwei Welten. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 27f. (V5), Stuttgart, Germany. 2019.
Magnetic Particle Imaging – From the Small to the Big World. . In Proc. ISMAP, of Proc. ISMAP, p. p. 12, Ilmenau, Germany. 2019.
MPI-geführtes Stenting. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 155f. (V85), Stuttgart, Germany. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
MPS-Maus – Mobiles Magnetspektrometer. . In Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, p. V149, Nürnberg, Germany. 2018.
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)-Guided Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in an Iliac Artery Phantom Model. . In Proc. RSNA, of Proc. RSNA, pp. R513–11, Chicago/Illinois, USA. 2018.
Adaptive hardware lens for Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T12, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Parallel Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T36, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Magnetic Particle Imaging: Perkutane Ballondilatation im Gefäßmodell in Echtzeit. . In Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, p. V84, Nürnberg, Germany. 2018.
MPS-mouse: first mobile Magnetic Particle Spectrometer. . In Proc. DGBMT, of Proc. DGBMT, p. C3.6, Aachen, Germany. 2018.
Enhancements for Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. DGBMT, of Proc. DGBMT, p. C3.4, Aachen, Germany. 2018.
MPI meets CT: first hybrid scanner design. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. T14, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
Selective Signal Suppression in MPI: Focusing on Areas of high Signal Intensity Range. . In Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 95, Prague, Czech Republic. 2017.
Real-time 3D Dynamic Rotational Slice-Scanning Mode for Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 125, Prague, Czech Republic. 2017.
Magnetic Particle Imaging: Dynamische Darstellung einer Ballondilatation im Gefäßmodell in Echtzeit. . In Proc. RöKo, p. WISS 312.2, Leipzig, Germany. 2017.
2016[ to top ]
Flexible reconstruction method for Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 129, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
Micro Traveling Wave MPI - initial results with optimized tracer LS-008. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 139, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
Quantification of Vascular Stenosis Phantoms using Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 123, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
Quantification of Vascular Stenosis Phantoms using Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, p. p. 233, Würzburg, Germany. 2016.
MPI meets MRI - simultane Akquisition von MPI und MRI Datensätzen. . In Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DGMP & DS-ISMRM, p. p. 275f., Würzburg, Germany. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Traveling Wave MPI goes Pre-Clinical Application. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 12, Istanbul, Turkey. 2015.
Bimodal TWMPI-MRI hybrid scanner - first NMR results. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 1, Istanbul, Turkey. 2015.
Magnetic particle imaging - initial results of a murine small cell lung cancer model study. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. #54, Marburg, Germany. 2015.
Zero Dead Time Rotational Drift Spectroscopy for Magnetic Particle Ensembles. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 19, Istanbul, Turkey. 2015.
Magnetic Particle Imaging/MRT-Fusionsbildgebung: Machbarkeitsstudie an einem murinen Graft-versus-Host Disease Modell. . In Proc. RöKo, of Proc. RöKo, p. WISS 403.3, Hamburg, Germany. 2015.
3D Motion of Magnetic Particles in Rotational Drift Spectroscopy. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L-015, Munich, Germany. 2015.
Integrated TWMPI-MRI scanner - NMR results. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L-040, Munich, Germany. 2015.
Rotating Drift Spectroscopy: Generating Signal Echo Trains in Magnetic Nanoparticle Ensembles. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L-072, Munich, Germany. 2015.
μTWMPI - A setup for sub-millimeter resolution. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L-018, Munich, Germany. 2015.
Nuclear magnetic signal generation with variable field amplitudes. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L-071, Munich, Germany. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Integrated TWMPI-MRI Hybrid Scanner. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 3f., Berlin, Germany. 2014.
First pre-clinical measurements using traveling wave magnetic particle imaging. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. #33, pp. 74f., Zurich, Switzerland. 2014.
Ultra High Resolution MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 68f., Berlin, Germany. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
1H and 13C MR imaging of wood-water interactions under supercritical CO2 conditions. . In Proc. APNMR (5th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium), of Proc. APNMR (5th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium), p. #43, Brisbane, Australia. 2013.
A first bimodal MPI/MRI tomograph. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. O1, Cambridge, UK. 2013.
Magnetic particle imaging trifft auf magnetic resonance imaging (MPI meets MRI). . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. 61, Cologne, Germany. 2013.
Slice scanning mode for traveling wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. Berkeley, CA, USA. 2013.also in: IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI) (doi: 10.1109/IWMPI.2013.6528369)
2012[ to top ]
Slicing Frequency Mixed Traveling Wave for 3D Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 231f., Lübeck, Germany. 2012.also in: Springer Proceedings in Physics 140, Magnetic Particle Imaging, 231f., Springer, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
Frequency mixed Traveling Wave for 2D Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. O4, Beijing, China. 2011.
3D Micro-Imaging Study of the Metamorphosis of the Caterpillar and Pupa of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly at 17.6T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. O32, Beijing, China. 2011.
A morphological study of the metamorphosis of butterflies using MR-microscopy at 17.6T. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #290, Leipzig, Germany. 2011.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2011). 24(s) 209f.
2D Magnetic Particle Imaging with a Traveling Wave. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #78, Leipzig, Germany. 2011.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2011). 24(s) 62.
1H and 13C MR spectroscopy and imaging of supercritical CO2 drying of wood at 200 bar. . In Proc. ANZMAG, of Proc. ANZMAG, p. #O-22, Torquay, Victoria, Australia. 2011.
2007[ to top ]
Sensitive J-coupled metabolite mapping using Sel-MQC with selective multi spin echo readout. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #51, Berlin, Germany. 2007.
2006[ to top ]
Spinal cord MR microscopy at 17.6 T. . In Proc. Highfield Symposium, of Proc. Highfield Symposium, p. O27, Würzburg, Germany. 2006.
Magnetic resonance tomography and -spectroscopy of standardised xenograft-squamous cell cancer: Lactate distribution, perfusion and oxygenation. . In Proc. DEGRO (12th annual meeting of the German Society for Radiooncology), of Proc. DEGRO (12th annual meeting of the German Society for Radiooncology), p. #59, Dresden, Germany. 2006.also in: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (2006). 182(S1) 7.
Multi Parameter High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy of Tumors. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #472, Seattle/Washington, USA. 2006.
Phased Arrays at 17.6T. . In Proc. Highfield Symposium, of Proc. Highfield Symposium, p. O4, Würzburg, Germany. 2006.
Chemical shift imaging and lactate editing in one scan. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #211, Warsaw, Poland. 2006.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2006). 19(s) 143.
2005[ to top ]
A novel modular probe base for multi-channel multi-nuclei MRI and MRS experiments. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. O10, Utsunomiya, Japan. 2005.
2004[ to top ]
2-Channel Transmit Receive Phased-Array-Coils for Multi-Channel Multi-Nuclei 1H, 23Na and 31P MRI and MRS at 17.6 T. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #274, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2004.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2004). 17(s) 156f.
PPA With A Four Channel Transmit/Receive Microstrip Array For 17.6 T. . In Proc. 2nd Workshop Parallel MRI, of Proc. 2nd Workshop Parallel MRI, p. p.73, Zurich, Switzerland. 2004.
2003[ to top ]
Central nervous system in vivo MR microscopy at 17.6 T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. C-17, Snowbird/Utah, USA. 2003.
First Evaluation of Very High Field Multi-Channel Probes for Double-Resonant- and Quadrature-Detection at 17.6 T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. C-32, Snowbird/Utah, USA. 2003.
2002[ to top ]
RF Flux Guides for excitation and reception in 31P spectroscopic and imaging experiments at 2T. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #158, Honolulu/Hawaii, USA. 2002.
1999[ to top ]
Imaging SF6 in Lungs as an Index to Gas Exchange: Something Useful?. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. L23, Heidelberg, Germany. 1999.