Peer-reviewed journals
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2023[ to top ]
iMPI: portable human-sized magnetic particle imaging scanner for real-time endovascular interventions. . In Sci. Rep., 13(1), p. 10472. 2023.
Detection of viral antibodies in camel sera using magnetic particle spectroscopy. . In Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 107(10), pp. 3329–3339. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Critical Offset Magnetic PArticle SpectroScopy for rapid and highly sensitive medical point-of-care diagnostics. . In Nat. Commun., 13(1), p. 7230. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Synomag®: The new high-performance tracer for magnetic particle imaging. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 7(1), p. 2103003. 2021.
Magnetic particle imaging for artifact-free imaging of intracranial flow diverter stents: A phantom study. . In Phys. Med., 88, pp. 65–70. 2021.
Near real-time magnetic particle imaging for visual assessment of vascular stenosis in a phantom model. . In Phys. Med., 81, pp. 210–214. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
A dynamic bolus phantom for the evaluation of the spatio-temporal resolution of MPI scanners. . In J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 519, p. 167446. 2020.
Parallel magnetic particle imaging. . In Rev. Sci. Instrum., 91(4), p. 045117. American Institute of Physics, 2020.
Crosslinked Coating Improves the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). . In Chem. Nano. Mat., 6(5), pp. 755–758. Wiley, 2020.
Superspeed Bolus Visualization for Vascular Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 39(6), pp. 2133–2139. 2020.
Tree Species Identification via 1H NMR Fingerprinting of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Wood Extractives. . In BioResources, 15(2), pp. 2371–2384. 2020.
Novel Fabrication Method for Nested Saddle Coils. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 56(9), pp. 1–6. 2020.
Wall shear stress analysis using 17.6 Tesla MRI: A longitudinal study in ApoE-/- mice with histological analysis. . In PLOS ONE, 15(8), pp. 1–13. Public Library of Science, 2020.
Dewatering Green Sapwood Using Carbon Dioxide Undergoing Cyclical Phase Change between Supercritical Fluid and Gas. . In Molecules, 25(22), p. 5367. 2020.
Adjustable Hardware Lens for Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 56(11), p. 5300506. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
Magnetic Particle Imaging meets Computed Tomography: first simultaneous imaging. . In Sci. Rep., 9(1), p. 12627. 2019.
Magnetic Particle Imaging-Guided Stenting. . In J. Endovasc. Ther., 26(4), pp. 512–519. 2019.
Uncovering supercritical CO2 wood dewatering via interleaved 1H-imaging and 13C-spectroscopy with real-time reconstruction. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 144, pp. 56–62. 2019.
Micro-Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging - Sub-Millimeter Resolution With Optimized Tracer LS-008. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 55(10), p. 5300207. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
Novel Field Geometry UsingTwo Halbach Cylinders for FFL-MPI. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 4(2), p. 1811004. 2018.
Magnetic Particle Imaging Guided Real-Time Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in a Phantom Model. . In Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol., 41(7), pp. 1100–1105. 2018.
Magnetic Particle Imaging for Quantification of Vascular Stenoses: A Phantom Study. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 37(1), pp. 61–67. 2018.
Dynamic Linear Gradient Array for Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 54(2), p. 5300109. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
Low Latency Real-time Reconstruction for MPI Systems. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 3(2), p. 1707002. 2017.
Selective Signal Suppression in Traveling Wave MPI: Focusing on Areas with Low Concentration of Magnetic Particles. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 3(2), p. 1709001. 2017.
Real-time 3D Dynamic Rotating Slice-Scanning Mode for Traveling Wave MPI. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 3(2), p. 1706001. 2017.
2016[ to top ]
Flexible and Dynamic Patch Reconstruction for Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 2(2), p. 1611001. 2016.
First in vivo traveling wave magnetic particle imaging of a beating mouse heart. . In Phys. Med. Biol., 61(18), pp. 6620–6634. 2016.
Numerical Simulations of 3D Rotational Drift. . In Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag., 2(1), p. 1607001. 2016.
Proton magnetic resonance imaging used to investigate dewatering of green sapwood by cycling carbon dioxide between supercritical fluid and gas phase. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 111, pp. 36–42. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Superspeed Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 6501603. 2015.
Simulating the Signal Generation of Rotational Drift Spectroscopy. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 6500704. 2015.
Bimodal TWMPI-MRI Hybrid Scanner - Coil Setup and Electronics. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 5300504. 2015.
μMPI - Initial Experiments With an Ultrahigh Resolution MPI. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 6502104. 2015.
Rotational Drift Spectroscopy for Magnetic Particle Ensembles. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 6500604. 2015.
Rotating Slice Scanning Mode for Traveling Wave MPI. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 6501503. 2015.
Analysis of the Noise Correlation in MRI Coil Arrays Loaded With Metamaterial Magnetoinductive Lenses. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 34(5), pp. 1148–1154. 2015.
A comparative study of dewatering of Pinus radiata sapwood using supercritical CO2 and conventional forced air-drying via in situ magnetic resonance microimaging (MRI). . In Holzforschung, 69(9), pp. 1137–1142. 2015.
Self diffusion coefficients of organic solvents and their binary mixtures with CO2 in silica alcogels at pressures up to 6 MPa derived by NMR pulsed gradient spin echo. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 106, pp. 50–56. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging for determining the iron-distribution in rock. . In, 22(12), pp. 1–5. 2014.
Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 33(2), pp. 400–407. 2014.
MRI Meets MPI: A Bimodal MPI-MRI Tomograph. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 33(10), pp. 1954–1959. 2014.
Carbon-13 {NMR} chemical-shift imaging study of dewatering of green sapwood by cycling carbon dioxide between the supercritical fluid and gas phases. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 95, pp. 535–540. 2014.
Metamaterial magnetoinductive lens performance as a function of field strength. . In J. Magn. Reson., 247, pp. 9–14. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
Numerically Efficient Estimation of Relaxation Effects in Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Biomed. Tech., 58(6), pp. 593–600. 2013.
An advanced, integrated large-volume high-pressure autoclave and 1h/13c double-tuned resonator for chemistry and materials nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and microscopy investigations. . In Concepts Magn. Reson. B Magn. Reson. Eng., 43B(2), pp. 49–58. 2013.
2011[ to top ]
Nonlinear split-ring metamaterial slabs for magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl. Phys. Lett., 98(13), p. 133508. 2011.
Analysis of the resolution of split-ring metamaterial lenses with application in parallel magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl. Phys. Lett., 98(1), p. 014105. 2011.
2010[ to top ]
Enhanced cortical reperfusion protects coagulation factor XII-deficient mice from ischemic stroke as revealed by high-field MRI. . In NeuroImage, 49(4), pp. 2907–2914. 2010.
2009[ to top ]
Sensitive J-coupled metabolite mapping using Sel-MQC with selective multi-spin-echo readout. . In Magn. Reson. Med., 62(4), pp. 880–887. 2009.
2008[ to top ]
A novel modular probe base design. . In Concepts Magn. Reson. B Magn. Reson. Eng., 33B(1), pp. 55–61. 2008.
Short-echo spectroscopic imaging combined with lactate editing in a single scan. . In NMR Biomed., 21(10), pp. 1076–1086. 2008.
2006[ to top ]
In Vivo High-Resolution MR Imaging of Neuropathologic Changes in the Injured Rat Spinal Cord. . In Am. J. Neuroradiol., 27(3), pp. 598–604. 2006.
Transmit-Receive Coil-Arrays at 17.6T, Configurations for 1H, 23Na and 31P MRI. . In Concepts Magn. Reson. B Magn. Reson. Eng., 29B(1), pp. 20–27. 2006.
2005[ to top ]
Inert fluorinated gas T1 calculator. . In J. Magn. Reson., 177(2), pp. 212–220. 2005.
2004[ to top ]
RF flux guides for excitation and reception in 31P spectroscopic and imaging experiments at 2 Tesla. . In Concepts Magn. Reson. B Magn. Reson. Eng., 23B(1), pp. 44–49. 2004.
High-resolution MR imaging of the rat spinal cord in vivo in a wide-bore magnet at 17.6 Tesla. . In Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy., 17(3-6), pp. 353–358. 2004.
2002[ to top ]
Volume of rat lungs measured throughout the respiratory cycle using 19F NMR of the inert gas SF6. . In Magn. Reson. Med., 48(3), pp. 547–549. 2002.