Nano-Optics and Biophotonics

Controlling the flow of light at the nanometer scale has great potential for diverse applications such as integrated optical data communication and on-chip optical moleculasr sensing. We are able to selectively excite and control the propagation of different well-defined modes on two-wire transmission lines. Such modal control can be used to obtain routing of optical pulses according to criteria such as polarization.
Further reading:
- E. Krauss et al., Reversible Mapping and Sorting the Spin of Photons on the Nanoscale: A Spin-Optical Nanodevice Nano Letters, 19, 5, 3364-3369 (2019)
- G. Razinska et al., Limits of Kirchhoff's Laws in Plasmonic, Sci. Rep. 8, 1921 (2018)
- C. Rewitz et al., Coherent control of plasmon propagation in a nanocircuitPhys. Rev. Applied 1, 014007 (2014)
- P. Geisler et al., Multimode plasmon excitation and in-situ analysis in top-down fabricated plasmonic nanocircuits, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 183901 (2013), arXiv:1304.1737