Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Publications
Metabolic imaging in living plants: A promising field for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI. . In Science Advances, 10(38). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2024.
Controlling sharpness, SNR and SAR for 3D FSE at 7T by end-to-end learning. . 2024, September.
Rotary excitation of non‐sinusoidal pulsed magnetic fields: Towards non‐invasive direct detection of cardiac conduction. . In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 92(5), pp. 1965–1979. Wiley, 2024.
Quantification of the rotating frame relaxation time T2ρ: Comparison of balanced spin‐lock and continuous‐wave Malcolm‐Levitt preparations. . In NMR in Biomedicine. Wiley, 2024.
A novel image space formalism of Fourier domain interpolation neural networks for noise propagation analysis. . 2024, February.
Rotary Excitation of peak-like magnetic field fluctuations: Towards non-invasive direct detection of cardiac conduction. . 2023, November.
Seeing plants as never before. . In New Phytologist, 238(5), pp. 1775–1794. Wiley, 2023.
Iterative training of robust k‐space interpolation networks for improved image reconstruction with limited scan specific training samples. . In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 89(2), pp. 812–827. Wiley, 2023.
Non-destructive classification of unlabeled cells: Combining an automated benchtop magnetic resonance scanner and artificial intelligence. . In PLOS Computational Biology, 19(2), pp. 1–31. Public Library of Science, 2023.
Towards robust in vivo quantification of oscillating biomagnetic fields using Rotary Excitation based {MRI}. . In Scientific Reports, 12(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2022.
Quantification correction for free-breathing myocardial T1rho mapping in mice using a recursively derived description of a T1rho* relaxation pathway. . In Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 24(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2022.
Quantitative monitoring of paramagnetic contrast agents and their allocation in plant tissues via DCE-MRI. . In Plant Methods, 18(1), p. 47. 2022.
T1-independent exchange rate quantification using saturation- or phase sensitive-water exchange spectroscopy. . In Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 335, p. 107141. Elsevier {BV}, 2022.
{2D} Projection Maps of {WSS} and {OSI} Reveal Distinct Spatiotemporal Changes in Hemodynamics in the Murine Aorta during Ageing and Atherosclerosis. . In Biomedicines, 9, p. 1856. {MDPI}, 2021.
Fast myocardial T1ρ mapping in mice using k-space weighted image contrast and a Bloch simulation-optimized radial sampling pattern. . In MAGMA. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2021.
Simultaneous measurements of 3D wall shear stress and pulse wave velocity in the murine aortic arch. . In J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 23(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2021.
Evaluation of Plaque Characteristics and Inflammation Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. . In Biomedicines, 9(2), p. 185. {MDPI} {AG}, 2021.
Balanced spin-lock preparation for B1-insensitive and B0-insensitive quantification of the rotating frame relaxation time T1ρ. . In Magn Reson Med, 85(5), pp. 2771–2780. Wiley, 2020.
Dewatering Green Sapwood Using Carbon Dioxide Undergoing Cyclical Phase Change between Supercritical Fluid and Gas. . In Molecules, 25(22), p. 5367. 2020.
Wall shear stress analysis using 17.6 Tesla MRI: A longitudinal study in ApoE-/- mice with histological analysis. . In PLOS ONE, 15(8), pp. 1–13. Public Library of Science, 2020.
Tree Species Identification via 1H NMR Fingerprinting of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Wood Extractives. . In BioResources, 15(2), pp. 2371–2384. 2020.
Fast self-navigated wall shear stress measurements in the murine aortic arch using radial 4D-phase contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance at 17.6{\hspace{0.167em}}T. . In J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 21(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
Positive chemical exchange contrast in {MRI} using Refocused Acquisition of Chemical Exchange Transferred Excitations ({RACETE}). . In Z Med Phys, 29(2), pp. 184–191. Elsevier {BV}, 2019.
Full utilization of conjugate symmetry: combining virtual conjugate coil reconstruction with partial Fourier imaging for g-factor reduction in accelerated {MRI}. . In Magn Reson Med. Wiley, 2019.
Dynamic magnetic resonance scattering. . In Commun Phys, 2(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
Uncovering supercritical CO2 wood dewatering via interleaved 1H-imaging and 13C-spectroscopy with real-time reconstruction. . In J Supercrit Fluids, 144, pp. 56–62. 2019.
Improved compressed sensing reconstruction for 19F magnetic resonance imaging. . In MAGMA, 32(1), pp. 63–77. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
Long-term outcome after surgical repair of a rapid-grown ischemic ventricular aneurysm causing ventricular tachycardia. . In Clin Case Rep, 7(3), pp. 413–415. Wiley, 2019.
Simultaneous T1 and T2 measurements using inversion recovery {TrueFISP} with principle component-based reconstruction, off-resonance correction, and multicomponent analysis. . In Magn Reson Med, 81(6), pp. 3488–3502. Wiley, 2019.
Real-time Triggered {RAdial} Single-Shot Inversion recovery for arrhythmia-insensitive myocardial T1 mapping: motion phantom validation and in vivo comparison. . In Magn Reson Med, 81(3), pp. 1714–1725. Wiley, 2018.
Increasing robustness of radial {GRASE} acquisition for {SAR}-reduced brain imaging. . In Z Med Phys, 28(3), pp. 236–246. Elsevier {BV}, 2018.
An analytical model which determines the apparent T 1 for Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery {\textendash} Analysis of the longitudinal relaxation under the influence of discontinuous balanced (classical {MOLLI}) and spoiled gradient echo readouts. . In Z Med Phys, 28(2), pp. 150–157. Elsevier {BV}, 2018.
Time-of-flight {MR}-angiography with a helical trajectory and slice-super-resolution reconstruction. . In Magn Reson Med, 80(5), pp. 1812–1823. Wiley, 2018.
Improved post-processing strategy for {MOLLI} based tissue characterization allows application in patients with dyspnoe and impaired left ventricular function. . In Z Med Phys, 28(1), pp. 25–35. Elsevier {BV}, 2018.
{MRI}-based quantification of renal perfusion in mice: Improving sensitivity and stability in {FAIR} {ASL}. . In Z Med Phys, 27(4), pp. 334–339. Elsevier {BV}, 2017.
Assessment of local pulse wave velocity distribution in mice using k-t {BLAST} {PC}-{CMR} with semi-automatic area segmentation. . In J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 19(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2017.
Controlling the object phase for g-factor reduction in phase-Constrained parallel {MRI} using spatially selective {RF} pulses. . In Magn Reson Med, 79(4), pp. 2113–2125. Wiley, 2017.
A functional imaging study of germinating oilseed rape seed. . In New Phytol, 216(4), pp. 1181–1190. Wiley, 2017.
Insect haptoelectrical stimulation of Venus flytrap triggers exocytosis in gland cells. . In Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114(18), pp. 4822–4827. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017.
High isotropic resolution magnetic resonance imaging of the mandibular canal at 1.5{\hspace{0.167em}}T: a comparison of gradient and spin echo sequences. . In Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 46(2), p. 20160268. British Institute of Radiology, 2017.
Local versus global aortic pulse wave velocity in early atherosclerosis: An animal study in {ApoE}-/--mice using ultrahigh field {MRI}. . In PLoS One, 12(2), C. Schulz (ed.), p. e0171603. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2017.
The potential of nuclear magnetic resonance to track lipids in planta. . In Biochimie, 130, pp. 97–108. Elsevier {BV}, 2016.
Proton magnetic resonance imaging used to investigate dewatering of green sapwood by cycling carbon dioxide between supercritical fluid and gas phase. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 111, pp. 36–42. 2016.
Comparison of phase-constrained parallel {MRI} approaches: Analogies and differences. . In Magn Reson Med, 75(3), pp. 1086–1099. Wiley, 2016.
Self-navigation under non-steady-state conditions: Cardiac and respiratory self-gating of inversion recovery snapshot {FLASH} acquisitions in mice. . In Magn Reson Med, 76(6), pp. 1887–1894. Wiley, 2016.
Self diffusion coefficients of organic solvents and their binary mixtures with CO2 in silica alcogels at pressures up to 6 MPa derived by NMR pulsed gradient spin echo. . In J Supercrit Fluids, 106, pp. 50–56. 2015.
Microstructural Analysis of Peripheral Lung Tissue through {CPMG} Inter-Echo Time R2 Dispersion. . In PLoS One, 10(11), W. R. Bauer (ed.), p. e0141894. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2015.
Diffusion-mediated dephasing in the dipole field around a single spherical magnetic object. . In Magn Reson Imaging, 33(9), pp. 1126–1145. Elsevier {BV}, 2015.
A comparative study of dewatering of Pinus radiata sapwood using supercritical CO2 and conventional forced air-drying via in situ magnetic resonance microimaging (MRI). . In Holzforschung, 69(9), pp. 1137–1142. 2015.
Acoustic noise reduction in T 1- and proton-density-weighted turbo spin-echo imaging. . In MAGMA, 29(1), pp. 5–15. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2015.
Orthogonality, Lommel integrals and cross product zeros of linear combinations of Bessel functions. . In Springerplus, 4(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2015.
Analysis of the Noise Correlation in MRI Coil Arrays Loaded With Metamaterial Magnetoinductive Lenses. . In IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 34(5), pp. 1148–1154. 2015.
Diffusion propagators for hindered diffusion in open geometries. . In Concepts Magn. Reson, 44(3), pp. 150–159. Wiley, 2015.
Self-calibrated trajectory estimation and signal correction method for robust radial imaging using {GRAPPA} operator gridding. . In Magn Reson Med, 75(2), pp. 883–896. Wiley, 2015.
Myocardial T1: Quantification by Using an {ECG}-triggered Radial Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery {MR} Imaging Sequence. . In Radiology, 274(3), pp. 879–887. Radiological Society of North America ({RSNA}), 2015.
Free induction decay caused by a dipole field. . In Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 91(3). American Physical Society ({APS}), 2015.
Bimodal TWMPI-MRI Hybrid Scanner - Coil Setup and Electronics. . In IEEE Trans. Magn., 51(2), p. 5300504. 2015.
Quantification of perfusion in murine myocardium: A retrospectively {triggeredT}1-based {ASL} method using model-based reconstruction. . In Magn Reson Med, 74(6), pp. 1705–1715. Wiley, 2014.
Carbon-13 {NMR} chemical-shift imaging study of dewatering of green sapwood by cycling carbon dioxide between the supercritical fluid and gas phases. . In J Supercrit Fluids, 95, pp. 535–540. 2014.
Optimization of the {AC}-gradient method for velocity profile measurement and application to slow flow. . In JMR, 248, pp. 131–136. Elsevier {BV}, 2014.
Transcript abundance on its own cannot be used to infer fluxes in central metabolism. . In Frontiers in Plant Science, 5. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2014.
Carbon-13 {NMR} chemical-shift imaging study of dewatering of green sapwood by cycling carbon dioxide between the supercritical fluid and gas phases. . In J. Supercrit. Fluids, 95, pp. 535–540. Elsevier {BV}, 2014.
MRI Meets MPI: A Bimodal MPI-MRI Tomograph. . In IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 33(10), pp. 1954–1959. 2014.
Metamaterial magnetoinductive lens performance as a function of field strength. . In J Magn Reson, 247, pp. 9–14. 2014.
Metamaterial magnetoinductive lens performance as a function of field strength. . In JMR, 247, pp. 9–14. Elsevier {BV}, 2014.
Response to Letter Regarding Article, {\textquotedblleft}Monitoring of Monocyte Recruitment in Reperfused Myocardial Infarction With Intramyocardial Hemorrhage and Microvascular Obstruction By Combined Fluorine 19 and Proton Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging{\textquotedblright}. . In Circulation, 130(5). Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2014.
Generating multiple contrasts using single-shot radial T1sensitive and insensitive steady-state imaging. . In Magn Reson Med, 73(6), pp. 2129–2141. Wiley, 2014.
Combined Acquisition Technique ({CAT}) for Neuroimaging of Multiple Sclerosis at Low Specific Absorption Rates ({SAR}). . In PLoS ONE, 9(3), C. Kleinschnitz (ed.), p. e91030. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2014.
Theoretical model of the single spin-echo relaxation time for spherical magnetic perturbers. . In MRM, 71(5), pp. 1888–1895. Wiley, 2014.
Reducing contrast contamination in radial turbo-spin-echo acquisitions by combining a narrow-band {KWIC} filter with parallel imaging. . In MRM, 72(6), pp. 1680–1686. Wiley, 2014.
Dynamically phase-cycled radial balanced {SSFP} imaging for efficient banding removal. . In Magn Reson Med, 73(1), pp. 182–194. Wiley, 2014.
Local Arterial Stiffening Assessed by {MRI} Precedes Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation. . In Circ Cardiovasc Imaging, 6(6), pp. 916–923. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2013.
Spatial phase encoding exploiting the Bloch{\textendash}Siegert shift effect. . In MAGMA, 27(5), pp. 363–371. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2013.
Fast retrospectively triggered local pulse-wave velocity measurements in mice with {CMR}-microscopy using a radial trajectory. . In JCMR, 15(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2013.
Regularization method for phase-constrained parallel {MRI}. . In MRM, 72(1), pp. 166–171. Wiley, 2013.
Myocardial perfusion quantification using the T1-based {FAIR}-{ASL} method: The influence of heart anatomy, cardiopulmonary blood flow and look-locker readout. . In Magn Reson Med, 71(5), pp. 1784–1797. Wiley, 2013.
Influence of dental materials on dental {MRI}. . In Dento maxillo facial radiology, 42(6), p. 20120271. British Institute of Radiology, 2013.
Treatment of malignant effusion by oncolytic virotherapy in an experimental subcutaneous xenograft model of lung cancer. . In Journal of Translational Medicine, 11(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2013.
An advanced, integrated large-volume high-pressure autoclave and 1h/13c double-tuned resonator for chemistry and materials nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and microscopy investigations. . In Concepts Magn Reson B Magn Reson Eng, 43B(2), pp. 49–58. 2013.
Auto-calibration approach for k-t {SENSE}. . In Magn Reson Med, 71(3), pp. 1123–1129. Wiley, 2013.
An advanced, integrated large-volume high-pressure autoclave and 1h/13c double-tuned resonator for chemistry and materials nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and microscopy investigations. . In Concepts Magn Reson, 43(2), pp. 49–58. Wiley, 2013.
3D gradient system for two B 0 field directions in earth’s field {MRI}. . In MAGMA, 26(6), pp. 565–573. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2013.
Diffusion-Tensor Imaging of Human Articular Cartilage Specimens with Early Signs of Cartilage Damage. . In Radiology, 266(3), pp. 831–841. Radiological Society of North America ({RSNA}), 2013.
Multiband phase-constrained parallel {MRI}. . In Magn Reson Med, 69(4), pp. 974–980. Wiley, 2013.
Magnetic resonance imaging ({MRI}) of inflamed myocardium using iron oxide nanoparticles in patients with acute myocardial infarction {\textemdash} Preliminary results. . In International Journal of Cardiology, 163(2), pp. 175–182. Elsevier {BV}, 2013.
Imaging of Intratumoral Inflammation during Oncolytic Virotherapy of Tumors by 19F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging ({MRI}). . In PLoS ONE, 8(2), E. A. Weaver (ed.), p. e56317. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2013.
Magnetic resonance imaging ({MRI}) of inflamed myocardium using iron oxide nanoparticles in patients with acute myocardial infarction {\textemdash} Preliminary results. . In Int J Cardiol, 163(2), pp. 175–182. Elsevier {BV}, 2013.
Combined acquisition technique ({CAT}) for high-field neuroimaging with reduced {RF} power. . In MAGMA, 26(4), pp. 411–418. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2013.
A Noninvasive Platform for Imaging and Quantifying Oil Storage in Submillimeter Tobacco Seed. . In Plant Physiol, 161(2), pp. 583–593. Oxford University Press ({OUP}), 2012.
Mathieu functions for purely imaginary parameters. . In J Comput Appl Math, 236(17), pp. 4513–4524. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
Imaging of myocardial infarction using ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: a human study using a multi-parametric cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging approach. . In Eur Heart J, 34(6), pp. 462–475. Oxford University Press ({OUP}), 2012.
{DC}-gated high resolution three-dimensional lung imaging during free-breathing. . In JMRI, 37(3), pp. 727–732. Wiley, 2012.
Dynamic {MR} imaging of a minipig’s knee using a high-density multi-channel receive array and a movement device. . In MAGMA, 26(2), pp. 215–228. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2012.
Eddy current compensation for delta relaxation enhanced {MR} by dynamic reference phase modulation. . In MAGMA, 26(2), pp. 249–259. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2012.
{MRI} of the lung (1/3): methods. . In Insights Imaging, 3(4), pp. 345–353. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2012.
Signal evolution in the local magnetic field of a capillary {\textemdash} analogy to the damped driven harmonic oscillator. . In Magn Reson Imaging, 30(4), pp. 540–553. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
Spin dephasing in a magnetic dipole field. . In Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 85(5). American Physical Society ({APS}), 2012.
Reducing {RF}-related heating of cardiac pacemaker leads in {MRI}: Implementation and experimental verification of practical design changes. . In Magn Reson Med, 68(6), pp. 1963–1972. Wiley, 2012.
Direct cooling of the catheter tip increases safety for {CMR}-guided electrophysiological procedures. . In J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 14(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2012.
Randomness of resting-state brain oscillations encodes Gray{\textquotesingle}s personality trait. . In Neuroimage, 59(2), pp. 1842–1845. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
{MR} safety: Fast T1 thermometry of the {RF}-induced heating of medical devices. . In Magn Reson Med, 68(5), pp. 1593–1599. Wiley, 2012.
Rapid spectroscopic velocity quantification using periodically oscillating gradients. . In J Magn Reson, 214, pp. 175–183. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
Correcting slice selectivity in hard pulse sequences. . In J Magn Reson, 214, pp. 61–67. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
In Vivo Imaging of Stepwise Vessel Occlusion in Cerebral Photothrombosis of Mice by 19F {MRI}. . In PLoS One, 6(12), C. V. Borlongan (ed.), p. e28143. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2011.
Improved encoding strategy for {CPMG}-based Bloch-Siegert B{\hspace{0.167em}}1$\mathplus$ mapping. . In Magn Reson Med, 68(2), pp. 507–515. Wiley, 2011.
{SAR}-reduced spin-echo-based Bloch-Siegert B1$\mathplus$ mapping: {BS}-{SE}-{BURST}. . In Magn Reson Med, 68(2), pp. 529–536. Wiley, 2011.
Quantification and localization of contrast agents using delta relaxation enhanced magnetic resonance at 1.5~T. . In MAGMA, 25(3), pp. 223–231. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2011.
Contrast agent derived determination of the total circulating blood volume using magnetic resonance. . In MAGMA, 25(3), pp. 215–222. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2011.
Low and High Field Magnetic Resonance for in Vivo Analysis of Seeds. . In Materials (Basel), 4(8), pp. 1426–1439. {MDPI} {AG}, 2011.
Combined Noninvasive Imaging and Modeling Approaches Reveal Metabolic Compartmentation in the Barley Endosperm ~. . In Plant Cell, 23(8), pp. 3041–3054. Oxford University Press ({OUP}), 2011.
Combined Noninvasive Imaging and Modeling Approaches Reveal Metabolic Compartmentation in the Barley Endosperm. . In Plant Cell, 23(8), pp. 3041–3054. Oxford University Press ({OUP}), 2011.
Change of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters in Articular Cartilage With Progressive Proteoglycan Extraction. . In Invest Radiol, 46(6), pp. 401–409. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2011.
Fast {CPMG}-based Bloch-Siegert B1+ mapping. . In Magn Reson Med, 67(2), pp. 405–418. Wiley, 2011.
Ultrashort echo time imaging using pointwise encoding time reduction with radial acquisition ({PETRA}). . In Magn Reson Med, 67(2), pp. 510–518. Wiley, 2011.
In vivo imaging of inflammation in the peripheral nervous system by 19F {MRI}. . In Exp Neurol, 229(2), pp. 494–501. Elsevier {BV}, 2011.
Specific identification of iron oxide-labeled stem cells using magnetic field hyperthermia and {MR} thermometry. . In NMR Biomed, 25(3), pp. 402–409. Wiley, 2011.
Feasibility of Contrast-Enhanced and Nonenhanced {MRI} for Intraprocedural and Postprocedural Lesion Visualization in Interventional Electrophysiology. . In Circ Cardiovasc Imaging, 4(3), pp. 282–294. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2011.
Improved temporal resolution in cardiac imaging using through-time spiral {GRAPPA}. . In Magn Reson Med, 66(6), pp. 1682–1688. Wiley, 2011.
Dynamic 13C/1H {NMR} imaging uncovers sugar allocation in the living seed. . In Plant Biotechnol J, 9(9), pp. 1022–1037. Wiley, 2011.
Three-dimensional quadrature array coil elements for improved parallel magnetic resonance imaging performance at 1.5 Tesla. . In Concepts Magn Reson, 38A(2), pp. 61–73. Wiley, 2011.
Nonlinear split-ring metamaterial slabs for magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl Phys Lett, 98(13), p. 133508. {AIP} Publishing, 2011.
Nonlinear split-ring metamaterial slabs for magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl Phys Lett, 98(13), p. 133508. 2011.
Visualization of Abscess Formation in a Murine Thigh Infection Model of Staphylococcus aureus by 19F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging ({MRI}). . In PLoS One, 6(3), Y. Wang (ed.), p. e18246. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2011.
Temporal filtering effects in dynamic parallel {MRI}. . In Magn Reson Med, 66(1), pp. 192–198. Wiley, 2011.
Analysis of the resolution of split-ring metamaterial lenses with application in parallel magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl Phys Lett, 98(1), p. 014105. 2011.
Analysis of the resolution of split-ring metamaterial lenses with application in parallel magnetic resonance imaging. . In Appl Phys Lett, 98(1), p. 014105. {AIP} Publishing, 2011.
Plaque Imaging in Murine Models of Cardiovascular Disease. . In Methods Mol Biol, pp. 407–420. Humana Press, 2011.
Tissue {ACE} inhibition improves microcirculation in remote myocardium after coronary stenosis: {MR} imaging study in rats. . In Microvasc Res, 80(3), pp. 484–490. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
Regional in vivo transit time measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity in mice with high-field {CMR} at 17.6 Tesla. . In J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 12(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2010.
Integrating Neurobiological Markers of Depression. . In Arch Gen Psychiatry, 68(4), p. 361. American Medical Association ({AMA}), 2010.
Application of compressed sensing to in vivo 3D 19F {CSI}. . In J Magn Reson, 207(2), pp. 262–273. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
A four-channel hole-slotted phased array at 7 Tesla. . In Concepts Magn Reson, 37B(4), pp. 226–236. Wiley, 2010.
Functional Amygdala-Hippocampus Connectivity During Anticipation of Aversive Events is Associated with Gray{\textquotesingle}s Trait {\textquotedblleft}Sensitivity to Punishment{\textquotedblright}. . In Biol Psychiatry, 68(5), pp. 459–464. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
Highly accelerated contrast-enhanced {MR} angiography: Improved reconstruction accuracy and reduced noise amplification with complex subtraction. . In Magn Reson Med, 64(6), pp. 1843–1848. Wiley, 2010.
{CAIPIRINHA} accelerated {SSFP} imaging. . In Magn Reson Med, 65(1), pp. 157–164. Wiley, 2010.
Association between reward-related activation in the ventral striatum and trait reward sensitivity is moderated by dopamine transporter genotype. . In Hum Brain Mapp, 32(10), pp. 1557–1565. Wiley, 2010.
On precise localization of boundaries between extended uniform objects in {MRI}: tooth imaging as an example. . In MAGMA, 24(1), pp. 19–28. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2010.
Mixed-bandwidth acquisitions: Signal-to-noise ratio and signal-to-noise efficiency. . In J Magn Reson Imaging, 32(4), pp. 997–1002. Wiley, 2010.
Impact of imaging landmark on the risk of {MRI}-related heating near implanted medical devices like cardiac pacemaker leads. . In Magn Reson Med, 65(1), pp. 44–50. Wiley, 2010.
Intracellular and extracellular T1 and T2 relaxivities of magneto-optical nanoparticles at experimental high fields. . In Magn Reson Med, 64(6), pp. 1607–1615. Wiley, 2010.
Correlating quantitative {MR} measurements of standardized tumor lines with histological parameters and tumor control dose. . In Radiother Oncol, 96(1), pp. 123–130. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
Flow-enhanced off-resonance saturation for remote detection of iron-based contrast agents. . In Mag Reson Med, 63(6), pp. 1708–1715. Wiley, 2010.
Enhanced cortical reperfusion protects coagulation factor XII-deficient mice from ischemic stroke as revealed by high-field MRI. . In NeuroImage, 49(4), pp. 2907–2914. 2010.
Enhanced cortical reperfusion protects coagulation factor {XII}-deficient mice from ischemic stroke as revealed by high-field {MRI}. . In Neuroimage, 49(4), pp. 2907–2914. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
Diffusion effects on the {CPMG} relaxation rate in a dipolar field. . In J Magn Reson, 202(1), pp. 38–42. Elsevier {BV}, 2010.
Brain activations to emotional pictures are differentially associated with valence and arousal ratings. . In Front Hum Neurosci, 4. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2010.
- Schmidt, M.J., Haddad, D., Purea, A., Haase, A., Oelschläger, H.A., Kramer, M.: Visualizing premature brain using 17.6 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (magnetic resonance microscopy). Veterinary Journal 182 (2): 215-222, 2009.
- Mueller, MF., Blaimer, M., Breuer, F., Lanz, T., Webb, A., Griswold, M., Jakob, P.: Double spiral array coil design for enhanced 3D parallel MRI at 1.5 Tesla. Concepts Magn Reson 35B (2): 67-79, 2009.
- Gulani, V., Willatt, JM., Blaimer, M., Hussain, HK., Duerk, JL., Griswold, MA.: Effect of contrast media on single-shot echo planar imaging: implications for abdominal diffusion imaging. JMRI 30 (5): 1203-1208, 2009.
- Blaimer, M., Gutberlet, M., Kellman, P., Breuer, FA., Köstler, H., Griswold, MA.: Virtual coil concept for improved parallel MRI employing conjugate symmetric signals. Magn Reson Med ( 61): 93-102, 2009.
- Oechsner, M., Mühlhäusler, M., Ritter, C.O., Weininger, M., Beissert, M., Jakob, P.M., Beer, M., Hahn, D., Köstler, H.: Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion Measurements of the Human Lung Using the Prebolus Approach. JMR 30: 104-111, 2009.
- Ziener, C.H., Glutsch, S., Jakob, P.M. and Bauer, W.R.: Spin dephasing in the dipole field around capillaries and cells: Numerical solution. Phys Rev E 80: 046701, 2009.
- Tymofiyeva, O., Boldt, J., Rottner, K., Schmid, F., Richter, E.-J., Jakob, P.M: High-resolution 3D magnetic resonance imaging and quantification of carious lesions and dental pulp in vivo. Magn Reson Mater Phys Biol Med, DOI 10.1007/s10334-009-0188-9, 2009.
- Melkus, G., Rolletschek, H., Radchuk, R., Fuchs, J., Rutten, T., Wobus, U., Altmann, T., Jakob, P., Borisjuk, L.: The metabolic role of the legume endosperm: A noninvasive imaging study. Plant Physiology 151 (3): 1139-1154, 2009.
- G. Melkus, P. Mörchel, V.C. Behr, M. Kotas, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Sensitive J-coupled metabolite mapping using sel-MQC with selective multi-spin-echo readout. Magn Reson Med. 62 (4): 880-887, 2009
- Breuer, F.A., Kannengiesser, S.A.R., Blaimer, M., Seiberlich, N., Jakob, P.M., Griswold, M.A.: General formulation for quantitative G-factor calculation in GRAPPA reconstructions. Magn Reson Med 62 (3): 739-746, 2009.
- Schulze-Till, T., Kaufmann, I., Sattelmacher, B., Jakob, P., Haase, A., Guo, S., Zimmermann, U., Wegner, L.H.: A 1H NMR study of water flow in Phaseolus vulgaris L. roots treated with nitrate or ammonium. Plant and Soil 319 (1-2): 307-321, 2009.
- Kotas, M., Schmitt, P., Jakob, P.M., Flentje, M.: Monitoring of tumor oxygenation changes in head-and-neck carcinoma patients breathing a hyperoxic hypercapnic gas mixture with a noninvasive MRI technique.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft 185 (1): 19-26, 2009.
- Kaufmann, I., Schulze-Till,T., Schneider, H.U., Zimmermann, Z., Jakob, P., Wegner, L.H.: Functional repair of embolized vessels in maize roots after temporal drought stress, as demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. New Phytologist 184 (1): 245-256, 2009.
- Beer, M., Stäb, D., Oechsner, M., Hahn, D., Köstler, H., Hebestreit, H., Jakob, P.: Oxygen-enhanced functional MR lung imaging. Radiologe 49 (8): 732-738, 2009.
- Herold, V., Parczyk, M., Mörchel, P., Ziener, C., Klug, G., Bauer, W.R., Rommel, E., Jakob, P.M.: In vivo measurement of local aortic pulse-wave velocity in mice with MR microscopy at 17.6 tesla. Mag Reson Med 61 (6): 1293-1299, 2009.
- Nordbeck, P., Bauer, W.R., Fidler, F., Warmuth, M., Hiller, K.H., Nahrendorf, M., Maxfield, M., Wurtz, S., Geistert, W., Borscheit, J., Jakob, P.M., Ritter, O.: Feasibility of Real-Time MRI With a Novel Carbon Catheter for Interventional Electrophysiology. Circ Arrhythmia Electrophysiol 2: 258-267, 2009.
- Westhoff, M., Zimmermann, D., Schneider, H., Wegner, L.H., Geßner, P., Jakob, P., Bamberg, E., Shirley, S., Bentrup, F.-W., Zimmermann, U.: Evidence for discontinuous water columns in the xylem conduit of tall birch trees. Plant Biology 11 (3): 307-327, 2009.
- Seiberlich, N., Breuer, F.A., Ehses, P., Moriguchi, H., Blaimer, M., Jakob, P.M., Griswold, M.A.: Using the GRAPPA operator and the generalized sampling theorem to reconstruct undersampled non-Cartesian data. Magn Reson Med 61 (3): 705-715, 2009.
- Nordbeck, P., Weiss, I., Ehses, P., Ritter, O., Warmuth, M., Fidler, F., Herold, V., Jakob, P.M., Ladd, M.E., Quick, H.H., Bauer, W.R.: Measuring RF-induced currents inside implants: Impact of device configuration on MRI safety of cardiac pacemaker leads. Magn Reson Med 61 (3): 570-578, 2009.
- Weiss, K., Melkus, G., Jakob, P.M., Faber, C.: Quantitative in vivo 1H spectroscopic imaging of metabolites in the early postnatal mouse brain at 17.6 T. Magn Reson Mater Phys Biol Med 22 (1): 53-62, 2009.
- Weber T, Ziener, C.H., Kampf, T., Herold V, Bauer, W.R. and Jakob, P.M.: Measurement of Apparent Cell Radii Using a Multiple Wave Vector Diffusion Experiment. Mag Res Med 61: 1001-1006, 2009.
- Oechsner, M., Pracht, E.D., Staeb, D., Arnold, J.F.T., Köstler, H., Hahn, D., Beer, M., Jakob, P.M.: Lung imaging under free-breathing conditions. Mag Reson Med 61 (3): 723-727, 2009.
- Hahn, T., Dresler, T., Ehlis, A.-C., Plichta, M.M., Heinzel, S., Polak, T., Lesch, K.-P., Breuer, F., Jakob, P.M., Fallgatter, A.J.: Neural response to reward anticipation is modulated by Gray's impulsivity. NeuroImage 46: 1148-1153, 2009.
- Herold V., Wellen, J., Ziener, C.H. Weber, T., Hiller, K.-H., Nordbeck, P., Rommel, E., Haase, A., Bauer, W.R., Jakob, P.M., Sarkar, S.K.: In vivo comparison of atherosclerotic plaque progression with vessel wall strain and blood flow velocity in apoE-/- mice with MR microscopy at 17.6 T. Magn Reson Mater Phys Biol Med 22 (3): 159-166, 2009.
- Baumgartner, W., Fidler, F., Weth, A., Habbecke, M., Jakob, P., Butenweg, C., Böhme, W: Investigating the locomotion of the sandfish in desert sand using NMR-imaging. PLoS ONE 3 (10): e3309, 2008.
- J. T. Schneider, C. Faber: BOLD Imaging in the Mouse Brain using a TurboCRAZED Sequence at High Magnetic Fields. Magn Reson Med 60 (3): in press, 2008.
- A. Ziegler, C. Faber, S. Mueller, T. Bartolomaeus: Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Biology 6:33, 2008.
- C. Waller, K.H. Hiller, D. Pfaff, S. Gattenlohner, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Functional mechanisms of myocardial microcirculation in left ventricular hypertrophy. A hypothetical model of capillary remodeling post myocardial infarction. Microvasc Res 75 (1): 104-11, 2008.
- K.H. Hiller, C. Waller, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: Magnetic Resonance of Cardiac Disease. Hanbook of Experimental Pharmacology: Molecular Imaging II, 2008.
- C. Templin, D. Kotlarz, J. Faulhaber, S. Schnabel, K. Grote, G. Salguero, K.H. Hiller, P. Jakob, B. Schieffer, D. Hilfiker-Kleiner, U. Landmesser, F.P. Limbourg, H. Drexler: Cell-based therapy for myocardial infarction: Dose-Dependent Effects of ß-catenin-Transduced Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells on Cardiac Function. J Mol Cell Cardiol 45 (3): 394-403, 2008.
- P. Nordbeck, F. Fidler, I. Weiss, M. Warmuth, M.T. Friedrich, P. Ehses, W. Geistert, O. Ritter, P.M. Jakob, M.E. Ladd, H.H. Quick, W.R. Bauer: Spatial Distribution of RF-Induced E-Fields and Implant Heating in MRI. Magn Res Med 60: 312-319, 2008.
- P. Ehses, F. Fidler, P. Nordbeck, E.D. Pracht, M. Warmuth, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer: MRI thermometry: Fast mapping of RF-induced heating along conductive wires. Magn Res Med 60: 457-461, 2008.
- J.F.T. Arnold, M. Kotas, R.W. Pyzalski, E.D. Pracht, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Potential of magnetization transfer MRI for target volume definition in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. JMRI 28 (6): 1417-1424, 2008.
- G. Melkus, P. Mörchel, V.C. Behr, M. Kotas, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Short-echo spectroscopic imaging combined with lactate editing in a single scan.. NMR Biomed 21: 1076-1086, 2008.
- N. Seiberlich, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, P. Jakob, M. Griswold: Self-calibrating GRAPPA operator gridding for radial and spiral trajectories. Magn Reson Med 59 (4): 930-5, 2008.
- N. Seiberlich, F. Breuer, R. Heidemann, M. Blaimer, M. Griswold, P. Jakob: Reconstruction of undersampled non-Cartesian data sets using pseudo-Cartesian GRAPPA in conjunction with GROG. Magn Reson Med 59 (5):1127-37, 2008.
- F.A. Breuer, H. Moriguchi, N. Seiberlich, M. Blaimer, P.M. Jakob, J.L. Duerk, M.A. Griswold: Zigzag sampling for improved parallel imaging. Magn Reson Med 2008 60 (2): 474-8, 2008.
- O. Tymofiyeva, K. Rottner, D. Gareis, J. Boldt, F. Schmid, M. A. Lopez, E.-J. Richter, P. M. Jakob: In Vivo MRI-Based Dental Impression Using an Intraoral RF Receiver Coil. Concept Magn Reson 33B: 244-251, 2008.
- V.C. Behr, I. Kaufmann, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: A Novel Modular Probe Base Design. Concepts Magn Reson 33B (1) :55-61, 2008.
- C. Ziener, T. Kampf, V. Herold, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler: Frequency autocorrelation function of stochastically fluctuating fields caused by specific magnetic field inhomogeneities. J Chem Phys 129: 014507, 2008.
- N. Seiberlich, F. Breuer, R. Heidemann, M. Blaimer, M. Griswold, P. Jakob: Reconstruction of undersampled non-Cartesian data sets using pseudo-Cartesian GRAPPA in conjunction with GROG. Magn Reson Med 59 (5) :1127-1137, 2008.
- I. Kaufmann, N. Seiberlich, A. Haase, P. Jakob: Diffusion generated T1 and T2 contrast. JMR 192 (1): 139-150, 2008.
- K.F. Schwedhelm, M. Horstmann, J. H. Faber, Y. Reichert, M. Büchner, G. Bringmann, C. Faber: Spin State of Chloroquine-Heme Complexes: Formation of a Hemin Tetramer Adduct.. The Open Spectroscopy Journal 1: 10-18, 2008.
- A. Ceymann, M. Horstmann, P. Ehses, K. Schweimer, A.-K. Paschke, M. Steinert, C. Faber: Solution structure of the Legionella pneumophila Mip-rapamycin complex. BMC Struct Biol 8: 17, 2008.
- D.Z. Balla, C. Faber: Localized intermolecular zero-quantum coherence spectroscopy in vivo. Concepts Magn Reson A 32: 117-133, 2008.
- D. Z. Balla, C. Faber: Intermolecular zero-quantum coherence NMR spectroscopy in the presence of local dipole fields. J Chem Phys 128: 154522, 2008.
- A. Fischer, E.D. Pracht, J.F.T. Arnold, M. Kotas, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Assessment of pulmonary perfusion in a single shot using SEEPAGE. JMRI 27 (1): 63-70, 2008.
- A. Stadler, P.M. Jakob, M. Griswold, L. Stiebellehner, M. Barth, A.A. Bankier: T1 mapping of the entire lung parenchyma: Influence of respiratory phase and correlation to lung function test results in patients with diffuse lung disease. Magn Reson Med. 59 (1): 96-101, 2008.
- A. Heymer, D. Haddad, M. Weber, U. Gbureck, P.M. Jakob, J. Eulert, U. Nöth: Iron oxide labelling of human mesenchymal stem cells in collagen hydrogels for articular cartilage repair. Biomaterials 29 (10): 1473-1483, 2008.
- T. Neuberger, N. Sreenivasulu, M. Rokitta, H. Rolletschek, C. Göbel, T. Rutten, V. Radchuk, I. Feussner, U. Wobus, P. Jakob, A. Webb, L. Borisjuk: Quantitative imaging of oil storage in developing crop seeds. Plant Biotech J 6 (1): 31-45, 2008.
- Gollnau, K., Bathe, K., Hiller, KH., Wiederer, J., Ertl, G., Bauer, WR., Waller, C.: Der Hepatozyten-Wachstumsfaktor (HGF) beeinflusst die Mikrozirkulation und das linksventrikuäre Remodeling am Herzen der Ratte nach Ischämie und Reperfusion. Aktuelle Trends in der invasiven Kardiologie: Akad. Verlagsges. Berlin, 2007.
- Bauersachs, J., Störk, S., Kung, M., Waller, C., Fidler, F., Hoyer, C., Frantz, S., Weidemann, F., Ertl, G., Angermann, CE: HMG CoA reductase inhibition and left ventricular mass in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study. Eur J Clin Invest 37: 852-859, 2007.
- J.F.T. Arnold, P. Mörchel, E. Glaser, E.D. Pracht, P.M. Jakob: Lung MRI using an MR-compatible active breathing control (MR-ABC). Magn Res Med 58 (6):1092-8, 2007.
- N. Seiberlich, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, K. Barkauskas, P.M. Jakob, M. Griswold: Non-Cartesian data reconstruction using GRAPPA operator gridding (GROG).. Magn Reson Med 58 (6): 1257-65, 2007.
- O. Tymofiyeva, P. Proff, E.-J. Richter, P. Jakob, J. Fanghänel, T. Gedrange, K. Rottner: Correlation of MRT imaging with real-time axiography of TMJ clicks. Ann Anat 189 (4): 356-61, 2007.
- D. Zimmermann, M. Westhoff, G. Zimmermann, P. Geßner, A. Gessner, L.H. Wegner, M. Rokitta, P. Ache, H. Schneider, J.A. Wasquez, W. Kruck, S. Hirley, P. Jakob, R. Hedrich, F.-W. Bentrup, E. Bamberg, U. Zimmermann: Foliar water supply of tall trees: evidence for mucilage-facilitated moisture uptake from the atmosphere and the impact on pressure bomb measurements. Protoplasma 232: 11-34, 2007.
- N. Seiberlich, F.A. Breuer, M. Blaimer, K. Barkauskas, P.M. Jakob, M.A. Griswold: Non-Cartesian data reconstruction using GRAPPA operator gridding (GROG). Magn Reson Med. 58 (6): 1257-1265, 2007.
- D.Z.Balla, C.Faber: In vivo intermolecular zero-quantum coherence MR spectroscopy in the rat spinal cord at 17.6 T: a feasibility study. Magn Reson Mater Phy 20: 183-191, 2007.
- C.H. Ziener, T. Kampf, G. Melkus, V. Herold, T. Weber, G. Reents, P.M. Jakob, W.R.Bauer: Local frequency density of states around field inhomogenities in magnetic resonance imaging: Effects of diffusion. Phys Rev E: 76 (3) 031915, 2007.
- A. Stadler, L. Stiebellehner, P.M. Jakob, J.F.T. Arnold, E. Eisenhuber, I. von Katzler, A.A. Bankier: Quantitative and O2 enhanced MRI of the pathologic lung: Findings in emphysema, fibrosis, and cystic fibrosis. Intern Jour of Biomed Imag: Art ID 23624, 2007.
- H. Zimmermann, F. Wählisch, C. Baier, M. Westhoff, R. Reuss, D. Zimmermann, M. Behringer, F. Ehrhart, A. Katsen-Globa, Ch. Giese, U. Marx, V.L. Sukhorukov, J.A. Vásquez, P. Jakob, S.G. Shirley, U.Zimmermann: Physical and biological properties of barium cross-linked alginate membranes. Biomaterials 28: 1327-1345, 2007.
- D. Gareis, T. Wichmann, T. Lanz, G. Melkus, M. Horn, P.M. Jakob: Mouse MRI using phased-array coils. NMR in Biomedicine 20(3): 326-334, 2007.
- G. Herzner, W. Goettler, J. Kroiss, A. Purea, A. G. Webb, P. M. Jakob, W. Rössler, E. Strohm: Males of a solitary wasp possess a postpharyngeal gland. Arthropod Structure & Development 36(2): 123-133, 2007.
- C. H. Ziener, T. Kampf, W. R. Bauer, P. M. Jakob, S. Glutsch, F. Bechstedt: Quantum beats in semiconductors. Int J of Modern Physics B 21 (8-9): 1621-1625, 2007.
- M. Nahrendorf, W.R. Bauer: Recent advances in small animal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Current Cardiology Reviews, in press, 2007.
- D. Farina, O. Skipa, C. Kaltwasser, O. Dössel, W.R. Bauer: Optimization-Based Reconstruction of Depolarization of the Heart. IEEE: in press, 2007.
- K.F. Schwedhelm, M. Horstmann, J.H. Faber, Y. Reichert, G. Bringmann, C. Faber: The Novel Antimalarial Compound Dioncophylline C Forms a Complex with Heme in Solution. ChemMedChem 2(4): 541-548, 2007.
- M.D. Grynbaum, D. Kreidler, J. Rehbein, A. Purea, P. Schuler, W. Schaal, H. Czesla, A. Webb, V. Schurig, K. Albert: Hyphenation of Gas Chromatography to Microcoil 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Anal Chem 79(7): 2708 - 2713, 2007.
- J.F.T. Arnold, M. Kotas, F. Fidler, E.D. Pracht, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Quantitative Regional Oxygen Transfer Imaging of the Human Lung. JMRI: 26 (3) 637-645, 2007.
- A. Fischer, C. Steidl, T.U. Wagner, E. Lang, P.M. Jakob, P. Friedl, K.-P. Knobeloch, M. Gessler: Combined Loss of Hey1 and HeyL Causes Congenital Heart Defects Because of Impaired Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition. Circ Res 100(6): 856-863, 2007.
- C.H. Ziener, T. Kampf, G. Melkus, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer: Scaling laws for transverse relaxation times. JMR 184: 169-175, 2007.
- C. Faber, B. Zahneisen, F. Tippmann, A. Schroeder, F. Fahrenholz: Gradient echo and CRAZED imaging for minute-detection of Alzheimer plaques in an APP_V717I x ADAM10-dn mouse model.. MRM: 57 696-703, 2007.
- C. Faber: Resolution Enhancement in In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy. Ann Rep NMR Spectrosc 61: 1-50, 2007.
- E.D. Pracht, J.F.T. Arnold, N. Seiberlich, M. Kotas, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Oxygen-enhanced proton magnetic resonance imaging of the human lung. CANCER IMAGING Vol. 2 edited by M. A. Hayat, Elsevier Science/Academic Press voraussichtlich, 2007.
- R. M. Heidemann, M. A. Griswold, N. Seiberlich, M. Nittka, S. Kannengiesser, B. Kiefer, P.M. Jakob: A Fast Method for 1D Non-Cartesian Parallel Imaging Using GRAPPA. MRM 57(6): 1037-1046, 2007.
- M. Nahrendorf, W.R. Bauer: Cardiac MR techniques applied to small rodents. In Vivo MR Techn. in Drug Disc. and Dev. (Ed. Nicolau Beckmann). Taylor & Francis, New York, pp. 315-327, 2006.
- W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler: Molecular transport through channels and pores. PNAS 103 (31): 11446-11451, 2006.
- F. Weidemann, C. Wacker, A. Rauch, W.R. Bauer, B. Bijnens, G.R. Sutherland, G. Ertl, W. Voelker, F. Fidler, J.M. Strotmann: Sequential changes of myocardial function during acute myocardial infarction, in the early and chronic phase after coronary intervention described by ultrasonic strain rate imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiography 19:839-847, 2006.
- O. Ritter, M.L. Koller, B. Fey, B. Seidel, A. Krein, H. Langenfeld, W.R. Bauer: Progression of heart failure in right univentricular pacing compared to biventricular pacing. Int J Cardiol 28 110(3): 359-65, 2006.
- O. Ritter, W.R. Bauer: Use of IEGM Online in ICD patients - early detection of inappropriate classified ventricular tachycardia via Home Monitoring. Clin Res Cardiol 95: 1-5, 2006.
- A. Stadler, L. Stiebellehner, P.M. Jakob, J.F. Arnold, A.A. Bankier: T1 maps and O(2)-enhanced MRT of the diseased lung : Emphysema, fibrosis, mucoviscidosis. Radiologe 46(4): 282-289, 2006.
- T. Weber, M. Vroemen, V. Behr, T. Neuberger, P. Jakob, A. Haase, G. Schuierer, U. Bogdahn, C. Faber, N. Weidner: In vivo high-resolution MR imaging of neuropathologic changes in the injured rat spinal cord. Am J Neurophysiol 27 (3): 598-604, 2006.
- M. Blaimer, F.A. Breuer, M. Mueller, N. Seiberlich, D. Ebel, R.M. Heidemann, M.A. Griswold, A. Mark, P.M. Jakob: 2D-GRAPPA-operator for faster 3D parallel MRI. MRM 56 (6): 1359-1364, 2006.
- V. Hoerr, K. Hoffmann, C. Schollmayer, U. Holzgrabe, A. Haase, P. Jakob, C. Faber.: Assessment of inhibitory potency of antibiotics by MRI: Apparent T2 as a marker for cell growth. Magn Reson Mater Phy 19 (5): 247-255, 2006.
- M. Horstmann, P. Ehses, K. Schweimer, M. Steinert, T. Kamphausen, G. Fischer, J. Hacker, P. Rösch, C. Faber: Domain motions of the Mip protein from Legionella pneumophila.. Biochemistry 45: 12303-12311, 2006.
- C.H. Ziener, W.R. Bauer, G. Melkus, T. Weber, V. Herold, P.M. Jakob: Structure-specific magnetic field inhomogeneities and its effect on the correlation time. MRI 24: 1341-1347, 2006.
- E. D. Pracht, A. Fischer, J. F.T. Arnold, M. Kotas, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: Single-shot quantitative perfusion imaging of the human lung. MRM 56(6): 1347-1351, 2006.
- D.Z. Balla, G. Melkus, C. Faber: Spatially localized intermolecular zero-quantum coherence spectroscopy for in vivo application. MRM 56 (4): 745-753, 2006.
- A. Purea, A.G. Webb: Reversible and Irreversible Effects of Chemical Fixation on the NMR Properties of Single Cells. MRM 56: 927-931, 2006.
- R.M. Heidemann, M.A. Griswold, N. Seiberlich, G. Krueger, S.A.R. Kannengiesser, B. Kiefer, G. Wiggins, L.L. Wald, P.M. Jakob: Direct parallel image reconstructions for spiral trajectories using GRAPPA. MRM 56 (2): 317-326, 2006.
- M. Blaimer, F. Breuer, N. Seiberlich, M.F. Mueller, R.M. Heidemann, V. Jellus, G. Wiggins, L.L. Wald, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: Accelerated volumetric MRI with a SENSE/GRAPPA combination. JMRI 24 (2): 444-450, 2006.
- M.A. Griswold, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, S. Kannengiesser, R.M. Heidemann, M. Mueller, M. Nittka, V. Jellus, B.P.M. Kiefer, P.M. Jakob: Autocalibrated coil sensitivity estimation for parallel imaging. NMR in Biomedicine 19 (3): 316-324, 2006.
- D.L. Weber, P.M. Jakob: Diffusion weighted imaging with a rapid repeated hole-burning sequence. JMR 182 (1) :152-159, 2006.
- C. Faber, C. Heil, B. Zahneisen, D.Z. Balla, R. Bowtell: Sensitivity to local dipole fields in the CRAZED experiment: An approach to bright spot MRI. JMR 182(2): 315-324, 2006.
- F.A. Breuer, M. Blaimer, M.F. Mueller, N. Seiberlich, R.M. Heidemann, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: Controlled aliasing in volumetric parallel imaging (2D CAIPIRINHA). MRM 55: 549-556, 2006.
- R. M. Heidemann, N. Seiberlich, M. A. Griswold, K. Wohlfarth, G. Krüger, P. M. Jakob: Perspectives and Limitations of Parallel MR Imaging at High Field Strengths. Neuroimag Clin North Am: 16 (2): 311-320, 2006.
- V. Herold, P. Mörchel, C. Faber, E. Rommel, A. Haase, P. M. Jakob: In vivo quantitative three-dimensional motion mapping of the murine myocardium with PC-MRI at 17.6 T. MRM 55: 1058-1064, 2006.
- M. Nahrendorf, K. Hu, S. Frantz, F.A. Jaffer, C.-H. Tung, K.-H. Hiller, S. Voll, P. Nordbeck, D. Sosnovik, S. Gattenlöhner, M. Novikov, G. Dickneite, G.L. Reed, P. Jakob, A. Rosenzweig, W.R. Bauer, R. Weissleder, G. Ertl: Factor XIII Deficiency Causes Cardiac Rupture, Impairs Wound Healing, and Aggravates Cardiac Remodeling in Mice With Myocardial Infarction. Circulation 113: 1196-1202, 2006.
- K.H. Hiller, C. Waller, M. Nahrendorf, W.R. Bauer, P.M. Jakob: Assessment of cardiovascular apoptosis in the isolated rat heart using magnetic resonance molecular imaging. Mol Imag 5(2): 115-121, 2006.
- M. Nahrendorf, JUG Streif, K.H. Hiller, K. Hu, P. Nordbeck, O. Ritter, D.E. Sosnovik, L. Bauer, S. Neubauer, P.M. Jakob, G. Ertl, M. Spindler, W.R. Bauer: Multimodal functional cardiac MR imaging in creatine kinase deficient mice reveals subtile abnormalities in myocardial perfusion and mechanics. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290: H2516-H2521, 2006.
- P. Prang, R. Müller, A. Eljaouhari, K. Heckmann, W. Kunz, T. Weber, C. Faber, M. Vroemen, U. Bogdahn, N. Weidner: The Promotion of oriented axonal regrowth in the injured spinal cord by alginate-based anisotropic capillary hydrogels. Biomaterials 27: 3560-3569, 2006.
- T. Hörnschemeyer, J. Goebbels, G. Weidemann, C. Faber, A. Haase: The Head-morphology of Ascioplaga mimeta Neboiss (Coleptera, Archostemata) in the context of Archostematan Phylogeny. European J Entomol 103(2): 409-423, 2006.
- P. Schmitt, M.A. Griswold, V. Gulani, A. Haase, M. Flentje, P.M. Jakob: A simple geometrical description of the TrueFISP ideal transient and steady-state signal. MRM 55 (1): 177-186, 2006.
- R. Kharrazian, P. M. Jakob: Dynamics of 23 Na during completely balanced steady-state free precession. JMR 179: 73-84, 2006.
- D. Gareis, T. Neuberger, V. C. Behr, P. M. Jakob, C. Faber, M. A. Griswold: Transmit-Receive Coil-Arrays at 17.6T, Configurations for 1H, 23Na and 31P MRI. Concepts Magn Reson Eng 29B: 20-27, 2006.
- W.R. Bauer: Measurements in the magnetic field. German Research (Magazine of the DFG) 2: 15-16, 2005.
- W.R. Bauer: Messung der Mikrozirkulationsparameter Intrakapillarvolumen, Kapillarrekrutierung und Durchblutung im Herzmuskel mittels NMR-Tomographie. Wissenschaft.Spitzenforschung in der Herzkreislaufmedizin (Sept.): 10-21, 2005.
- M.L. Koller, S.K.G. Maier, A.R. Gelzer, W.R. Bauer, M. Meesmann, R.F. Gilmour: Altered dynamics of action potential restitution and alternans in humans with structural heart disease. Circulation 112: 1542-1548, 2005.
- W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler: Stationary flow, first passage times and macroscopic Fick's first diffusion law: application to flow enhancement by particle trapping. J of Chem Phys 122: 244904 -1 - 244904 -13, 2005.
- J.F.T. Arnold, E.D. Pracht, P.M. Jakob: Oxygen-enhanced 1H-imaging of the lung. Teaching Syllabus ESMRMB:1-9, 2005.
- X. Helluy, A.G. Webb: Characterization of B1 Field Focussing Effects in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging at 17.6 tesla. Conc Magn Reson (MR Engineering) 27B: 8-16, 2005.
- C. Waller, T. Engelhorn, K.H. Hiller, G: Heusch, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer, R. Schulz: Impaired Resting Perfusion in Viable Myocardium distal to Chronic Coronary Stenosis in Rats.. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 288(6): H2588-2593, 2005.
- T. Rohlfing, F. Schaupp, D. Haddad, R. Brandt, A. Haase, R. Menzel, C.R. Maurer: Unwarping confocal microscopy images of bee brains by nonrigid registration to a magnetic resonance microscopy image. J OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 10 (2): 1-8, 2005.
- C. Zimmer, C. Faber, A. Stroh: Tracking of stem cells in the CNS by molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Riv Neuroradiol 18 (4): 437-449, 2005.
- M.A. Griswold, M. Blaimer, F. Breuer, R.M. Heidemann, M. Mueller, P.M. Jakob: Parallel magnetic resonance imaging using the GRAPPA operator formalism. MRM 54 (6): 1553-1556, 2005.
- C.H. Ziener, W.R. Bauer, P.M. Jakob: Frequency distribution and signal formation around a vessel. MAGMA 18 (4): 225 - 230, 2005.
- V. Gulani, T. Weber, T. Neuberger, A. G. Webb: Improved time efficiency and accuracy in diffusion tensor microimaging with multiple-echo acquisition. J Magn Reson 177: 365-371, 2005.
- K.-H. Hiller, C. Faber, T. Neuberger, S. Köhler, A. Stroh, C. Zimmer, P. Jakob: Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie: Möglichkeiten der molekularen Bildgebung. Z med Phys 15: 155-162, 2005.
- C. H. Ziener, W. R. Bauer, P. M. Jakob: Transverse Relaxation of Cells Labeled with Magnetic Nanoparticles. MRM 54: 702-706, 2005.
- C. Faber: Solvent-localized NMR spectroscopy (SOLO) using the distant dipole field: A method for NMR separations with a single gradient. JMR 176: 120-124, 2005.
- A. Stadler, P.M. Jakob, M. Griswold, M. Barth, A. A. Bankier: T1 mapping of the entire lung parenchyma: Influence of the respiratory phase in healthy individuals. JMRI 21(6): 759-764, 2005.
- W.R. Bauer, C.H. Ziener, P.M. Jakob: Non-Gaussian spin dephasing. Phys Rev A 71: 1-5, 2005.
- L. Borisjuk, T.H. Nguyen, T. Neuberger, T. Rutten, H. Tschiersch, B. Claus, I. Feussner, A.G. Webb, P. Jakob, H. Weber, U. Wobus, H. Rolletschek: Gradients od lipid storage, photosynthesis and plastid differentiation in developing soybean seeds. New Phytol 167: 761-776, 2005.
- H.B. Hillenbrand, L.C. Becker, R. Kharrazian, K. Hu, C.E. Rochitte, R.J. Kim, E.L. Chen, G. Ertl, R.H. Hruban, J.A.C. Lima: 23Na MRI combined with contrast-enhanced 1H MRI provides in vivo characterization of infarct healing. MRM 53: 843-850, 2005.
- M. Nahrendorf, M. Spindler, K. Hu, L. Bauer, O. Ritter, P. Nordbeck, T. Quaschning, K.-H. Hiller, J. Wallis, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer, S. Neubauer: Creatine kinase knockout mice show left ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation, but unaltered remodeling post-myocardial infarction. Cardiovas Res 65: 419-427, 2005.
- E.D. Pracht, J.F.T. Arnold, T. Wang, P.M. Jakob: Oxygen-Enhanced Proton Imaging of the Human Lung Using T2*. MRM 53: 1193-1196, 2005.
- F.A. Breuer, M. Blaimer, R.M. Heidemann, M.F. Mueller, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: Controlled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher acceleration (CAIPIRINHA) for multi-slice imaging. MRM 53 (3): 684-691, 2005.
- F.A. Breuer, P. Kellman, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: Dynamic autocalibrated parallel imaging using temporal GRAPPA (TGRAPPA). MRM 53 (4): 981-985, 2005.
- A. Endruweit, S. Fritzsche, R. Thull, A. Haase, W. Baur: High-performance composites for applications in medical engineering: Susceptibility artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging. J Reinforced Plastics and Composites 24 (2): 131-146, 2005.
- JUG Streif, M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, C. Waller, F. Wiesmann, E. Rommel, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: In vivo assessment of absolute perfusion and intracapillary blood volume in the murine myocardium by spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging. MRM 53: 584-592, 2005.
- M. Horstmann, T. Kamphausen, K. Schweimer, M. Steinert, J. Hacker, A. Haase, P. Rösch, G. Fischer, C. Faber: 1H, 13C 15N backbone and sidechain resonance assignment of Mip (77-213) the PPIase domain of the Legionella pneumophila Mip protein. J Biomol NMR 31: 77-78, 2005.
- V. Hombach, P.M. Jakob: Koronarfluss und Myokardoxygenierung. Kardiovaskuläre Magnetresonanztomographie, Schattauer-Verlag: 391-398, 2005.
- F. Wiesmann, A. Haase: Kardiovaskuläre MR im Tierexperiment. Kardiovaskuläre Magnetresonanztomographie, Schattauer-Verlag: 119-130, 2005.
- P.M. Jakob: Parallele Magnetresonanztomgraphie. Kardiovaskuläre Magnetresonanztomographie, Schattauer-Verlag: 29-34, 2005.
- A. Stroh, C. Faber, T. Neuberger, P. Lorenz, K. Sieland, P.M. Jakob, A. Webb, H. Pilgrimm, R. Schober, E.E. Pohl, C. Zimmer: In vivo detection limits of magnetically labeled embryonic stem cells in the rat brain using high-field (17.6T) magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage 24: 635-645, 2005.
- A. Steinbrecher*, T. Weber*, T. Neuberger, A. Mueller, X. Pedre, G. Giegerich, U. Bogdahn, P. Jakob, A. Haase, C. Faber (* = equal contribution): Lesion detection in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by high resolution MR microscopy of rat spinal cord at 17.6 T. Am J Neuroradiol 26: 19-25, 2005.
- A. Greiser, A. Haase, M. Kienlin: Improved Localization in Sodium Cardiac Imaging by Density-weighted Phase-Encoding. JMR 21: 78-81, 2005.
- C. Waller, K.-H. Hiller, T. Rüdiger, G. Kraus, C. Konietzko, N. Hardt, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Noninvasive imaging of angiogenesis inhibition following nitric oxide synthase blockade in the ischemic rat heart in vivo. Microcirulation 12: 339-347, 2005.
- J.J. Sandstede, H. Hillenbrand, M. Beer, T. Pabst, F. Butter, W. Machann, W.R. Bauer, D. Hahn, S. Neubauer: Time course of 23Na signal intensity after myocardial infarction in humans. MRM 52(3): 545-551, 2004.
- M.L. Koller, S.K.G. Maier, W.R. Bauer, P. Schanzenbächer: Postcardiac injury syndrome following radiofrequency ablation of artrial flutter. Z Kardiol 93: 560-565, 2004.
- R. Jerecic, M. Bock, S. Nielles-Vallespin, C. Wacker, W.R. Bauer, L.R. Schad: ECG-Gated 23Na-MRI of the Human Heart Using a 3D-Radial Projection Technique with Ultra Short Echo Times. MAGMA 16: 297-203, 2004.
- V. Gulani, P. Schmitt, M.A. Griswold, A.G. Webb, P.M. Jakob: Towards a single-sequence neurologic magnetic resonance imaging examination: Multiple-contrast images from an IR TrueFISP experiment. Invest. Radiol. 39: 767-774, 2004.
- D. Zips, M. Adam, M. Flentje, A. Haase, M. Molls, W. Mueller-Klieser, C. Petersen, C. Philbrook, P. Schmitt, O. Thews,S. Walenta, M. Baumann: Impact of hypoxia and the metabolic microenvironment on radiotherapy of solid tumors. introduction of a multi-institutional research project. Strahlenth. Und Onkol. 180 (10): 609-615, 2004.
- T. Neuberger, A. Greiser, M. Nahrendorf, P. M. Jakob, C. Faber, A. G. Webb: 23Na microscopy of the mouse heart in vivo using density-weighted chemical shift imaging. MAGMA 17:196-200, 2004.
- M. Blaimer, F. Breuer, M. Müller, R.M. Heidemann, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: SMASH, SENSE, PILS, GRAPPA. How to Choose the Optimal Method. Top Magn Reson Imaging 15(4): 223-236, 2004.
- M.A. Griswold, S. Kannegiesser, R.M. Heidemann, J. Wang, P.M. Jakob: Field-of-View Limitations in Parallel Imaging. MRM 52: 1118-1126, 2004.
- V.C. Behr, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: RF Flux Guides for Excitation and Reception in 31P Spectroscopic and Imaging Experiments at 2 Tesla. Conc Magn ResPart 23B: 44-49, 2004.
- C. Pschierer, M. Griswold, T. Lanz, A. Haase: An LN2 cooled toroid resonator. Conc Magn Reson 21B: 11-18, 2004.
- U. Zimmermann, H. Schneider, L.H. Wegner, A. Haase: Water ascent in tall trees: does evolution of land plants rely on a highly metastable state?. New Phytologist 162: 575-615, 2004.
- F. Wiesmann, V. Herold, JUG Streif, M. Nahrendorf, S. Neubauer, E. Rommel, A. Haase: Novel insights into LV remodeling after murine myocardial infarction by in vivo magnetic resonance tissue velocity mapping. Int J Cardiovas Imag 20: 289-291, 2004.
- D. Haddad, F. Schaupp, R. Brandt, G. Manz, R. Menzel, A. Haase: NMR imaging of the honeybee brain. Journal of Insect Science 4: Art. No. 7, 2004.
- V. C. Behr*, T. Weber*, T. Neuberger, M. Vroemen, N. Weidner, U. Bogdahn, A. Haase, P. M. Jakob, C. Faber (* = equal contribution): High resolution MR imaging of the rat spinal cord in vivo in a wide bore magnet at 17.6 Tesla. MAGMA 17: 353-358, 2004.
- D. Balla, C. Faber: Solvent suppression in liquid state NMR with selective intermolecular zero-quantum cohenrences. Chem Phys Letters 393: 464-469, 2004.
- S. Olt, P. M. Jakob: Contrast-enhanced dental MRI for visualization of the teeth and jaw. MRM 52(1): 174-176, 2004.
- A. Purea, T. Neuberger, A.G. Webb: Simultaneous NMR microimaging of multiple single-cell samples. Concepts Magn Reson Eng 22B (1): 7-14, 2004.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, K. Hu, V. Zeijlemaker, M. Griswold, W.R. Bauer: Pacing in High Field Cardiac Magnetic Resonance maging: Implantation of a Permanent Pacemaker into a Rat. PACE 27(5): 671674, 2004.
- J.F.T. Arnold, F. Fidler, T. Wang, E.D. Pracht, M. Schmidt, P.M. Jakob: Imaging lung function using rapid dynamic acquisition of T1-maps during oxygen enhancement. MAGMA 16: 246-253, 2004.
- P. Schmitt, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, M. Kotas, V. Gulani, M. Flentje, A. Haase: Inversion recovery TrueFISP: quantification of T1, T2, and spin density. MRM 51(4):661-667, 2004.
- F. Fidler, C.M. Wacker, C. Dueren, M. Weigel, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: Myocardial perfusion measurements by spin-labeling under different vasodynamic states. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 6(2): 509-516, 2004.
- P.M. Jakob, T. Wang, G. Schultz, H. Hebestreit, A. Hebestreit, D. Hahn: Assessment of Human Pulmonary Function Using Oxygen-Enhanced T1 Imaging in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. MRM 51: 1009-1016, 2004.
- R. M. Heidemann, M. A. Griswold, M. Müller, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, B. Kiefer, M. Schmitt, P. M. Jakob.: Feasibilities and limitations of high field parallel MR. Radiologe 44(1): 49-55, 2004.
- G. Ertl, W. Bauer: Advances in managing heart failure and sudden cardiac death: reverse remodelling by drugs?. Europ Heart J Suppl. 5 (I): 44-53, 2003.
- C.M. Wacker, W.R. Bauer: Neue Ansätze der Magnetresonanztomographie zur Beschreibung myokardialer Mikrozirkulationsparameter am Menschen. Herz 28: 74-81, 2003.
- H.B. Hillenbrand, J. Sandstede, C. Lipke, H. Köstler, T. Pabst, E. Werner, G. Ertl, D. Hahn, W.R. Bauer: Detection of Myocardial Viability in Acute Infarction using Contrast-Enhanced 1H MRI. MAGMA 16(3): 129-34, 2003.
- C.M. Wacker, A.W. Hartlep, S. Pfleger, L.R. Schad, G. Ertl: Susceptibility-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging detects human myocardium supplied by a stenotic coronary artery without a contrast agent. J Am Coll Cardiol. 41(5): 834-40, 2003.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, A. Greiser, S. Kohler, T. Neuberger, K. Hu, C. Waller, G. Ertl, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: Magnetic resonance fusion imaging of chronic myocardial ischemia. Func Imag Mod Heart 2674: 272-277, 2003.
- J. Biederer, M. Both, J. Graessener, C. Liess, P. Jakob, M. Reuter, M. Heller: Lung morphology: fast MR imaging assessment with a volumetric interpolated breath-hold technique: initial experience with patients. Radiology 226(1): 242-249, 2003.
- JUG Streif, K.H. Hiller, C. Waller, M. Nahrendorf, F. Wiesmann, W.R. Bauer, E. Rommel, A. Haase: Reply. J Magn Reson Imag 18: 515-517, 2003.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.H. Hiller, K. Hu, G. Ertl, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in small animal models of human heart failure. Med Image Anal, 7(3): 369-375, 2003.
- C.M. Wacker, F. Fidler, C. Dueren, S. Hirn, P.M. Jakob, G. Ertl, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: Quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion with a spin-labeling technique: preliminary results in patients with coronary artery disease. JMRI 18(5): 555-560, 2003.
- C. Waller, K.H. Hiller, M. Albrecht, K. Hu, M. Nahrendorf, S.Gattenlohner, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Microvascular adaptation to coronary stenosis in the rat heart in vivo: a serial magnetic resonance imaging study. Microvasc Res, 66(3): 173-182, 2003.
- F. Wiesmann, M. Szimtenings , A. Frydrychowicz, R. Illinger,A. Hunecke, E. Rommel, S. Neubauer, A. Haase: High-resolution MRI with cardiac and respiratory gating allows for accurate in vivo atherosclerotic plaque visualization in the murine aortic arch. MRM, 50(1): 69-74, 2003.
- M. Brede, W. Roell, O. Ritter, F. Wiesmann, R. Jahns, A. Haase, B.K. Fleischmann, L. Hein: Cardiac hypertrophy is associated with decreased eNOS expression in angiotensin AT2 receptor-deficient mice. Hypertension, 42(6): 1177-1182, 2003.
- S. Köhler, K.-H. Hiller, C. Waller, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: Investigation of the Microstructure of the Isolated Rat Heart: A Comparison Between T2*- and Diffusion-Weighted MRI. MRM 50: 1144-1150, 2003.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, A. Greiser, S. Köhler, T. Neuberger, K. Hu, C. Waller, M. Albrecht, S. Neubauer, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Chronic coronary artery stenosis induces impaired function of remote myocardium: MRI and spectroscopy study in rat. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 285: H2712-H2721, 2003.
- T. Wang, G. Schultz, H. Hebestreit, A. Hebestreit, D. Hahn, P.M. Jakob: Quantitative Perfusion Mapping of the Human Lung Using 1H Spin Labeling. JMRI 18: 260-265, 2003.
- J. Dechow, T. Lanz, M. Stuber, A. Forchel, A. Haase: Preamplified planar microcoil on GaAs substrates for microspectrocopy. Rev Sci Instr 74 (11): 4855-4857, 2003.
- S. Köhler, K.-H. Hiller, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: Time-resolved flow measurement in the isolated rat heart: Characterization of left coronary artery stenosis. MRM 50: 449-452, 2003.
- H. Schneider, B. Manz, M. Westhoff, S. Mimietz, M. Szimtenings, T. Neuberger, C. Faber, G. Krohne, A. Haase, F. Volke, U. Zimmermann: The impact of lipid distribution, composition and mobility on xylem water refilling of the resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia. New Phytologist 159: 487-505, 2003.
- R. M. Heidemann, Ö. Özsarlak, P. M. Parizel, J. Michiels, B. Kiefer, V. Jellus, M. Müller, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, M. A. Griswold and P. M. Jakob: A Brief Review of Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Eur Radiol (13): 2323-2337, 2003.
- R.M. Heidemann, M.A.Griswold, B. Kiefer, M. Nittka, J. Wang, V. Jellus, P.M. Jakob: Resolution enhancement in lung 1H imaging using parallel imaging methods. MRM 49: 391-394, 2003.
- S. Köhler, K.-H. Hiller, M. Griswold, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: NMR-microscopy with TrueFISP at 11.75 T. JMR 161: 252-257, 2003.
- C. Faber, E. Pracht, A. Haase: Resolution Enhancement in in vivo NMR Spectroscopy: Detection of Intermolecular Zero-quantum Coherences. JMR 161: 265-274, 2003.
- M. Nahrendorf, S. Frantz, K. Hu, S. Hügel, C. von zur Mühlen, M. Tomaszewski, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer, B. Allolio, F. Callies: Influence of testosterone level on cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction in rats assessed by MRI. Cardiovasc Res: 57(2): 370-8, 2003.
- S. Köhler, K.-H. Hiller, C. Waller, P.M. Jakob, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: Visualization of myocardial microstructure using high-resolution T2* imaging at high magnetic field. MRM 49 (2): 371-375, 2003.
- M. Szimtenings, S. Olt, A. Haase: Flow Encoded NMR Spectroscopy for Quantification of Metabolite Flow in Intact Plants. JMR 161(1): 70-76, 2003.
- J.U.G. Streif, V. Herold, M. Szimtenings, T.E. Lanz, M. Nahrendorf, F. Wiesmann, E. Rommel, A. Haase: In vivo time-resolved quantitative motion mapping of the murine myocardium with phase contrast. MRM 49(2): 315-321, 2003.
- J.U.G. Streif, T. Lanz, M. Griswold, E. Rommel, A. Haase: A Coil Combination for Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Imaging of Mice invivo at 7 T. Rev Sci Instr 74: 2843-2848, 2003.
- M. Nahrendorf, K. Hu, D. Fraccarollo, K.-H. Hiller, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer, G. Ertl: Time Course of Right Ventricular Remodeling in Rats With Experimental Myocardial Infarction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 284 (1): H241-H248, 2003.
- J.U.G. Streif, K.-H. Hiller, C. Waller, M. Nahrendorf, F. Wiesmann, W.F. Bauer, E. Rommel, A. Haase: In vivo assessment of absolute perfusion in the murine skeletal muscle with spin labeling MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging 17(1): 147-52, 2003.
- P. Schmitt, M. Kotas, A. Tobermann, A. Haase, M. Flentje: Quantitative tissue perfusion measurement in head and neck carcinoma patients before and during radiation therapy with a non-invasive MR imaging spin-labeling technique. Radiother Oncol: 67(1): 27-34, 2003.
- D.O. Kuethe, V.C. Behr, S. Begay: Volume of Rat Lungs Measured Throughout the Respiratory Cycle Using 19F NMR of the Inert Gas SF6,. MMR 48 (3): 547-549, 2002.
- W.R. Bauer, G. Ertl: Rhythmusstörungen während der Remodelingphase nach Herzinfarkt. Herz 27: 740-749, 2002.
- W.R. Bauer: Magnetresonanzangiographie und schnelles CT. Herzmedizin 19 (1): 12-20, 2002.
- W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler: Spin dephasing in the extended strong collision approximation. Phys Rev E 65: 066123-1 - 066123-15, 2002.
- C. Weidensteiner, M. Horn, E. Fekete, S. Neubauer, M. von Kienlin: Imaging of intracellular sodium with shift reagent aided 23Na CSI in isolated rat hearts. MRM 48 (1): 89 - 96, 2002.
- U. Zimmermann, H.J. Wagner, M. Heidecker, S. Mimietz, H. Schneider, M. Szimtenings, A. Haase, R. Mitlohner, W. Kruck, R. Hoffmann, W. Konig: Implications of mucilage on pressure bomb measurements and water lifting in trees rooting in high-salinity water. Trees-Structure and Function 16: 100-111, 2002.
- P.M. Jakob, C. Hillenbrand, W. Kenn, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Abdominal imaging with a modular combination of spin and gradient echoes. MRM, 47(3): 425-432, 2002.
- M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, R.M. Heidemann, M. Nittka, V. Jellus, J. Wang, B. Kiefer, A. Haase: Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition (GRAPPA). MRM 47(6): 1202-1210, 2002.
- U. Zimmermann, H. Schneider, L.H. Wegner, H.J. Wagner, M. Szimtenings, A. Haase: What are the driving forces for water lifting in the xylem conduit?. Physiol Plant, 114(3): 327-335, 2002.
- S. Olt, P. Schmitt, F. Fidler, A. Haase, P. M. Jakob: Microscopic spin tagging (MiST) for flow imaging. MAGMA 15: 45-51, 2002.
- P.M. Jakob, T. Wang, G. Schultz, H. Hebestreit, A. Hebestreit, M. Elfeber, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Magnetization transfer short inversion time inversion recovery (MT-STIR) enhanced 1H MRI of the human lung. MAGMA, 15: 10-17, 2002.
- M. Nahrendorf, K. Hu, K.-H. Hiller, P. Galuppo, D. Fraccarollo, G. Schweizer,A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer, J. Bauersachs: Impact of Hydroxmethylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase Inhibition on Left Ventricular Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol, 40: 1695-1700, 2002.
- C.M. Wacker, F. Wiesmann, M. Bock, P. Jakob, J.J.W. Sandstede, A. Lehning, G. Ertl, L.R. Schad, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: Determination of Regional Blood Volume and Intra-Extracapillary Water-Exchange in Human Myocardium Using Feruglose: First Clinical Results in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. MRM 47: 1013-1016, 2002.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, D. Theisen, K. Hu, C. Waller, R. Kaiser, A. Haase, G. Ertl, R. Brinkmann, W. R. Bauer: Effect of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization on Myocardial Perfusion and Left Ventricular Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction in Rats. Radiology 225: 487-493, 2002.
- F. Wiesmann, A. Frydrychowicz, J. Rautenberg, R. Illinger, E. Rommel, A. Haase, S. Neubauer: Analysis of Right Ventricular Morphology and Function in Healthy Mice and a Murine Model of Heart Failure by in-vivo MRI. Am J Heart Circ Physiol 238(3): H1065-71, 2002.
- S. Klein, M. Rokitta, U. Baulain, J. Thielebein, A. Haase, F. Ellendorff: Localization of the Fertilized Germinal Disc in the Chicken Egg prior to Incubation. J Poultry Science 81: 529-536, 2002.
- R. Kimmlingen, M. Gebhardt, J. Schuster, M. Brand, F. Schmitt, A. Haase: Gradient System Providing Continuously Variable Field Characteristics. Magn Reson Med 47(4): 800-8, 2002.
- P. Gaudron, I. Kugler, K. Hu, W.R. Bauer, C. Eilles, G. Ertl: Time course of cardiac structural, functional and electrical changes in asymptomatic patients post myocardial infarction, their interrelation and prognostic impact. J Am Coll Cardiol 18(1):33-40, 2001.
- M. Nahrendorf, K.-H. Hiller, K. Hu, C. Waller, F. Wiesmann, J. Ruff, G. Ertl, A. Haase, W.R. Bauer: In vivo assessment of rat hearts with and without myocardial infarction by cine NMR - comparison of the NMR method to invasive techniques and application to intervention studies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2230: 97-105, 2001.
- J.J.W. Sandstede, T. Pabst, C. Wacker, F. Wiesmann, V. Hoffmann, M. Beer, W. Kenn, W.R. Bauer, D. Hahn: Breath-hold 3-D MR coronar angiography with a new intravascular contrast agent (feruglose)- first clinical expierences. JMRI 19: 201-205, 2001.
- P.M. Jakob: Deutschlands schnellster Kernspintomograph. Medizintechnik in Bayern, 2001.
- C. Waller, K.H. Hiller, S. Voll, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Myocardial perfusion imaging using a non-contrast agent NMR imaging technique. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 17: 123-132, 2001.
- F. Wiesmann, S. Neubauer, A. Haase, L. Hein: Can we use vertical bore magnetic resonance scanners for murine cardiovascular phenotype characterization? Influence of upright body position on left ventricular hemodynamics in mice. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 3(4): 311-315, 2001.
- S. Köhler, C. Preibisch, M. Nittka, A. Haase: Fast three-dimensional sodium imaging of human brain. MAGMA 13: 63-69, 2001.
- K.-H. Hiller, C. Waller, S. Voll. A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Combined High-Speed NMR Imaging of Perfusion and Microscopic Coronary Conductance Vessels in the Isolated Rat Heart. Microvascular Res. 62: 327-334, 2001.
- C. Hendrich, T. Breitling, P.M. Jakob, A. Berden, A. Schäfer, C. Hillenbrand, V. Krenn, A. Haase, W.E. Siebert: Measurement of Holmium: YAG Laser-Induced Temperature in Musculoskeletal Tissues Using an Experimental MRI Technique. Lasers in the Musculoskeletal System, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-63761-2: 32-37, 2001.
- U. Zimmermann, L. Wegner, H.-J. Wagner, M. Heidecker, S. Mimietz, H. Schneider, M. Szimtenings, A. Haase, R. Mitlöhner, W. Kruck, R. Hoffmann, W. König: The role of mucilage in water lifting by trees rooting in high-salinity water. Trees - Structure and Function, special edition, 2001.
- W. R. Bauer, K.-H. Hiller, P. Galuppo, S. Neubauer, J. Köpke, A. Haase, C. Waller, G. Ertl: Fast High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Demonstrates Fractality of Myocardial Perfusion in Microscopic Dimensions. Circ Res Vol 88(3): 340-346, 2001.
- U. Zimmermann, H.-J. Wagner, M. Szimtenings, H. Schneider, A. Haase: Restoration of the hydraulic system in a resurrection plant: back to a sound basis for the ongoing debate on xylem water ascent. New Phytol 151: 314-322, 2001.
- C. Waller, K.-H. Hiller, E. Kahler, K. Hu, M. Nahrendorf, S. Voll, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Microvascular Remodeling in the Infarcted Rat Heart. Circulation 103: 1564-1569, 2001.
- M. Brede, L. Meinel, F. Wiesmann, K. Hadamek, J. Peters, S. Engelhardt, A. Simm, A. Haase, M.J. Lohse, L. Hein: Vascular hypertrophy and increased P70S6 kinase in mice lacking the angiotensin II AT2 receptor. Circulation 104: 2602-2607, 2001.
- A.D. Peuke, M. Rokitta, U. Zimmermann, L. Schreiber, A. Haase: Simultaneous Measurement of Water Flow Velocity and Solute Transport in Xylem and Phloem of Adult Plants of Ricinus communis Over a Daily Time Course by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry. Plant Cell & Environment 24: 491-503, 2001.
- G. Bringmann, K. Wolf, M. Meiniger, M. Rokitta, A. Haase: In vivo 19F NMR chemical shift imaging of Ancistrocladus species. Protoplasma 218: 134-143, 2001.
- U. Zimmermann, F. Thürmer, A. Jork, M. Weber, M. Hillgärtner, F. Brunnenmeier, H. Zimmermann, I. Westphal, G. Fuhr, U. Nöth, A. Haase, A. Steinert, C. Hendrich: A novel class of amitogenic alginate microcapsules for long-term immunoisolated transplantation. Ann New York Acad Sci 944: 199-215, 2001.
- P.M. Jakob, C.M. Hillenbrand, T. Wang, G. Schultz, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Rapid Quantitative LUNG 1H T1-Mapping. J Magn Reson Imaging 14: 795-799, 2001.
- R.H. Heidemann, M.A. Griswold, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: Variable density AUTO-SMASH imaging. MRM 45: 1066-1074, 2001.
- M. Nahrendorf, F. Wiesmann, K.-H. Hiller K. Hu, C. Waller, J. Ruff, T.E. Lanz, S. Neubauer, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Serial cine-magnetic resonance imaging of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in rats by. J Magn Reson Imag 14(5): 547-555, 2001.
- F. Wiesmann, J. Ruff, S. Engelhardt, L. Hein, C. Dienesch, A. Leupold, R. Illinger, A. Frydrychowicz, K.-H. Hiller, E. Rommel, A. Haase, M.J. Lohse, S. Neubauer: Dobutamine stress magnetic resonance microimaging in mice: Acute changes of cardiac and function in normal and failing murine hearts. Circ Res 88: 563-569, 2001.
- C. Preibisch, A. Haase: Perfusion Imaging Using Spin-labeling Methods: Contrast to Noise Comparison in Functional MRI Applications. Magn Reson Med 46: 172-182, 2001.
- T. Lanz, J. Ruff, A. Weisser, A. Haase: A double tuned 23Na 1H Birdcage for Application on Mice In Vivo. Rev Sci Instrum 72: 2508-2510, 2001.
- A. Haase, F. Odoj, M. von Kienlin, J. Warnking, F. Fidler, A. Weisser, M. Nittka, E. Rommel, T. Lanz, B. Kalusche, M. Griswold: NMR Probeheads for In Vivo Applications. Concepts Magn Res 12(6): 361-388, 2000.
- C. Hillenbrand, D. Hahn, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: MR CAT Scan: A modular approch for hybrid imaging. MAGMA 10: 183-199, 2000.
- C. Waller, E. Kahler, K.-H. Hiller, K. Hu, M. Nahrendorf, S. Voll, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Myocardial Perfusion and Intracapillary Blood Volume in Rats at Rest and Coronary Dilation: MR Imaging in vivo with Use of a Spin-Labeling Technique. Radiology 215(1): 189-197, 2000.
- J. Dechow, A. Forchel, T. Lanz, A. Haase: Fabrication of NMR - microsensors for nanoliter sample volumes. Microelec Engin: 53: 517-519, 2000.
- N. Wistuba, R. Reich, H.J. Wagner, J.J. Zhu, H. Schneider, F.W. Bentrup, A. Haase, U. Zimmermann: Xylem flow and its driving forces in a tropical liana: concomitant flow-sensitive NMR imaging and pressure probe measurements. Plant Biology 2: 579-582, 2000.
- F. Wiesmann, J. Ruff, C. Dienesch, A. Leupold, E. Rommel, A. Haase, S. Neubauer: Cardiovascular phenotype characterization in mice by high resolution magnetic resonance imaging. MAGMA 11(1-2): 10-15, 2000.
- H.-J. Wagner, H. Schneider, S. Mimietz, N. Wistuba, M. Rokitta, G. Krohne, A. Haase, U. Zimmermann: Xylem conduits of a resurrection plant contain a unique lipid lining and refill following a distinct pattern after desiccation. New Phytol 148: 239-255, 2000.
- C. Hillenbrand, J. Sandstede, T. Pabst, D. Hahn, A. Haase, P.M. Jakob: Hybrid cardiac imaging with MR-CAT scan: A feasibility study. J Magn Reson Imaging 11: 711-716, 2000.
- M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, R.R. Edelman, D.K. Sodickson: A multicoil array designed for cardiac SMASH imaging. MAGMA 10: 105-113, 2000.
- M. Nittka, A. Haase: Investigation of complex phased array coil designs for cardiac imaging. MAGMA 10: 122-130, 2000.
- P.M. Jakob, M. Griswold, C. Hillenbrand, R. Heidemann, D. Hahn, A. Haase: High speed and high resoluton cardiac MRI (parallel aquisition techniques & modular imaging). MAGMA 11: 52-54, 2000.
- K. Wolf, A. van der Toorn, K. Hartmann, L. Schreiber, W. Schwab, A. Haase, G. Bringmann: Metabolite monitoring in plants with double-quantum filtered chemical shift imaging. J Exp Botany Vol. 51 No. 353: 2109-2117, 2000.
- M. Rokitta, E. Rommel, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase: Portable NMR Imaging System. Rev Sci Instrum 71: 4257-4262, 2000.
- U. Zimmermann, H.-J. Wagner, H. Schneider, M. Rokitta, A. Haase, F.-W. Bentrup: Water ascent in plants: the ongoing debate. Trends Plant Sci 5: 145-146, 2000.
- M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, M. Nittka, J.W. Goldfarb, A. Haase: Partially parallel imaging with localized sensitivities (PILS). MRM 44: 602-609, 2000.
- U. Zimmermann, U. Nöth, P. Grohn, A. Jork, K. Ulrichs, J. Lutz, A. Haase: Non-invasive evaluation of the location, the functional integrity and the oxygen supply of implants: 19F nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of perfluorocarbon-loaded Ba2+-alginate beads. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol 28(2): 129-146., 2000.
- F. Wiesmann, J. Ruff, K.-H. Hiller, E. Rommel, A. Haase, S. Neubauer: Developmental changes of cardiac function and mass assessed with MRI in neonatal, juvenile, and adult mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 278(2): H652-H657, 2000.
- M.H.J. Seifert, P.M. Jakob, V. Jellus, A. Haase, C. Hillenbrand: High Resolution Diffusion Imaging Using a Radial Turbo-Spin-Echo Sequence: Implementation, Eddy Current Compensation and Self-Navigation. JMR 144: 243-254, 2000.
- J. Schneider, E. Fekete, A. Weisser, S. Neubauer, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin: Reduced 1H-NMR Visibility of Creatine in Isolated Rat Hearts. MRM 43(4): 497-502, 2000.
- M. Beer, J. Sandstede, W. Landschütz, M. Viehrig, K. Harre, M. Horn, M. Meininger, T. Pabst, W. Kenn, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin, S. Neubauer, D. Hahn: Altered Energy Metabolism after Myocardial Infarction Assessed by 31P-MR-spectroscopy in Humans. Eur Radiol 10(8): 1323-8, 2000.
- J. Ruff, F. Wiesmann, T. Lanz, A. Haase: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Coronary Arteries and Heart Valves in a Living Mouse: Techniques and Preliminary Results. J Magn Reson 146: 290-296, 2000.
- M. Nahrendorf, F. Wiesmann, K.-H. Hiller, H. Han, K. Hu, C. Waller, J. Ruff, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: In vivo Assessment of Cardiac Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction in Rats by Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cardiov Magn Reson 2: 171-180, 2000.
- S. Olt, E. Krötz, E. Komor, M. Rokitta, A. Haase: 23Na- and 1H-NMR-Microimaging of Intact Plants. J Magn Res 144: 297-304, 2000.
- C. Weidensteiner, T. Lanz, M. Horn, S. Neubauer, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin: Three-Dimensional 13C-Spectroscopic Imaging in the Isolated Infarcted Rat Heart. J Magn Reson 143: 17-23, 2000.
- C. Preibisch, A. Haase: Functional MR Imaging of the Human Brain Using FLASH: Influence of Various Imaging Parameters. J Magn Reson 140: 162-171, 1999.
- B. Kalusche, J. Verscht, G. Gebauer, E. Komor, A. Haase,: Sucrose unloading in the hypocotyl of the Ricinus communis L. seedling measured by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo. Planta 208: 358-364, 1999.
- C. Hillenbrand, R. Deichmann, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Signal Intensities in FLASH-EPI-Hybrid Sequences. J Magn Res 139: 74-80, 1999.
- W. Behr, A. Haase, G. Reichenauer, J. Fricke: High pressure autoclave for multipurpose NMR measurements up to 10 Mpa. Rev Scientific Instruments 70(5): 2448-2453, 1999.
- M. Rokitta, A.D. Peuke, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase: Dynamic Studies of Phloem and Xylem Flow in Fully Differentiated Plants by Fast Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Microimaging. Protoplasma 209: 126-131, 1999.
- R. Deichmann, F. Wiesmann, C. Hillenbrand, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Contrast Enhancement and Artifact Reduction in Magnetization-Prepared MR Angiography. Int J Imag & Techn 10: 266-272, 1999.
- U. Nöth, P. Gröhn, A. Jork, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase, J. Lutz: 19F-MRI in Vivo Determination of the Partial Oxygen Pressure in Perflourocarbon-loaded Alginate Capsules Implanted into the Peritoneal Cavity and Different Tissues. Mag Res Med 42: 1039-1047, 1999.
- E. Kahler, C. Waller, E. Rommel, V. Belle, K.-H. Hiller, S. Voll, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: Perfusion-corrected Mapping of Cardiac Regional Blood Volume in Rats in vivo. Magn Res Med 42: 500-506, 1999.
- W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L.R. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep, G. Ertl: The relationship between T2* and T2: A theoretical approach for the vasculature in myocardium. MRM 42: 1004-1010, 1999.
- W.R. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L.R. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep, G. Ertl: Theory of coherent and incoherent nuclear spin dephasing in the heart. Phys Rev Letters 83(20): 4215-4218, 1999.
- C.M. Wacker, M. Bock, A.W. Hartlep, W.R. Bauer, G. van Kaick, S. Pfleger, G. Ertl, L.R. Schad: BOLD MRI in 10 patients with coronary artery disease: evidence for imaging of capillary recruitment in myocardium supplied by a stenotic artery. MAGMA 8: 48-54, 1999.
- C.M. Wacker, M. Bock, A.W. Hartlep, G. Beck, G. van Kaick, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer, L.R. Schad: Changes in myocardial oxygenation and perfusion under pharmacological stress with dipyridamole: assessment using using T2* and T1. MRM 41: 686-695, 1999.
- W.R. Bauer, W: Nadler, M. Bock, L.R. Schad, C.M. Wacker, A.W. Hartlep, G. Ertl: Theory of the BOLD effect in the capillary region: an analytical approach for the determination of T2* in the capillary network of myocardium. MRM 41: 51-62, 1999.
- D.K. Sodickson, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob: SMASH Imaging. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 7(2): 237-254, 1999.
- P.M. Jakob, M.A. Griswold, R.R. Edelmann, D.K. Sodickson: Accelerated Cardiac Imaging Using the SMASH Technique. J Cardiovas Mag Res 1(2): 153-157, 1999.
- M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, Q. Chen, J.W. Goldfarb, W.J. Manning, R.R. Edelman, D.K. Sodickson: Resolution enhancement in single-shot imaging using simultaneous acquisition of spatial harmonics (SMASH). MRM 41 (6): 1236-1245, 1999.
- D.K. Sodickson, M.A. Griswold, P.M. Jakob, R.R. Edelman, W.J. Manning: Signal-to-noise ratio and signal-to-noise efficiency in SMASH imaging. MRM 41 (5): 1009-1022, 1999.
- Q. Chen, D.L. Levin, D. Kim, V. David, M. McNicholas, V. Chen, P.M. Jakob, M.A. Griswold, J.W. Goldfarb, H. Hatabu, R.R. Edelman: Pulmonary disorders: Ventilation-perfusion MR imaging with animal models. Radiology 213 (3): 871-879, 1999.
- K.O. Lövblad, R. Thomas, P.M. Jakob, T. Scammel, C. Bassetti, M. Griswold, J. Ives, J. Matheson, R. Edelmann, S. Warach: Silent functional magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates focal activation in rapid eye movement sleep. Neurology 53(9): 2193-2195, 1999.
- M. Meininger, W. Landschutz, M. Beer, T. Seyfarth, M. Horn, T. Pabst, A. Haase, D. Hahn, S. Neubauer, M. von Kienlin: Concentrations of human cardiac phosphorus metabolites determined by SLOOP 31P NMR spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med 41: 657-663, 1999.
- M. Rokitta, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase: Fast NMR Flow Measurements in Plants Using FLASH Imaging. J Magn Reson 137: 29-32, 1999.
- H. Mussauer, V.L. Sukhorukov, A. Haase, U. Zimmermann: Resistivity of Red Blood Cells Against High-Intensity, Short-Duration Electric Field Pulses Induced by Chelating Agents. J Membrane Biol 170: 121-133, 1999.
- G. Bringmann, K. Wolf, T. Lanz, A. Haase, J. Hiort, P. Proksch, W.E.G. Müller: Direct Demonstration of Spatial Water Distribution in the Sponge Suberites Domuncula by in Vivo NMR Imaging. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 189: 307-310, 1999.
- R. Deichmann, D. Hahn, A. Haase: Fast T1 Mapping on a Whole-Body Scanner. Magn Reson Med 42: 206-209, 1999.
- M. Hillgärtner, H. Zimmermann, S. Mimietz, A. Jork, F. Thürmer, H. Schneider, U. Nöth, C. Hasse, A. Haase, G. Fuhr, M. Rothmund, U. Zimmermann: Immunoisolation of transplants by entrapment in 19F-labelled aliginate gels: production, biocompatibility, stability, and long-term monitoring of functional integrity. Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftechn 30: 783-792, 1999.
- A. Haase, J. Ruff, M. Rokitta: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications Vol.1, 1999.
- E. Kahler, C. Waller, E. Rommel, K.H. Hiller, S. Voll, A. Broich, K. Hu, D. Schnackerz, W. R. Bauer, G. Ertl, A. Haase: Quantitative Regional Blood Volume Studies in Rat Myocardium in Vivo. Mag Res Med 40: 517-525, 1998.
- M. de Groot, B. Illing, M. Horn, B. Urban, A. Haase, K. Schnackerz, S. Neubauer: Endothelin-1 Increases Susceptibility of Isolated Rat Hearts to Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury by Reducing Coronary Flow. J Mol Cell Cardiol 30: 2657-2668, 1998.
- M. v. Kienlin, C. Rösch, Y. Le Fur, W. Behr, F. Roder, A. Haase, M. Horn, B. Illing, K. Hu, G. Ertl, S. Neubauer: Three-Dimensional 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Regional High-Energy Phosphate Metabolism in Injured Rat Heart. Magn Res Med 39: 731-741, 1998.
- J. Verscht, B. Kalusche, J. Köhler, W. Köckenberger, A. Metzler, A. Haase: The kinetics of sucrose concentration in the phloem of individual vascular bundles of the Ricinus communis seedling measured by nuclear magnetic resonance microimaging. Planta 205: 132-139, 1998.
- J. Ruff, F. Wiesmann, K.-H. Hiller, S. Voll, M. von Kienlin, W.R. Bauer, E. Rommel, S. Neubauer, A. Haase: Magnetic Resonance Microimaging for Noninvasive Quantification of Myocardial Function and Mass in the Mouse. Magnet Res Med 40: 43-48, 1998.
- V. Belle, E. Kahler, C. Waller, E. Rommel, S. Voll, K.-H. Hiller, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: In vivo Quantitative Mapping of Cardiac Perfusion in Rats Using a Non Invasive MR Spin-labeling Method. J Magn Res Imaging 8: 1240-1245, 1998.
- E. Kuchenbrod, E. Kahler, F. Thürmer, R. Deichmann, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Intact Plants - Quantitative Observation of Flow In Plant Vessels. Magn Reson Imag 16(3): 331-338, 1998.
- P.M. Jakob: Fast MRI: Basic Concepts. Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
- Q .Chen, P.M. Jakob, H. Hatabu, R.R. Edelman: Oxygen Enhanced MR Ventilation Imaging of the Lung. MAGMA 7: 153-161, 1998.
- P.M. Jakob, M.A. Griswold, R.R. Edelman , D.K. Sodickson: AUTO-SMASH, a Self-Calibrating Technique for SMASH Imaging. MAGMA 7(1):42-54, 1998.
- K.O. Lövblad, P.M. Jakob, Q. Chen, A.E. Baird, G. Schlaug, S. Warach, Edelman RR: Turbo spin-echo diffusion-weighted MR of ischemic stroke. Am J Neuroradiol 19 (2): 201-208, 1998.
- P.M. Jakob, K.O. Lövblad, J. Weber, H.J. Laubach, L. Remonda, F. Gonner, O. Heid, H.P. Mattle, G. Schroth, R.R. Edelman, S. Warach: Diffusion-weighted MR-tomography in acute stroke. Nervenarzt 69 (8): 683-693, 1998.
- P.M. Jakob, G. Schlaug, M. Griswold, K.O. Lovblad , R. Thomas, J.R. Ives, J.K. Matheson, R.R. Edelman: Functional Burst imaging. MRM 40 (4): 614-621, 1998.
- H.J. Laubach, P.M. Jakob, K.O. Loevblad, A.E. Baird, M.P. Bovo, R.R. Edelman, S. Warach: A phantom for diffusion-weighted imaging of acute stroke. JMRI 8 (6): 1349-1354, 1998.
- A. Bauer, U. Bogdahn, A. Haase, R. Schlief: 3-dimensional echo-enhanced transcranial Doppler ultrasound diagnosis. Radiologe 38: 394-398, 1998.
- W. Landschütz, M. Meininger, M. Beer, T. Seyfarth, M. Horn, T. Pabst, A. Haase, D. Hahn, S. Neubauer, M von Kienlin: Concentration of human cardiac 31P-metabolites determined by SLOOP 31P-MRS. MAGMA 6: 155-156, 1998.
- F. Wiesmann, J. Ruff, A. Haase: High-resolution MR imaging in mice. MAGMA 6: 186-188, 1998.
- B. Illing, M. Horn, B. Urban, H. Strömer, K. Schnackerz, M. de Groot, A. Haase, K. Hu, G. Ertl, S. Neubauer: Changes of Myocardial High-Energy Phosphates with the Cardiac Cycle During Acute or Chronic Myocardial Stress. Magn Reson Med 40: 727-732, 1998.
- W. Bauer, C. Waller, E. Kahler, K.-H. Hiller K. Hu, A. Haase, G. Ertl: Myocardial Perfusion and Capillary Blood Volume During Left Ventricular Remodelling. MAGMA 6: 148-149, 1998.
- P.M. Jakob, A. Haase: Basic Pulse Sequences for Fast Cardiac MR Imaging. MAGMA 6: 84-87, 1998.
- W. Behr, A. Haase, G. Reichenbauer, J. Fricke: Self and Transport Diffusion of Fluids in SiO2 Alcogels studied by NMR Pulses Gradient Spin Echo and NMR Imaging. J Non-Cryst Solids 225: 91-95, 1998.
- F. Odoj, E. Rommel, M. von Kienlin, A. Haase: A Superconducting Probehead Applicable for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy at 7 T. Rev Sci Instruments 69 (7) : 2708-2712, 1998.
- R. Löffler, R. Sauter, H. Kolem, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin: Localized Spectroscopy from Anatomically Matched Compartments: Improved Sensitivity and Localization for Cardiac 31P MRS in Humans. J Magn Res 134: 287-299, 1998.
- K-H. Hiller, M. Bock, C.M. Wacker, L.R. Schad, C. Waller, A. Haase, G. van Kaick, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: MR-perfusion measurements: Basic methodology and current status. MAGMA 6: 98-99, 1998.
- M. Weiger, P. Börnert, R. Proksa, T. Schäffter, A. Haase: Motion-Adapted Gating Based on k-Space Weighting for Reduction of Respiratory Motion Artifacts. Magn Res Med 38: 322-333, 1997.
- K.-H. Hiller, F. Roder, P. Adami, S. Voll, P. Kowallik, A. Haase, G. Ertl, W.R. Bauer: Study of Microcirculation by Coloured Microspheres and NMR-microscopy in Isolated Rat Heart: Effect of Ischaemia, Endothelin-1 and Endothelin-1 Antagonist BQ 610. J Mol Cell Cardiol 29: 3115-3122, 1997.
- W.R. Bauer, F. Roder, K.-H. Hiller, H. Han, S. Fröhlich, E. Rommel, A. Haase, G. Ertl: The Effect of Perfusion T1 after Slice-Selective Spin Inversion in the Isolated Cardioplegic Rat Heart: Measurement of a Lower Bound of Intracapillary-Extravascular Water Proton Exchange Rate. Mag Res Med 38: 917-923, 1997.
- R. Pohmann, M. von Kienlin, A. Haase: Theoretical Evaluation and Comparison of Fast Chemical Shift Imaging Methods. J Magn Res 129: 145-160, 1997.
- M. Meininger, R. Stowasser, P.M. Jakob, H. Schneider, D. Koppler, G. Bringmann, U. Zimmermann, A. Haase: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Ancistrocladus heyneanus. Protoplasma 198: 210-217, 1997.
- T. Lanz, M. von Kienlin, W. Behr, A. Haase: Double Tuned Four-Ring Birdcage Resonators for in vivo 31P-NMR Spectroscopy at 11.75 T. MAGMA 5: 243-246, 1997.
- F. Roder, K.-H. Hiller, P. Henz, M. Von Kienlin, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase: Three Dimensional Coronary Angiography of the Perfused Rat Heart. Magn Reson Imag 7(2): 316-320, 1997.
- M. Meininger, P.M. Jakob, M. von Kienlin, D. Koppler, G. Bringmann, A. Haase: Radial Spectroscopic Imaging. JMR 125: 325-331, 1997.
- P.M. Jakob, Q. Chen, K.O. Kovblad, M. Griswold, S. Warach, R.R. Edelman: Single-shot diffusion weighted imaging of the brain with HASTE. High-power gradient MR-imaging 177, Blackwell Science, 1997.
- Q. Chen, P.M. Jakob, V. David, D. Levin, M. Griswold, W. Li, R.R. Edelman: Oxygen enhanced ventilation MRI of the human lungs. High-power gradient MR-imaging 87, Blackwell Science, 1997.
- K.O. Lövblad, P.M. Jakob, A.E. Baird, H.J. Laubach, L.J. Straub, J. Weber, O. Heid, L. Remonda, H.P. Mattle, G. Schroth, R.R. Edelman, S. Warach: Imagerie fonctionelle de diffusion par résonance magnétique nucléaire dans l' accident vasculaire cérébral aigu. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 147(4): 143-151, 1997.
- P.M. Jakob, M.A. Griswold, K.O. Lovblad, Q. Chen, R.R. Edelman: Half-Fourier BURST imaging on a clinical scanner. MRM 38 (4): 534-540, 1997.
- C. Schwarzbauer, S.P. Morrissey, R. Deichmann, C. Hillenbrand, J. Syha, H. Adolf, U. Nöth, A. Haase: Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of capillary water permeability and regional blood volume with an intravascular MR contrast agent. Magn Reson Med 37: 769-777, 1997.
- U. Nöth, S.P. Morrissey, R. Deichmann, S. Jung, H. Adolf, A. Haase, J. Lutz: Perfluoro-15-crown-5-ether labelled macrophages in adoptive transfer experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol 25: 243-254, 1997.
- J. Lutz, U. Nöth, S.P. Morrissey, H. Adolf, R. Deichmann, A. Haase: Measurement of oxygen tensions in the abdominal cavity and in the skeletal muscle using 19F-MRI of neat PFC droplets. Adv Exp Med Biol 428: 569-572, 1997.
- A. Bauer, G. Becker, P. Henz, P. Jachimczak, K.Q. Schwarz, A. Haase, U. Bogdahn: Transcranial duplex ultrasound: experience with contrast enhancing agents. Int Angiol 16: 216-221, 1997.
- P.M. Jakob, C. Hendrich, T. Breitling, A. Schäfer, A. Berden, A. Haase: Real Time Monitoring of Laser-Induced Thermal Changes in Cartilage in Vitro by Using Snapshot FLASH. MRM 37: 805-808, 1997.
- W. R. Bauer, K.-H. Hiller, F. Roder, E. Rommel, G. Ertl, A. Haase: Magnetization Exchange in Capillaries by Microcirculation Affects Diffusion-Controlled Spin-Relaxation: A Model Which Describes the Effect of Perfusion on Relaxation Enhancement by Intravascular Contrast Agents. Mag Res Med 35: 43-55, 1996.
- K.-H. Hiller, P. Adami, S. Voll, F. Roder, P. Kowallik, W.R. Bauer, A. Haase, G. Ertl: In vivo Colored Microspheres in the Isolated Rat Heart for Use in NMR. J Mol Cell Cardiol 28: 571-577, 1996.
- A. Ziegler, A. Metzler, W. Köckenberger, M. Izquierdo, E. Komor, A. Haase, M. Décorps, M. von Kienlin: Correlation-Peak Imaging. J Magn Res B 112: 141-150, 1996.
- C. Schwarzbauer, S.P. Morrissey, A. Haase: Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Perfusion Using Magnetic Labelling of Water Proton Spins Within the Detection Slice. Magn Reson Med 35(4): 540-546, 1996.
- A. Haase: Whole Body Magnetic Resonance: Fast Low-Angle Acquisition Methods. Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: 5004-5009, 1996.
- M.A. Foster, A. Haase: Relaxation Measurements in Imaging Studies. Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: 4034-4041, 1996.
- S.P. Morrissey, H. Stodal, U. Zettl, C. Simonis, S. Jung, R. Kiefer, H. Lassmann, H.-P. Hartung, A. Haase, K.V. Toyka: In vivo MRI and its histological correlates in acute adoptive transfer experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Brain 119: 239-248, 1996.
- B. Reichl, D. Matthaei, J. Richter, A. Haase: An Automated Fast MR-Imaging Method for Localized Measurements of Dose Distributions Using NMR-Fricke Gel Dosimetry. Evaluation of Influences on the Measurement Accuracy. Strahlenther Onkol 172: 312-319, 1996.
- E. Kuchenbrod, M. Landeck, F. Thürmer, A. Haase, U. Zimmermann: Measurements of Water Flow in the Xylem Vessels of Intact Maize Plants Using Flow-Sensitive NMR Imaging. Botanica Acta 109: 184-186, 1996.
- P.M. Jakob, F. Kober, R. Pohmann, A. Haase: Single-Shot Spectroscopic imaging (SISSI) using a PEEP/BURST-hybrid. J Magn Reson B 110(3): 278-283, 1996.
- P.M. Jakob, F. Kober, A. Haase: Radial BURST Imaging. MRM 36(4): 557-561, 1996.
- G. Ertl, K. Hu, W.R. Bauer, B. Bauer: The renin angiotensin system and coronary vasomotion. Heart (Suppl 3): 45-52, 1996.
- C. Henrich, P.M. Jakob, T. Breitling, A. Schäfer, A. Berden, V. Krenn, A. Haase, W.E. Siebert: Thermometrische Kernspintomographie bei Holmium:YAG Lasereinsatz an Knorpelgewebe. Lasermedizin 12: 3-8, 1996.
- J.L. Descotes, E. Payen, O. Skowron, J. Peyridieu, A. Baudot, J. Mazuer, J.Odin, R. Dupeyre, C. DelonMartin, M. Decorps, P. Jakob, F. Kober: Cryopreservation of organs: NMR follow-up of cryoprotectant perfusion in rabbit kidneys. Transplant Proc 28 (1): 346-348, 1996.
- S.J. Doran, P. Jakob, M. Decorps: Rapid repetition of the ''Burst'' sequence: The role of diffusion and consequences for imaging. MRM 35 (4): 547-553, 1996.
- J. Lutz, U. Nöth, S.P. Morrissey, H. Adolf, R. Deichmann, A. Haase: In vivo measurement of oxygen pressure using 19F-NMR imaging. Adv Exp Med Biol 388: 53-57, 1996.
- C. Hendrich, P.M. Jakob, T. Breitling, A. Schafer, A. Berden, A. Haase, W.E. Siebert: MRI measurement of the temperature in cartilage following laser therapy. Orthopäde 25(1): 17-20, 1996.
- S.P. Morrissey, R. Deichmann, J. Syha, C. Simonis, U. Zettl, J.J. Archelos, S. Jung, H. Stodal, H. Lassmann, K.V. Toyka, A. Haase, H.P. Hartung: Partial inhibition of AT-EAE by an antibody to ICAM-1: clinico-histological and MRI studies. J Neuroimmunol 69: 85-93, 1996.
- U. Zimmermann, F.-W. Bentrup, A. Haase: Xylem Pressure, Flow, and Sap Composition of Trees Determined by Means of the Xylem Pressure Probe. M. Terazawa(ed.) Xylem Sap Utilisation, Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, pp. 47-58, 1995.
- C. Schwarzbauer, J. Zange, H. Adolf, R. Deichmann, U. Nöth, A. Haase: Fast Measurement of Temperature Distributions by Rapid T1 Mapping. J Magn Reson B 106: 178-180, 1995.
- P.M. Jakob, A. Ziegler, S.J. Doran, M. Décorps: Echo-Time-Encoded Burst Imaging (EBI): A Novel Technique for Spectroscopic Imaging. MRM 33: 573-578, 1995.
- R. Deichmann, H. Adolf, U. Nöth, E. Kuchenbrod, C. Schwarzbauer, A. Haase: Calculation of Signal Intensities in Hybrid Sequences for Fast NMR Imaging. Magn Res Med 34: 481-489, 1995.
- A. Metzler, M. Izquierdo, A. Ziegler, W. Köckenberger, E. Komor, M. Von Kienlin, A. Haase, M. Décorps: Plant Histochemistry by Correlation Peak Imaging. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 11912-11915, 1995.
- W. R. Bauer, K.-H. Hiller, F. Roder, S. Neubauer, A. Fuchs, C. Große Boes, R. Lutz, P. Gaudron, K. Hu, A. Haase, G. Ertl: Investigation of Coronary Vessels in Microscopic Dimensions by Two- and Three-dimensional NMR Microscopic Imaging in the Isolated Rat Heart. Circulation 92: 968-977, 1995.
- E. Kuchenbrod, A. Haase, R. Benkert, H. Schneider, U. Zimmermann: Quantitative NMR Microscopy on Intact Plants. Magn Reson Imag 13: 447-455, 1995.
- R. Deichmann, H. Adolf, U. Nöth, S. Morrissey, C. Schwarzbauer, A. Haase: Fast T2-Mapping with Snapshot FLASH Imaging. Magn Reson Imag 13: 633-639, 1995.
- M. Brandl, J.C. Thonn, K. Kotitschke, R. Goldbrunner, S. Kerkau, A. Haase: Quantitative NMR Microscopy of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids and Confrontation Cultures. Magn Reson Med 34: 596-603, 1995.
- W. Peters, H. Hopp, W.R. Bauer, P. Kowallik, M. Meesmann: Eine ungewöhnliche Serie von Komplikationen bei der Therapie mittels implantierbarem Kardioverter-Defibrillator. Z Kardiol 84: 296-300, 1995.
- U. Nöth, S.P. Morrissey, R. Deichmann, H. Adolf, C. Schwarzbauer, J. Lutz, A. Haase: In Vivo Measurement of Partial Oxygen Pressure in Large Vessels and in the Reticuloendothelial System Using Fast 19F-MRI. Magn Reson Med 34: 738-745, 1995.
- K. Kotitschke, J.C. Thonn, R. Goldbrunner, U. Bogdahn, A. Haase: 1H NMR Investigation of Tumor Spheroids Grown From a Human Glioma Biopsy or From a Human Malignant Glioma Cell Line. J Magn Reson B 109: 39-43, 1995.
- R. Deichmann, H. Adolf, E. Kuchenbrod, U. Nöth, C. Schwarzbauer, A. Haase: Compensation of Diffusion Effects in T2 Measurements. Magn Reson Med 33: 113-115, 1995.
- W.R. Bauer, S. Neubauer, G. Obitz, G. Ertl: Interrelation of atrial natriuretic peptide and the renin-angiotensin system in the isolated perfused rat heart. J Mol Cell Cardiol 26: 527-537, 1994.
- A. Metzler, W. Köckenberger, M. von Kienlin, E. Komor, A. Haase: Quantitative Measurements of Sucrose Distribu-tion in Ricinus Seedlings by Chemical Shift Microscopy. J Magn Reson B: 249-252, 1994.
- K. Kotitschke, K. Schnackerz, R. Dringen, U. Bogdahn, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin: Investigation of the 1H-NMR Visibility of Lactate in Different Rat and Human Brain Cells. NMR in Biomed 7: 349-355, 1994.
- S. Röll, A. Haase, M. von Kienlin: Fast Generation of Leak-proof Surfaces from Well-Defined Objects by a Modified Marching Cubes Algorithm. Computer Graphics Forum 14: 127-138, 1994.
- U. Nöth, R. Deichmann, H. Adolf, C. Schwarzbauer, A. Haase: Fast Acquisition of pO2 Maps Using 19F-MRI and a new Method for the Suppression of Chemical Shift Artifacts. J Magn Reson B 105: 233-237, 1994.
- U. Nöth, L.J.E. Jäger, J. Lutz, A. Haase: Fast 19F-NMR Imaging in vivo Using FLASH MRI. Magn Reson Imag 12: 149-153, 1994.
- K. Kotitschke, H. Jung, S. Nekolla, A. Haase, A. Bauer, U. Bogdahn: High-Resolution one- and two-dimensional 1H-MRS of Human Brain Tumor and Normal Glial Cells. NMR in Biomed 7: 111-120, 1994.
- M. Brandl, A. Haase: Molecular Diffusion in NMR Microscopy. J Magn Reson B 103: 162-167, 1994.
- W.R. Bauer, K.H. Hiller, F. Roder, A. Haase, G. Ertl: Variable Response of coronary restistance and conductance Vessels to Endothelin-1. A NMR-Microscopy Study in the isolated Rat-heart. Circulation 90: 630-630, 1994.
- L.J. Jäger, U. Nöth, A. Haase, J. Lutz: Half-life of perfluorooctylbromide in inner organs determined by fast 19F-NMR imaging. Adv Exp Med Biol 361: 129-134, 1994.
- S. Fritzsche, R. Thull, A. Haase: Reducing NMR image artefacts by using optimized materials for diagnostic aids and implants. Biomed Tech 39: 42-46, 1994.
- A. Haase: Principles and Applications of FLASH NMR Imaging. MAGMA 2: 157-160, 1994.
- U. Zimmermann, F.C. Meinzer, R. Benkert, J.J. Zhu, H. Schneider, G. Goldstein, E. Kuchenbrod, A. Haase: Xylem Water Transport: Is the Available Evidence Consistent With the Cohesion Theory?. Plant, Cell and Environment 17: 1169-1181, 1994.
- U. Zimmermann, J.J. Zhu, F.C. Meinzer, G. Goldstein, H. Schneider, G. Zimmermann, R. Benkert, F. Thürmer, P. Melcher, D. Webb, A. Haase: High Molecular Weight Organic Compounds in th Xylem Sap of Mangroves: Implications for Long-Distance Water Transport. Bot Acta 107: 218-229, 1994.
- M. Meesmann, J. Boese, D.R. Chialvo, P. Kowallik, W.R. Bauer, W. Peters, F. Grüneis, K.D. Kniffki: Demonstration of 1/f fluctuations and white noise in the human heart rate by the variance time curve: implications for self-similarity. Fractals 3 (1): 312-320, 1993.
- D.Y. Artemov, A. Haase: Indirect 13C Imaging by Hetero-nuclear Cross Polarization. J Magn Reson B 102: 201-203, 1993.
- S. Neubauer, M. Horn, W.R. Bauer, G. Ertl, T. Krahe, R. Schindler, A. Haase: The true T1 values of Myocardial high-energy Phosphate - Responce. MRM 29: 146-147, 1993.
- A. Haase, M. Brandl, E. Kuchenbrod, A. Link: Magnetization Prepared NMR Microscopy. J Magn Reson A 105: 230-233, 1993.
- C. Schwarzbauer, J. Syha, A. Haase: Quantification of Regional Blood Volumes by Rapid T1 Mapping. Magn Reson Med 29: 709-712, 1993.
- U. Zimmermann, A. Haase, D. Langbei, F. Meinzer: Mechanisms of Long-Distance Water Transport in Plants: A Reexamination of Some Paradigms in the Light of New Evidence. Phil Trans R Soc London B 341: 19-31, 1993.
- P. A. Seeldrayers, J. Syha, S. Morrissey, H. Stodal, K. Vass, S. Jung, T. Gneiting, H. Lassmann, A. Haase, H.-P. Hartung, K.V. Toyka: NMR Investigation of Blood-Brain Barrier Dama-ge in Adoptive Transfer Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (AT-EAE). J Neuroimmun 46: 199-206, 1993.
- B. Madhu, A. Haase: An Application of Snapshot-FLASH MRI in Localized NMR Spectroscopy.. MAGMA 1: 1-10, 1993.
- P.M. Jakob, D. Matthaei, H. Stodal, U. Brinck, A. Haase: Simultaneous Preparation of Inversion Recovery T1 and Chemical Shift selective contrast using SNAPSHOT-FLASH-MRI. MAGMA: 77-82, 1993.