Array of dots with a size of 6 nm (Gold on Silicon). The period is <30 nm.
Metal ring (diameter 50 nm) fabricated by e-beam lithography and lift off.
Grid of gold lines (32 nm period) fabricated by e-beam lithography and lift-off.
Semiconductor structures
Double constriction made out of ferromagnetic (GaMn)As. The width of the constrictions is less than 10 nm. The structures show a magnetoresistance of 2000%.
Pillars of a ferromagnetic semiconductor digital alloy fabricated by e-beam lithography and dry etching.
Freestanding airbridges
Goldbridge spanning over a 800 nm wide Canyon. The tower on the left is a quantum dot, on the right the bridge is standing on a gold pad for contacting.
Bridge in the fog. The size of the bridge is 100 nm the car is the one the lithographer is dreaming of. (Look at its color and guess what it is.)
Bridge on a step. This picture shows that it is possible to span a bridge over more than 1000 nm even over a step with a considerable height.
Freestanding gold bridge fabricated with a new process.