Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik
Theoretical Physics II

MSc. Christoph Haitz

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

T a l k : 6. February 2025

Precision predictions for polarised di-boson processes


The study of polarised di-boson processes has become a topic of particular interest in the field of precision particle physics. With the increasing amount of experimental data collected at the LHC highly accurate predictions are needed. Therefore the computation of NLO EW and QCD corrections to polarised processes is of great importance.

The talk will explain how the double-pole approximation can be used to define polarised amplitudes and how from them polarised cross-sections are calculated. Particular emphasis is given to the computation of NLO EW real-emission corrections in processes with resonant electrically charged W bosons. Furthermore I will present results of polarised vector-boson-pair production and polarised vector-boson-scattering.