Projects and Funding
Collaborative Research Projects
(Funding of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF)

- Joint Project 05H2021
Precision predictions for vector boson pair production, vector boson scattering and associated top pair production with polarization (Run 3 of ATLAS at the LHC) - Joint Project 05H2024 (ErUM-FSP T02)
Run 3 of ATLAS at the LHC: Precision predictions for the scattering of polarized vector bosons
German Research Funding (DFG)

- Composite Higgs models: new signatures and their consequences for searches at the LHC and future accelerators
- Composite Higgs models in the framework of gauge gravity dualities
- Precise predictions for polarized vector boson scattering at the LHC
Electroweak corrections at very high energies for many-particle processes