Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik
Theoretical Physics II

MSc. Nina Elmer

Universität Heidelberg

T a l k : 24. October 2024

The impact of likelihoods on SMEFT global analyses


In the era of precision measurements at the LHC, including every aspect of the possible data in our global SMEFT analysis plays an important role. To make proper use of the vast amount of data produced at the LHC, the presentation and publication of experimental results is vital. Following this the ATLAS top working group provides several likelihoods for measurements in the Top sector. We are now able to use these published likelihood in our global SMEFT analysis in our existing SFitter framework. This extends our precise description of uncertainties from the measurements and their correlations to these and future global analyses in the SMEFT sector.