Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik
Theoretical Physics II

Dr. Christian Tobias Preuss

Universität Wuppertal

T a l k : 7. November 2024

A comprehensive overview of parton showers: recent developments in PYTHIA


Parton showers play a central role in simulating complex high-multiplicity final states characteristic of high-energy particle collisions. As such, they are crucial to obtain reliable predictions for collider experiments, where precise modelling of QCD radiation is indispensable for interpreting experimental data.

In this talk, I will present a comprehensive introduction to parton-shower algorithms and their implementation in multi-purpose event-generation frameworks. After reviewing theoretical foundations, I will focus on the latest developments in the PYTHIA event generator, highlighting improvements in both perturbative accuracy and computational performance. In particular, progress on logarithmically accurate parton showers and advancements in matching and merging techniques to integrate higher-order matrix elements in the shower evolution will be discussed. I will round off by detailing current capabilities and limitations, along with the impact of recent developments on collider phenomenology.