Deutsch Intern
Theoretical Physics II

Wintersemester 2020-21 Hybridsemester


Die Julius-Maximilians-Universität bereitet sich – unter Einbeziehung der insgesamt guten Erfahrungen aus dem digitalen Sommersemester 2020 – intensiv auf das Wintersemester 2020/21 vor, um das Studium so effizient und angenehm wie möglich für Sie zu gestalten.

Wir heißen Sie alle, Erstsemester und Fortgeschrittene, herzlich an unserer Universität und in Würzburg willkommen!

Die wichtigsten Informationen haben wir hier für Sie zusammengestellt.

  • Die Vorlesungszeit startet am 2. November 2020 und endet am 12. Februar 2021.
  • Ausnahme: Für die höheren Semester (ab zweitem Fachsemester) in den Studiengängen Medizin, Zahnmedizin und Pharmazie gilt der Vorlesungsbetrieb vom 12. Oktober 2020 bis zum 05. Februar 2021.
  • In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit im Anschluss daran finden Prüfungen und Praktika statt.
  • Vom 20. Juli bis 30. Oktober 2020 können Sie sich für das kommende Wintersemester an der Universität Würzburg einschreiben. Die Einschreibung erfolgt online, Sie müssen dafür also nicht vor Ort sein oder extra nach Würzburg fahren.

url zur JMU-Webseite

The Julius-Maximilians-Universität is preparing intensively for the winter semester 2020/21 - taking into account the overall positive experiences from the digital summer semester 2020 - in order to make your studies as efficient and pleasant as possible for you. We would like to welcome you all, freshmen and advanced students, to our university and to Würzburg!

We have compiled the most important information for you here. The lecture period starts on November 2, 2020 and ends on February 12, 2021. For the higher semesters (from the second semester onwards) in the courses of study in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, lectures are held from 12 October 2020 to 5 February 2021. In the lecture-free period following February 12, 2021, examinations and internships will take place.

From July 20 to October 30, 2020 you can register for the coming winter semester at the University of Würzburg. You can enrol online, so you do not have to be on site or travel to Würzburg to do so.

Our lecturers are currently preparing the courses of the "hybrid semester": They will offer numerous digital teaching and learning opportunities. Smaller courses - such as laboratory courses or practical tutorials, smaller seminars or excursions - are planned as in-class lectures. This will enable direct contact with lecturers and teachers, with clarification of your questions, discussions about the online offers and questions that go far beyond that.

The combination of the wide range of digital teaching and learning formats with attendance classes will allow us to offer our students a complete range of courses in all subjects, while at the same time pursuing the necessary measures to protect the health of students and teachers.

Studying - as well as social life is influenced by Corona - but just as exciting and rewarding as before. The Julius-Maximilians-Universität is looking forward to welcome you.

On this page, you will find further informations as soon as possible.

