Dr. Christopher Schwan @ Particle Theory Seminar
05/06/2022Seminar Title: Fitting proton PDFs with EW corrections in NNPDF, Thursday 12 May 2022, 5:15 pm, Room: Physik West - SE 22.00.017 - Campus Nord
Dr. Christopher Schwan
Title: Fitting proton PDFs with EW corrections in NNPDF
Parton distribution functions (PDFs) are one of the key ingredients of perturbative predictions for processes involving hadrons, for instance the measurements performed at the LHC colliding protons. The determination of the proton PDFs is typically done by combining theoretical predictions and experimental measurements into a fit, from which the PDFs are extracted. While this is a well-known procedure and several PDF sets from different groups are available, the difficulty is to increase the accuracy and precision of them, which already today is a limiting factor in several analyses.
In this talk I'm going to first give an overview of how this fitting procedure works in the case of the neural-network PDF (NNPDF) set, and secondly talk about the inclusion of electroweak (EW) corrections into a PDF fit. EW corrections have been mostly neglected in PDF determinations, and the inclusion of them will increase the accuracy of PDFs.
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Time: 5:15 pm
Room: Physik West - SE 22.00.017
Von Karina Zink