"AGN feedback on Star formation"
Introductive lectures by Alexander Dolgov (INFN Ferrara)
more"Monte Carlo techniques and generators"
09/27/2010GK-Miniworkshop am DESY in Hamburg
moreSpecial Seminar by Dr. Pablo Araya Melo (Jacobs University Bremen) on October 4 at 2:00 pm
09/14/2010Radio Emission in the Cosmic Web
moreSpecial colloquium by Dave Thompson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in Greenbelt, Md, USA
08/19/2010Exploring the Extreme Universe with the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
more"Nicht-relativistische Naeherung der Dirac-Gleichung"
moreLepton flavor violating transitions and origin of neutrino mass
more"Matrix elements for the inclusive b -> s gamma decay at NNLO"
more"Three-body final states in dark matter annihilations and decays"
more"Analytical and numerical calculation of top-antitop-photon cross-sections; Analysis of the general top-antitop-photon-vertex"
more"Das Cluster-Decomposition-Prinzip"
more"Search for New Physics via rare B decays"
more"Analytische und numerische Berechnung von Top-Antitop-Photon Wirkungsquerschnitten"
more"Signals from the Cosmological Recombination Epoch"