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    Technische Physik

    KAIST-JMU Quantum Technology Joint Research Center

    The University of Würzburg has teamed up with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to strengthen ties and foster collaborative academic exchanges in research. On March 28, 2024, the "KAIST-JMU Quantum Technology Joint Research Center" was inaugurated in Würzburg.

    "International Joint Research on Chip-scale Scalable Quantum Light Sources and Photonic Integrated Circuit Technology Development" is the title of the research project that officially commenced on July 1, 2023. The project had been awarded funding by the National Research Council of Korea, totaling €320,000 over the course of the 5-year research period.

    To support and facilitate the program, a joint research center has been established at the Chair for Applied Physics of the University of Würzburg. Its primary goal is to fabricate and study quantum technology devices collaboratively, with the aim of generating scientific research outcomes. Additionally, annual joint workshops and reciprocal visits are scheduled to foster continuous engagement. Moreover, the program actively encourages researcher exchange within this collaborative framework.

    In October 2023, the principal investigators of the project, Prof. Dr. Yong-Hoon Cho (KAIST) and Prof. Dr. Sven Höfling (University of Würzburg), were invited to Brussels for the inauguration of the program, also attended by Dr. Jeongwon Lee, the director of the Korea-Europe Quantum Science Technology Cooperation Center (KE-QSTCC).

    On March 28, 2024, Prof. Dr. Yong-Hoon Cho and Dr. Jeongwon Lee, joined Prof. Dr. Björn Trauzettel, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, and Prof. Dr. Höfling, Head of the Chair for Applied Physics, at the University of Würzburg for the official opening ceremony of the “KAIST-JMU Quantum Technology Joint Research Center” and a subsequent lab tour through the Gottfried-Landwehr-Labor for Nanotechnology (GLLN).