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    Technische Physik

    Congratulations to Dr. Krishna Chand Maurya for receiving the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship by the European Union


    We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Krishna Chand Maurya has been granted the esteemed Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellowship by the European Union for his research proposal: ‘Dirac Photonic Metamaterial for Quantum Light Sources (DIRAQUM)’.

    Dr. Tobias Huber-Loyola (left), Dr. Krishna Chand Maurya (center) and Prof. Dr. Sven Höfling (right).

    We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Krishna Chand Maurya has been granted the esteemed Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellowship by the European Union for his research proposal: ‘Dirac Photonic Metamaterial for Quantum Light Sources (DIRAQUM)’. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are among Europe's most competitive and prestigious research fellowships. Dr. Maurya will undertake this project under the guidance of Dr. Tobias Huber-Loyola and Prof. Dr. Sven Höfling. We congratulate sincerely to this great achievement.

    DIRAQUM Project Overview: In the realm of quantum technology, the demand for more efficient and precise control of quantum states of light is rapidly growing. Dr. Maurya's research proposal, DIRAQUM, aims to develop a controlled and efficient single-photon source by integrating indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) quantum dots into Dirac photonic metamaterials. These metamaterials present a promising avenue for achieving high photon indistinguishability, efficient photon extraction, and tailored emission characteristics.

    Key Objectives:

    1. Design and Fabrication: Utilizing advanced electromagnetic simulation tools, we will design metamaterials with the desired Dirac cone-like dispersion relation. State-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques will then be employed for precise metamaterial fabrication.

    2. Integration of Quantum Dots: High-quality InGaAs quantum dots will be carefully selected and integrated into the metamaterials, harnessing the enhanced light-matter interactions offered by Dirac photonic metamaterials.

    3. Optical Characterization: An optical characterization setup will be used to investigate the optical properties of the integrated quantum dots, with a focus on improving photon extraction efficiency and quantifying photon indistinguishability through correlation measurements.

    Multidisciplinary Approach: The DIRAQUM project embodies a multidisciplinary approach, combining theoretical analysis, nanofabrication techniques, optical characterization, and quantum optics experiments. By leveraging expertise across these domains, Dr. Maurya aims to push the boundaries of photonic quantum information processing and quantum computing.

    For more information on the DIRAQUM project and Dr. Maurya's research endeavours, stay tuned for updates and developments.

    #QuantumTechnology #MSCAFellowship #DIRAQUM #Photonics #QuantumComputing #Metamaterial
