2025[ to top ]
kdotpy: k·p theory on a lattice for simulating semiconductor band structures. . In SciPost Physics Codebases. Stichting SciPost, 2025.
2024[ to top ]
Realizing efficient topological temporal pumping in electrical circuits. . In Physical Review Research, 6(2). American Physical Society (APS), 2024.
Diminishing topological Faraday effect in thin layer samples. . In Phys. Rev. Res., 6(1), p. 013068. American Physical Society, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
Efficient terahertz harmonic generation in topological metamaterials. . In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves ({IRMMW}-{THz}), pp. 1–2. 2023.
Fast low bias pulsed DC transport measurements for the investigation of low temperature transport effects in semiconductor devices. . In Journal of Applied Physics, 134(17), p. 175702. 2023.
Hyperbolic matter in electrical circuits with tunable complex phases. . In Nature Communications, 14(1), p. 622. 2023.
Giant THz Nonlinearity in Topological and Trivial HgTe-Based Heterostructures. . In ACS Photonics, 10(10), pp. 3708–3714. 2023.
Observation of cnoidal wave localization in nonlinear topolectric circuits. . In Physical Review Research, 5(1), p. L012041. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Simulating hyperbolic space on a circuit board. . In Nature Communications, 13(1), p. 4373. 2022.
Milliwatt terahertz harmonic generation from topological insulator metamaterials. . In Light: Science & Applications, 11(1), p. 315. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Topological Defect Engineering and \($\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}$\) Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Electrical Circuits. . In Physical Review Letters, 126(21), p. 215302. 2021.
Active topolectrical circuits. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(32), p. e2106411118. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
Efficiency of ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in Heusler compounds. . In Physical Review Research, 2(2), p. 023199. 2020.
Generalized bulk–boundary correspondence in non-Hermitian topolectrical circuits. . In Nature Physics, 16(7), pp. 747–750. 2020.
High-resolution resonance spin-flip Raman spectroscopy of pairs of manganese ions in a CdTe quantum well. . In Physical Review B, 101(24), p. 241301. 2020.
Reciprocal skin effect and its realization in a topolectrical circuit. . In Physical Review Research, 2(2), p. 023265. 2020.
Polarization-Assisted Vector Magnetometry with No Bias Field Using an Ensemble of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. . In Physical Review Applied, 14(1), p. 014055. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
Band structure engineering and reconstruction in electric circuit networks. . In Physical Review B, 99(16), p. 161114. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
Topolectrical Circuits. . In Communications Physics, 1(1), pp. 1–9. 2018.
Topolectrical-circuit realization of topological corner modes. . In Nature Physics, 14(9), pp. 925–929. 2018.
2016[ to top ]
Thermodynamic origin of the slow free exciton photoluminescence rise in GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 93(8), p. 081204. 2016.
NV-center diamond cantilevers: Extending the range of available fabrication methods. . In Microelectronic Engineering, 159, pp. 70–74. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Polytypism and band alignment in ZnSe nanowires revealed by photoluminescence spectroscopy of embedded ({Zn},{Cd})Se quantum dots. . In Physical Review B, 91(12), p. 125301. 2015.
Correct determination of low-temperature free-exciton diffusion profiles in GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 92(12), p. 121201. 2015.
Spatially Resolved Thermodynamics of the Partially Ionized Exciton Gas in GaAs. . In Physical Review Letters, 114(22), p. 227402. 2015.
Optical power-driven electron spin relaxation regime crossover in Mn-doped bulk GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 92(11), p. 115208. 2015.
Dimensional crossover of free exciton diffusion in etched GaAs wire structures. . In Applied Physics Letters, 107(12), p. 122106. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Exciton decay dynamics controlled by impurity occupation in strongly Mn-doped and partially compensated bulk GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 90(12), p. 125203. 2014.
Time and spatially resolved electron spin detection in semiconductor heterostructures by magneto-optical Kerr microscopy. . In physica status solidi (b), 251(9), pp. 1839–1849. 2014.
Removal of GaAs growth substrates from II–VI semiconductor heterostructures. . In Semiconductor Science and Technology, 29(4), p. 045016. 2014.
Excitonic ring formation in ultrapure bulk GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 90(20), p. 201305. 2014.
Hot electron spin diffusion in n-type GaAs. . In The European Physical Journal Plus, 129(6), p. 118. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
Hot carrier effects on lateral electron spin diffusion in \\($n\$\)-type GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 87(20), p. 205203. 2013.
Ultrafast supercontinuum fiber-laser based pump-probe scanning magneto-optical Kerr effect microscope for the investigation of electron spin dynamics in semiconductors at cryogenic temperatures with picosecond time and micrometer spatial resolution. . In Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(12), p. 123903. 2013.
Picosecond real-space imaging of electron spin diffusion in GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 88(19), p. 195202. 2013.
Hot carrier effects on the magneto-optical detection of electron spins in GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 88(8), p. 085303. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
Spatially resolved photocarrier energy relaxation in low-doped bulk GaAs. . In Physical Review B, 86(16), p. 161201. 2012.
2011[ to top ]
Induced magnetic anisotropy in lifted ({Ga},{Mn})As thin films. . In Applied Physics Letters, 98(23), p. 231903. 2011.
Nonthermal Photocoercivity Effect in Low‐Doped ({Ga},{Mn})As Ferromagnetic Semiconductor. . In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1399(1), pp. 741–742. 2011.
2009[ to top ]
Nonthermal Photocoercivity Effect in a Low-Doped ({Ga},{Mn})As Ferromagnetic Semiconductor. . In Physical Review Letters, 102(18), p. 187401. 2009.
2008[ to top ]
Suppression of Electron Spin Relaxation in Mn-Doped GaAs. . In Physical Review Letters, 101(7), p. 076602. 2008.
2007[ to top ]
Optical studies of structural and magnetic anisotropies in epitaxial CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots. . In physica status solidi c, 4(9), pp. 3324–3333. 2007.
Layer-by-layer growth and island formation in CdSe/ZnSe heteroepitaxy. . In Journal of Crystal Growth, 301-302, pp. 310–314. 2007.
CdSe/ZnSe heteroepitaxy: Aspects of growth and self organization of nanostructures. . In physica status solidi c, 4(9), pp. 3129–3149. 2007.
2006[ to top ]
Phonon replica fine structure in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots. . In Proc. 14th Int. Symp. „Nanostructures: Physics and Technology“, p. 269. 2006.
Optical anisotropy of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots. . In physica status solidi c, 3(4), pp. 912–915. 2006.
Comparative study of self-assembled CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots grown by variants of conventional MBE. . In physica status solidi c, 3(4), pp. 928–932. 2006.
Anomalous in-plane magneto-optical anisotropy of self-assembled quantum dots (N:PaT). . In Proc. 14th Int. Symp. „Nanostructures: Physics and Technology“, pp. 146–147. 2006.
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Nanosecond spin memory of electrons in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells. . In physica status solidi (b), 243(4), pp. 858–862. 2006.
Circular-to-Linear and Linear-to-Circular Conversion of Optical Polarization by Semiconductor Quantum Dots. . In Physical Review Letters, 96(2), p. 027402. 2006.
Anomalous in-plane magneto-optical anisotropy of self-assembled quantum dots. . In Phys. Rev. B, 74(4), p. 041301. American Physical Society, 2006.
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Formation mechanism and properties of CdSe quantum dots on ZnSe by low temperature epitaxy and in situ annealing. . In Applied Physics Letters, 89(4), p. 043102. 2006.
Optical spin pumping of modulation-doped electrons probed by a two-color Kerr rotation technique. . In Physical Review B, 74(7), p. 073407. 2006.
CdSe/ZnSe Quantum Dots Formed by Low Temperature Epitaxy and In-Situ Annealing: Properties and Growth Optimization. . In Acta Physica Polonica A, 108, p. 769. 2006.
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Energy relaxation in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots under the strong exciton-phonon coupling regime. . In physica status solidi c, 3(4), pp. 924–927. 2006.