PhD Defenses
PhD Defenses of GRK1147 students
Markus Zenk
On Numerical Methods for Astrophysical Applicatins
Pablo Gallego
A higher order method for hydrodynamic simulations with magnetic fields
Sebastian Ohlmann
Modeling the Common Envelope Phase in Binary Stellar Evolution
Alejandro Bolanos
Low Match Number Simulations of Convective Boundary Mixing in Classical Novae
Christian Pasold
QCD and electroweak NLO correction to W + Photon and Z + Photon production including leptonic decays
Stefan Weber
Simulation Studies on the New Small Wheel Shielding of the ATLAS Experiment and Design and Construction of a Test Facility for Gaseous Detectors
Manuel Krauß
Non-minimal supersymmetric models: LHC phenomenology and model discrimination
Manuel Schreyer
Search for supersymmetry in events containing light leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum in 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Patrick Kilian
Teilchenbeschleunigung an kollisionsfreien Schockfronten
Sonja Boyer
Morphologische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen von Supernova-Überresten
Jose Eliel Camargo
Vacuum stability of models with many scalars
Jason Tam
Search for Second Generation Scalar Leptoquarks using the ATLAS Detector
Mauricio Bustamante
Ultra-high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays from gamma-ray bursts: exploring and updating the connection
Stephan Richter
Detaillierte Simulationen von Blazar-Emissionen. Ein numerischer Zugang zu Radiobeobachtungen und Kurzzeitvariabilität
Alexander Summa
Modelling high-energy observables of supernova explosions
Martin Krauß
Testing Models with Higher Dimensional Effective Interactions at the LHC and Dark Matter Experiments
Philipp Baerwald
Neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts, and the multi-messenger connection
Fabian Bach
Charged Current Top Quark Couplings at the LHC
Stefan Rügamer
Multi-Wavelength Observations of the high-peaked BL Lacertae objects 1ES1011+496 and 1ES2344+514
Svenja Hümmer
Neutrinos aus photohadronischen Wechselwirkungen in kosmischen Beschleunigern
Jochen Meyer
Muon performance aspects and measurement of the inclusive ZZ production cross section through the four lepton final state with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC