05.02. Special seminar of Philipp Birken, Lund University, Sweden | on L2Roe, a low dissipation flux function for all Mach numbers
28.01. Special seminar by Christophe Berthon, Université de Nantes, France | on A Godunov-Type Solver for the numerical approximation of gravitational flows.
Mathematik Ost, Contact: C. Klingenberg
08.12. Special seminar of Wolfram Schmidt, University of Göttingen | on Turbulence in the Cosmic Web
06.-31.10. Special seminar of Gabriella Puppo, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria VARESE | on Fundamental diagrams of traffic flow: the case for heterogeneous kinetic models
22.-24.07. The RTG days 2014 in Samerberg
27.01. Guest for the day: Eric Sonnendrücker, Director Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics
Mathematik Ost, Contact: C. Klingenberg
10.-13.12. Lecture series on Nuclear and Nuclear Astrophysics by Christian Iliadis, University of North Carolina, USA
Seminar room 22.00.017 (Physik West)
- Tue, 10.12., 16:00-18:00
- Thu, 12.12., 14:00-16:00
Seminar room 31.00.017 (Physik Ost)
- Wed, 11.12., 16:00-18:00
- Thu, 12.12., 8:00-10:00
8.-13.12. Special seminar by Gabriella Puppo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy on Domain decomposition methods for multiscale flow
4.-13.12. Lecture series on Modern tools for collider predictions in QCD by Keith Ellis, Fermilab
- Wed, 4.12. - 4:00-6:00 pm (31.00.017)
- Thu, 5.12. - 2:00-4:00 pm (22.00.017)
- Fri, 6.12. - 2:00-4:00 pm (22.00.017)
- Fri, 13.12. - 2:00-4:00 pm (22.00.017)
- Mon, 16.12. - 13:00-15:00 am (22.00.017)
10.-12.09. Special seminar by Prof. Durga Prasad Roy, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India on SUSY Dark Matter in Universal and Nonuniversal Gaugino Mass Models
22.-25.07. The RTG days 2013 in Samerberg
08.-09.07. Lectures on Theory of Flavour physics and CP violation by Ulrich Nierste, KIT Karlsruhe
- Mo, 08.07.2013, 10:15-11:45
- Mo, 08.07.2013, 14:15-15:45
- Tu, 09.07.2013, 14:15-15:45
all 3 in SE 22.00.017, Physik West
19.-21.06. Lectures on Numerical Tensor Calculus by Wolfgang Hackbusch, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Leipzig
- Mi, 19.06.2013, 16:15 im SE 40, Mathematik Ost
- Do, 20.06.2013, 10:00 im SE 30, Mathematik West
- Fr, 21.06.2013, 10:00 im SE 30, Mathematik West
28.01.-01.02. Special seminar by Christophe Berthon, Université de Nantes, France, on Why many theories of shock waves are necessary - a numerical point of view
28.01.-01.02. Special seminar by Khota Murase, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, USA, on Probing supernovae and gamma-ray bursts with breakout/photospheric neutrinos
24.-26.07. The RTG days 2012 in Samerberg
27.09. Special seminar by Jason Koskinen, Penn State University, on Neutrinos at the South Pole
17.-23.06. Mathematics lectures by Knut Waagan, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- 18.06., 14:15 On nonlinear elasticity: how insight into their solutions leads to numerical schemes
- 21.06., 16:15 Simulating magnetohydrodynamic waves in a stratified atmosphere
18.05. Lecture by Nadine Even, Universität Heidelberg on Hydronamic limit for a Hamiltonian system to the Euler equations
05.-07.10. GK-Miniworkshop in Heidelberg: "Advanced Statistics"
02.-05.08. The RTG days 2011 in Samerberg
14.-22.07. Block course by Gottfried Kanbach, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Garching on High Energy Astrophysics
- Thu 14.07.2011, 9:00-11:00
- Fri 15.07.2011, 9:00-11:00
- Thu 21.07.2011, 9:00-11:00
- Fri 22.07.2011, 9:00-11:00
Room: building 31, seminar room 00.017
05.07. Special seminar by Debtosh Chowdhury, Indian Institute of Science, Bengalore, India, on Flavored Co-annihilations
06.-10.06. Two lectures by Sergio Pastor on Light neutrinos in cosmology
- Di, 07.06.2011, 10:00-12:00
- Mi, 08.06.2011, 10:30-12:30
03.-09.04. Lectures on Supersymmetry and Supergravity from Leonardo Castellani, Allessandria University, Italy
- Di, 05.04.2011, 11:00-12:00 Supersymmetry algebras
- Di, 05.04.2011, 13:00-14:00 Globally supersymmetric field theories
- Mi, 06.04.2011, 11:00-12:00 Supergravity
- Mi, 06.04.2011, 13:00-14:00 Extra dimensions
- Do, 07.04.2011, 13:00-14:00 Strings and branes
09.02.2011 Lecture on "MeV-Astrophysics" by Werner Collmar, MPE Garching
- 11:15 am Lecture
- 2:00 pm Practical exercises in COMPTEL analysis
02.02.2011 Special Seminar by Christoph Stephan, University of Potsdam Gravity, Torsion and the Spectral Action Principle
12.01.2011 Special Seminar by Maria Dainotti, University of Lodz A time: luminosity correlation for GRBs in the Xrays
10.-12.11.2010 introductive lectures by Alexander Dolgov, INFN Ferrara, on Baryogenesis, cosmic antimatter, and possibility of its observation
- Wed. 10 Nov., 11:15-13:15 am, Seminar room 4 SE4
- Fr. 12 Nov., 2:00-4:00 pm, seminar room 5 SE5
15.-16.10.2010 GK HEK 2010 Workshop High-Energy Universe im Toscanasaal der Residenz, Würzburg
30.09.2010 Special seminar! 3 new applicants introduce themselves: Fabian Bach, Martin Krauß and Alexander Summa
27.-29.09.2010 GK-Miniworkshop in Hamburg (DESY): MC techniques and generatorsProgramme
28.07. - 30.07.2010 The RTG days 2010, July 28-30 in Samerberg
23.07.2010 Sonderseminar von Dr. Knut Waagan (High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado, USA): Simulation of plasma flow in astrophysics
28.06.- 02.07.2010Lecture series by Dr. Claudio Dappiaggi (DESY): Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes
im Seminarraum 322 (Astronomie)
- Mo. 28. Juni, 13:00 - 14:30
- Di. 29. Juni, 10:00 - 11:30
- Mi. 30. Juni, 10:00 - 11:30
- Fr. 02. Juli, 10:00 - 11:30
19.-21.04.2010 GK-Miniworkshop in Bielefeld (Universität): Cosmological Backreaction
09.03. - 24.03.2010Lecture series by Prof. R. Keith Ellis, Fermilab
11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr, im Seminarraum 5
- Di. 09.03. The QCD parton model
- Mi. 10.03. Gamma matrices and Spinor products
- Do. 11.03. Applications of spinor products to tree graphs
- Fr. 12.03. Introduction to one-loop diagrams for QCD
- Mo. 22.03. Analytic techniques for one-loop diagrams
- Di. 23.03. Numerical Unitarity for one-loop diagrams
- Mi. 24.03. Numerical Unitarity in d-dimensions and phenomenological epilogue
03.11.2009 - 09.02.2010 Lecture series by Prof. Dr. Max Camenzind
Montags, 11:15 - 12:45, SE 322
- 11.01. Spectra and accretion states black holes: when are jets generated?
- 18.01. Magnetohydrodynamics of black holes
- 25.01. The magnetosphere of black holes and Blandford-Znajek process
- 01.02. Formation of relativistic jets around black holes
- 08.02. Formation of black holes in the early universe and gravitational waves from merging black holes
- 15.02. 5D gravity and black holes at LHC
Dienstags, 16:15 - 17:45, Oswald-Külpe HS, Röntgenring 12
- 12.01. Das Friedmann-Universum
- 26.01. Das Frühe Universum und die Bildung von Strukturen im expandierenden Universum
- 09.02. Von der Molekülwolke zu Sternen, Planeten und Leben
22.12.2009 Sonderseminar from Dr. Ulrich Langenfeld, Humboldt-Universität Berlin: Constraints on SUSY - Particles from Collider Physics and Cosmology, 15:00 Uhr, SE 322
18.12.2009 Special seminar from Prof. Leonardo Modesto (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada): Quantum space-time and black holes, 14:00 Uhr, SE 5
03.11.2009 - 09.02.2010 Lecture series by Prof. Dr. Max Camenzind
Montags, 11:15 - 12:45, SE 322
- 02.11. Introduction
- 09.11. Einstein's view of gravity
- 16.11. The Schwarzschild solution
- 23.11. The Kerr solution and its global properties
- 30.11. Planets, stars and photons around black holes
- 07.12. What we know about stellar black holes
- 14.12. Supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies
- 21.12. Cosmological distances and cosmological black holes
- 11.01. Spectra and accretion states black holes: when are jets generated?
- 18.01. Magnetohydrodynamics of black holes
- 25.01. The magnetosphere of black holes and Blandford-Znajek process
- 01.02. Formation of relativistic jets around black holes
- 08.02. Formation of black holes in the early universe and gravitational waves from merging black holes
- 15.02. 5D gravity and black holes at LHC
Dienstags, 16:15 - 17:45, Oswald-Külpe HS, Röntgenring 12
- 03.11. Eine Reise durchs Universum
- 24.11. Von der Mythologie zur Kosmologie - Die Entwicklung des Weltbildes der Astronomie
- 01.12. Galaxien - die Bausteine des Universums
- 15.12. Die Vermessung des Universums
- 12.01. Das Friedmann-Universum
- 26.01. Das Frühe Universum und die Bildung von Strukturen im expandierenden Universum
- 09.02. Von der Molekülwolke zu Sternen, Planeten und Leben
02.11.2009 Kick-off lecture Astrophysical black holes, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Advanced course from Prof. Dr. Max Camenzind, Röntgen-Gastprofessor
19.-31.10.2009 Lecture series by Prof. Paolo Aschieri, Facolta di Scienze M.F.N., Alessandria, Italien: Electromagnetism, Charge Quantization and Cohomology
- Mi 28.10.09, 13:00 Uhr, SE 4: Electromagnetism in Quantum Theory and Dirac Charge Quantization (Geometry of Electromagnetism: Line Bundles)
- Fr 30.10.09, 13:00 Uhr, SE 5: Observables: Wilson lines (a.k.a. Aharonov Bohm Effect) (Cohomologies)
- Mi 11.11.09, 13:00 SE 4 (t.b.c.): Strings and Higher Electromagnetism (Geometry of Higher Electromagnetism: Gerbes)
- Fr 13.11.09, 13:00 SE 5 (t.b.c.): Global Anomalies (Global Sections of Bundles and Gerbes)
15.10.2009 Special seminar from Prof. Tom Gaisser (Bartol Research Center, University of Delaware): Latest results from ICECUBE, 14:00 Uhr, SE 322
13.10.2009 Special seminar from Dr. Karol Kovarik (Grenoble): Nuclear Parton Distribution functions, 9:30 Uhr, SE 5
27.07.2009 The RTG days 2009, July 27-30 in Samerberg
13. 07.2009 Evaluation of the Research Training Group by the DFG. Talks by Werner Porod, Dominik Elsässer, Thomas Schutzmeier and Alexander Schenkel.
This semester: Reading group on algebraic quantum field theory (schedule)
21.10.2008 WS 08/09: Reading group on advanced general relativity (schedule)
28.09.2008 RTG mini workshop on the CMB, september 30th to october 2nd in Heidelberg
Open workshop on the fundamentals of the cosmic microwave background moderated by Matthias Bartelmann (University of Heidelberg) and the RTG members themselves
15.07.2008 The RTG days 2008, July 23-26 in Samerberg
with the 4th lecture on Cosmological inflation by William H. Kinney (University at Buffalo) and two lectures on SUSY Dark Matter by Sabine Kraml (University of Grenoble)
14.07.2008 Giovanna Maria Dainotti (La Sapienza Rome), working on GRBs, is visiting scientist from july 17th to july 23rd 2008 in Würzburg
Lectures on cosmological inflation by William H. Kinney (University at Buffalo)
Tuesday, july 15th 2008, 12:00 - 14:00 o'clock in Hörsaal P (1st part)
Tuesday, july 22th 2008, 11:00 - 13:00 o'clock in Hörsaal P (2nd part)
Tuesday, july 22th 2008, 14:00 - 16:00 o'clock in Hörsaal P (3rd part)
Lectures on mesons in gauge/gravity duality by Johanna Erdmenger (MPI Munich)
Thursday, june 19th 2008, 14:15 (s.t.) in Hörsaal P (1st part)
Friday, june 20th 2008, 9:30 (s.t.) in seminar room 5 (2nd part)
Friday, june 20th 2008, 13:00 (s.t.) in seminar room 5 (3rd part)
Friday, june 20th 2008, 14:30 (s.t.) in seminar room 5 (4th part)
10.06.2008 The RTG days 2008 will take place from Wednesday, july 23 to saturday, July 26
The meeting will again be held in Samerberg at the Hotel Duftbräu
09.10.2008 Imaging the Universe in VHE Gamma-Rays by Alexander Konopelko (Purdue University)
Monday, june 9th 2008, 12:00 in seminar room SE322
28.03.2008 Utility of a special second scalar doublet by Ernest Ma (UC Riverside)
Friday, march 28th 2008, 14:30 (s.t.) in Hörsaal 5
26.09.2007 The last RTG days have taken place in Samerberg from october 9 to october 12 of 2007. Please, find the timetable here.
02.08.2007 Seminar: New Signals of Extra Dimensions and Higgs at the LHC by Prof. S. Nandi (Oklahoma State University)
Friday, august 3rd 2007, 13:30 (s.t.) in seminar room 5
13.07.2007 Supersymmetry: Theory, Phenomology and Cosmology by Prof. Murayama (UC Berkeley)
Slides are available: Lecture 1: Standard Model, Lecture 2: MSSM, Lecture 3: SUSY Breaking, Lecture 4: Collider Searches, and Lecture 5: Dark Stuff.