Deutsch Intern
  • Studierende forschen und experimentieren am Freitag (02.06.17) an der Fakultät für Physik am Campus Süd der Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg.
Experimentelle Physik II



  • K. von Bergmann, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Magnetism of iron on tungsten (001) studied by spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 70, 174455 (2004)  (free PDF)
  • E.Y. Vedmedenko, A. Kubetzka, K. von Bergmann, O. Pietzsch, M. Bode, J. Kirschner, H.P. Oepen, and R. Wiesendanger:  Domain wall orientation in nanostructures: anisotropy in the exchange interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 077207 (2004)  (free PDF)
  • O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Recent Advances in Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, Appl. Phys. A 78, 781 (2004)
  • R. Wiesendanger, M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Morgenstern, A. Wachowiak, and J. Wiebe:  Fundamental studies of magnetism down to the atomic scale: present status and future perspectives of spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272-276, 2115 (2004)
  • M. Bode, A. Wachowiak, J. Wiebe, A. Kubetzka, M. Morgenstern, and R. Wiesendanger:  Thickness-dependent magnetization states of Fe islands on W(110): From single domain to vortex and diamond patterns, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 948 (2004)
  • K. von Bermann, M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, M. Heide, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger:  Spin-polarized electron scattering at single oxygen adsorbates on a magnetic surface, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 046801 (2004)  (free PDF)


  • R. Ravlic, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Correlation of structural and local electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Cr(001) studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 15, S2513 (2003)
  • M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, S. Heinze, O. Pietzsch, R. Wiesendanger, X. Nie, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel:  Spin-orbit induced local band structure variations revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 15, S679 (2003)
  • A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Determining the spin-polarization of surfaces by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. A 76, 873 (2003)
  • T. Kawagoe, Y. Suzuki, M. Bode, and K. Koike:  Evidence of a topological antiferromagnetic order on ultrathin Cr(001) film surface studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 6575 (2003)
  • R. Ravlic, M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, and R. Wiesendanger:  Correlation of dislocation and domain structure of Cr(001) investigated by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, Phys. Rev. B 67, 174411 (2003)  (free PDF)
  • A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy study of 360° walls in an external magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 67, 020401 (2003)  (free PDF)


  • M. Bode, S. Heinze, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Hennefarth, M. Getzlaff, R. Wiesendanger, X. Nie, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel:  Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of a Mn monolayer on W(110), Phys. Rev. B 66, 014425 (2002)  (free PDF)
  • A. Wachowiak, J. Wiebe, M. Bode, O. Pietzsch, M. Morgenstern, and R. Wiesendanger:  Direct observation of internal spin structure of magnetic vortex cores, Science 298, 577 (2002)
  • M. Kleiber, M. Bode, R. Ravlic, N. Tezuka and R. Wiesendanger:  Magnetic properties of the Cr(001) surface studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 240, 64 (2002)
  • M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, and R. Wiesendanger:  Spin-resolved spectro-microscopy of magnetic nanowire arrays, Surf. Sci. 514, 135 (2002)
  • M. Bode, S. Heinze, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, X. Nie, G. Bihlmayer, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger:  Magnetization-direction dependent local electronic structure probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 237205 (2002)  (free PDF)


  • A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Magnetism of nanoscale Fe islands studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 63, 140407 (2001)  (free PDF)
  • O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Observation of magnetic hysteresis at the nano-scale by spin polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Science 292, 2053 (2001)
  • M. Bode, O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, and R. Wiesendanger: Spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy on Fe-nanowires, Appl. Phys. A 72, S149 (2001)
  • B. Susla, M. Bode, B.V. Veal, M. Kaminski, and W. Sadowski:  Nanostructural investigations of layered compounds by scanning probe methods, Mol. Phys. Rep. 34, 148 (2001)
  • M. Getzlaff, M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, and R. Wiesendanger:  Spin-dependent tunneling effects on magnetic nanostructures, Chinese Phys. 10, S186 (2001)


  • O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  A low-temperature UHV scanning tunneling microscope with a split-coil magnet and a rotary motion stepper motor for high spatial resolution studies of surface magnetism, Rev. Sci. Instr. 71, 424 (2000)
  • O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger:  Real-space observation of dipolar antiferromagnetism in magnetic nanowires by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5212 (2000)  (free PDF)
  • S. Heinze, M. Bode, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, X. Nie, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger:  Real-space imaging of two-dimensional antiferromagnetism on the atomic scale Science 288, 1805 (2000)
  • S.A. Nepijko, M. Getzlaff, R. Pascal, Ch. Zarnitz, M. Bode and R. Wiesendanger:  Lattice relaxation of Gd on W(110), Surf. Sci. 466, 89 (2000)
  • M. Kleiber, M. Bode, R. Ravlic, and R. Wiesendanger:  Topology-induced spin frustrations at the Cr(001) surface studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4606 (2000)  (free PDF)

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