Bachelor- und Masterarbeitsthemen
Aktuell angebotene Themen für studentische Abschlussarbeiten (BSc und MSc):
NEW! Neutron Star Merger Remnants in the Solar Neighbourhood
NEW! Freeze-in, Freeze-out: Thermal Relic Cross Section for MeV Dark Matter
NEW! Probing the Variability of SgrA*
NEW! Observing relativistic Jets with ngVLA and the Wetterstein Millimeter Telescope
NEW! Accelerating black hole simulations with AI
NEW! Cosmic-Ray Spallation and Excitation (BSc, MSc)
NEW! Modelling the time variable horizon-scale structure of M87*
NEW! Modelling the 3D structure of relativistic jets
NEW! Long-Wavelength Radio Astronomy with the International LOFAR Telescope
Search for Positronium Recombination Lines with the Effelsberg 100m Radio Telescope (BSc)
Calculation of the Electron-Positron Paar Production Rate from the Cosmic Photon Background (BSc, MSc)
Determining the Contribution of Massive Stars and Classical Novae to the Radioactive Isotope Al-26 (BSc)
Measuring Gamma-Rays and Simulating the Surroundings at the Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus at the Zugspitze (MSc)
Search for High-Energy Emission from Axions in the Massive Star Betelgeuse (BSc, MSc)
NEW! Retrospective Search for X- and Gamma-Ray Signals from Fast Radio Bursts (BSc)
NEW! TELAMON: Monitoring of AGN Jets with Very-High-Energy Astroparticle Emission
NEW! VLBI Observations of Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
NEW! Large-Sized-Telescope on La Palma: Condition Monitor