  • "Eta-Catarina-Nebula"

Sean Penny

Bachelor Student

Building: 31 (Physik Ost)

Goal: Calculating the pair production of the cosmic photon background with itself

Methods: Analytic calculations, model comparison, line-of-sight integration

Developing a blackbody decomposition of the Cosmic Photon Background (CPB) to calculate the positron production by the CPB interacting with itself via the linear Breit-Wheeler process. Then analysing how the spectral positron yield diffuses and loses energy in the Intergalactic medium (IGM).
Further, determining how positrons thermalized in the IGM annihilate with free electrons to produce 511 keV photons and their contribution towards the total 511 flux of the Milky Way.

Spectral positron yield of the CPB interacting with itself