Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Würzburg Seminar on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity

Page curve-like behavior in an exactly solvable model
Datum: 25.06.2024, 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr
Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik III
Vortragende: Stefan Kehrein

The entanglement entropy of black holes is expected to follow the Page curve. After an initial
linear increase with time the entanglement entropy should reach a maximum at the Page time and
then decrease. This paper introduces an exactly solvable model of free fermions that explicitly
shows such a Page curve: The entanglement entropy vanishes asymptotically for late times instead
of saturating at a volume law. The bending down of the Page curve is accompanied by a breakdown
of the semiclassical connection between particle current and entanglement generation, a quantum
phase transition in the entanglement Hamiltonian and non-analytic behavior of the q -> infinity Renyi
entropy. These observations are expected to hold for a larger class of systems beyond the exactly
solvable model analyzed in my talk.
